Tottenham Riot

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Look at this

Can anyone honestly say they wouldn't like this scum thought a serious lesson by the police? These people have no place in society, and deserve to be dealt with harshly. Police should be granted the freedom and authority to fight back knowing they won't be harshly dealt with.
I'm all for proactive community projects for young people, I could of done with some for myself in my youth not so long ago, but I'm afraid (as we're seeing in the global markets), cuts were absoloutely necessary, and to argue one group of people, whether young and in London, or elderly in Scunthorpe have an exclusive right to public finance in these times is not only naive but a bit insulting of people's intelligence.

Last night looked like a paramilitary training ground for looters and yobs, I think even the Labourites would have to admit this was more than just 'street crime'. (Their government pushed this terminolgy of course). The verocity with which windows were smashed and the pace of these youngsters, moreover the intent with which they were carrying out their actions tells me this could get very serious, even more so than now.

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I see that creaky old ranter Darcus Howe (greeted as Marcus Dow by the Beeb's presenter) was hauled out to spout some bollocks about how often his grandson was stopped by police to be searched. Actually, since 7/7, there has been a distinct tilt towards being tougher in searching Asian or Asian-looking men, particularly at airports, but that's not unexpected as a response to the bomb atrocities.

This is what happens when political correctness - mostly in an ill-advised attempt to never be accused of 'racism' - ties the hands of the Police. But it's surely also what one can look forward to more of when the 'feral' kids of a few years ago grow up to become teenaged sociopaths, with no moral compass, no sense of community, no further ambition other than to load themselves with whatever they can grab. It was described just now as extreme late-night shopping, and it has no more basis in political or societal rebellion than me being the Pope. It's just out of control youngsters whose parents or parent have not set them right early in their lives. Maybe the majority do come from dysfunctional homes and maybe the majority are black or of mixed race, but there are enough whiteys in the mix to give the lie to a purely black upswelling of resentment.

As for their moral compass - one guy is seen helping what appears to be a young Chinese man to his feet, whose nose is bleeding profusely. Three or four 'concerned' youngsters also gather round him, while a large white bastid ransacks his rucksack, and goes off cockily chucking what he doesn't want to the ground and examining what's probably the injured guy's mobile or tablet. Result! Such a super young person for Britain's future.

Everyone is so against bringing in the Army. Oh, it's stretched to the max in Afghanistan. Well, I bloody well hope it isn't, because if things really kick off, total anarchy would reign. And thinking of Afghanistan, how the Taliban must be laughing its sandals off. And how extremist Islamist cells in the UK must be putting the Semtex on hold for now, while sniggering British boys do the wrecking for them.
16,000 cops in London tonight and all leave cancelled. So they do exist when there's a crisis - what a shame that the decision to take them off the beat and put them behind piles of form-filling and triple-copying every report probably resulted in them not having the ear to the ground that old-timers used to have.

Perhaps this government, unlike the last, will realise that you can't rely on CCTVs in lieu of real, live people who engaged daily with their locals at all levels - from shopkeepers, publicans, restaurant and cafe owners, schools, and home owners. It might be old-fashioned policing, but it used to work, and it should come back. "Community policing" didn't work because the status was regarded with derision. Proper bobbies on the beat, all day and into the evening, with night patrols by car. I have not seen a copper apart from the last week, when they were pulling over cars on the A23. Motorist-bashing is their main sport, it seems - keeping a handle on their communities is definitely not.

If there are some 200-400 young men without "hope of ever having jobs" then I have a plan for them. They are sentenced to five years' service in the armed forces, even if it's five years of sweeping barracks floors and peeling spuds. They could learn some useful skills, even if it was housework, so they could help their Mums when they were sent home.
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When the Watts riots kicked off in America, Asian shopkeepers - particularly the Vietnamese - armed themselves with shotties and threatened the bastards with the death of a thousand pellets. They soon scarpered and went on to molest other businesses.

I get the feeling that the Met is just letting this take hold so that they can claim they're already undermanned, and that any cuts to their numbers in future could lead to the whole country being taken over by roaming gangs of pillaging youths. In other words, let's frighten everyone to death with this and we won't have our numbers reduced.

