Trump vs Harris

There's nothing quite like people's intolerance to opposing views on, especially, politics and religion to spark comments we wouldn't normally make in the course of a face to face conversation but there is one aspect of the argument I would like to comment on.

I don't think it is at all creepy for an adult to recognise that a chid is 'pretty' (or handsome, were it a boy). I've often heard the phrase, "(S)he is going to break hearts when (s)he is older." It's a compliment parents are often happy to hear said about their child. I don't think anybody making that kind of comment is harbouring untoward intentions.

Given Trump's history where women/girls are concerned and the company he's known to have kept, though, it isn't much of a stretch of the imagination to worry about what might be on his mind.
The side the media don't want you to see:
I think that this thread has gone so far off topic and turned into a free for all slanging match that it is untrue and to be honest I cannot beleive that the powers to be have not stepped in :mad:
I think that this thread has gone so far off topic and turned into a free for all slanging match that it is untrue and to be honest I cannot beleive that the powers to be have not stepped in :mad:
I cannot beleive that "the powers to be" have not stepped in'''''''''''''''''That would be clever :D
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Kamala is showing some bottle as she could be putting everything on the line by agreeing to a sit down with Fox New's Bret Baier.

If she can go 30 minutes without a word salad I for one will be shocked
Biden won the election because a vast amount of Americans like you are as dumb and believe the vile rhetoric the media spout out every day. It all started when Trump said " They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people" and the media change it to Trump said all Mexicans are rapist and you are so dumb you believed them. now he's a pedo because he said a young girl was pretty. Imbd ran an article the top 100 young actresses in your twisted mind I suppose that means they and 100,000 's who read it and agree ore all pedos or does that only apply to Trump ?. you have a horrible outlook in like and if you think your buddy is a great guy because he posts insinuations the fellow posters are pedos is cool that tells me all I need to know about your sick mind. you two should get a room together.
I assume you had had a few when posting that, if not, I recommend you take the dementia test yourself chap. It is probably one of the best word salads I have ever read on here. You can do better than this Tanlic when sober, surely?
The arse just fell out of any chance Kamala Harris had of winning this election.

In her interview with Bret Baier she went off at the pace of a demented parrot to waste time and limit the questions that could be asked. Never answered one of them and blamed Trump for everything despite the fact her and Biden were the ones in charge for the last 4 years.

The reaction from the bookmakers was instant as they immediately cut Trump from 4/6 to 8/13 favourite write across the boards