Person after person interviewed by the Beeb tonight is saying that the police just weren't there when places were set on fire, as if they were quite deliberately not responding to the rampage.

Very cynical view surely, given the apparent gravity of the situation. The spontaneity of the looting seem to have stretched police resources to the limits.

Don't think I would be too quick to blame this on multi-cultural/racial tensions (certainly bears no comparison to the Watts riots, which were far more severe than anything seen so far in London); seems more like a bunch of bored school-kids on the rampage on their summer holidays. If the police panic and show up tonight and start mowing people down with tear gas or even rubber bullets they (and the government) will have utterly failed their most serious test in a long time.
So the main areas of unrest, that happen to be most closely associated with the black community. Tottenham, Hackney, Peckham etc, just a coincedence then?
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More than a coincidence. But only if you conveniently exclude areas like Clapham, Wandsworth, Croydon - all of which were apparently at the heart of the trouble last night.
For reasons of accuracy I would point out that there are large black communities in or close by all those areas you mention. For the sake of balance there were many, many of the yobs that were white.
Thanks for putting me right on that fellas. I'm in the North watching the telle I can only go on what I see.
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I haven't pointed to it being an 'all black' issue at all, in spite of the BBC dragging in an old black hasbeen rabble-rouser, but yes, I feel the Met is worthy of a great deal of cynicism right now. True, it's in a transitional period at the top, but that wouldn't excuse the inability to call in bigger numbers within a short space of time and to think on their feet, in the way military-trained personnel would respond to 'fluid' circumstances. They seem to have a set approach and don't seem to be capable of thinking outside that box. When residents say they saw rampaging, vandalism and arson and the police didn't respond for up to an hour, then I'd say they are not capable of protecting public property or even, perhaps, the public. Let's hope to God that everyone caught in the flat fires above the shops got out, and that no bodies will be found. If there aren't, and we must all hope there aren't any, it's bloody good luck, since there appeared to be no-one from the police or fire service there to help them.

Sorry, but if this is the best response to an emergency situation the police can muster, I think their competence to protect the public has to be questioned. The international perception has to be one of chaos, disorder, and the successful rule of the mob.

The issue of public safety during the Olympics is rightly raised. If we're already bleating that we don't have enough police now, and that military support (even low key crowd control help) is not available, and that fire services wouldn't get to blazes if they were 'too dangerous', then would you seriously want your young family to visit the place?
More than a coincidence. But only if you conveniently exclude areas like Clapham, Wandsworth, Croydon - all of which were apparently at the heart of the trouble last night.

Not to mention incredibly white Ealing! Nothing to do with colour, you only need to flick through the pictures on all the news media sites to see that it is all colours behaving like scum.

Fantastic reports of Turkish shopkeepers in Dalston and Stoke Newington coming out in numbers to confront and chase away the thugs.

The police are using rubber bullets tonight.
Yep, just seen it. "Considering". Not sure if it's a scare tactic. Hopefully it is. The Met aren't very good shots.
Never thought I'd condone such heavy handed tactics on the streets of the UK but I find myself condoning most things as it stands.

The best way to scare the buggers would be to chuck out loaves of sliced bread into the street - the "incoming" would be a terrifying sight: hundreds of shrieking gulls and their squealing fledglings, all the size of small Stukas, divebombing for the grub.
Theresa May: "... we believe in policing by consent... "

"Ah, good morning, and salaam u-layqqum, Mrs Sharif."

"What you want? My husband not home."

"We just wondered if you'd very kindly give your consent to us having a little look at Saddiq's room? We found some videos of him during your family holiday in Lahore which are a teensy bit of concern to us. You know, posing with RPGs, a couple of Kalashnikovs, wearing an "I Love the Taliban" headband, that sort of thing."

"No. Not come in."

"Oh? Oh, that's a bit disappointing. Never mind. We'll just leave these leaflets about Safer Streets, then. They're in Urdu and English. Sorry to bother you."
More than a coincidence. But only if you conveniently exclude areas like Clapham, Wandsworth, Croydon - all of which were apparently at the heart of the trouble last night.

I'm not sure I understand you - are you saying Wandsworth isn't predominantly a black area?