Trump vs Harris

I wouldn't let you Trump or any adult male babysit my 14 year old daughter. Dems make mountains out of molehills.. Trump cracked Joke about a very pretty 10;year old saying he could be dating her in 10 years and the sick bastard twisted it saying he was a pedo. They say he raped E Jean Carroll 30 years ago s woman who went into a changing room alone and willingly with him True or false 30 years ago is time to forgive and forget if there ever was anything to forgive and forget. Trump has done hundreds of good deeds since he goes off and helps people with little or no publicity..they call him a racist with knowing what the word means... Jews are subject to racism everyday..Trump daughter is a Jew ffs..
He sent his own plane at his own cost to fly Nelson Mandela after his release, housed a black woman in need in Trump Tower free of charge..stood by Mike Tyson when everyone else wrote him off. He has been saying the same thing for 25. years how he hates other countries ripping the UK off...ask much did Germany eg send the USA to help with the recent hurricane disaster and who was first on the scene along with Elon Musk...Donald J Trump
Right, you think it’s acceptable to be cracking jokes about dating a girl of 10, in 10 years time? And ffs, YOU just referred to her as “very pretty”.

He was the first to turn up at the hurricane scene, for one reason only so that he could spread lies that the federal government was only paying victims 750 dollars each.

And you think that someone who has been raped should forgive the rapist, because it was 30 years ago.

Yes. You’re excellent Trump material.
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Has anyone watched the programme about how he treated the local people in Scotland when he built his golf course there? As for the things he says about girls and women I’m still disgusted by the way he eluded to a woman reporter being on her period when she asked him a question at a press conference. I heard it with my own ears and it wasn’t all that long ago ( even I can excuse some comments about women that were made in the years when it was acceptable for men to speak about women in a creepy way: although it was wrong many men did it: things have moved on now thankfully but Trump hasn’t).
I read that Mandela couldn't find a plane for his US anti-apartheid tour and Trump did indeed step in.......and charged him $130000 to charter it. Business is business.
Yep, $130,000.

Some “benefactor”.
The Trump derangement syndrome invention was created by Trump fans who couldn't handle the fact their hero was a liar and paedophile who mixed with, and was one of his besties, one of the vilest creatures seen in the last 50 years. I always find it funny that the same people seem to hate Prince Andrew for mixing with the same piece of turd, rightly so. Andrew is now viewed as guilty by association, but Trump gets a free pass. Strange that seeing as Trump even fancies his own daughter never mind other people's.

People who try and compare politicians with others as being similar, and tar them with same brush, is fair enough, but, some are bigger scumbags than others when it comes to the type of lowlife that Trump is. He is not a normal politician, he is not a normal human being. He is a vile man, and those that support him, and try and make out he is any way normal, need to have a real good look at themselves.

To any Trump fan.............. would you let him babysit your 14 year old daughter???? Anyone who says yes to that needs serious help. Look at who his best friend was, and why he mixed with him.
The same supporters who have witnessed one allegation after another fail? From Russia Russia Russia to crickets from the media after it was totally proven as made up lies? The same supporters who witnessed case after case thrown out? The same supporters who witnessed the over 50 secret service guys sign a document stating that the Hunter laptop was fake Russian propaganda then it was proven to be real yet no prosecution of child porn and all of the corruption?
Even Joes daughter wrote in her diary that Joe loved jumping in the shower with her as a child and that she was violated.
Maybe the same supporters who recently witnessed this case get thrown out without any media reporting and them begging not to be prosecuted for bring the baseless prosecution?
And what do you think is the betting that the sexual assault case gets over turned? And the only excuse given for Joe having illigal material in his unlocked garage was that he was too old to be prosecuted and Trump as president had not broke the law because he was president.

I am no Trump supporter but any reasonable thinker can see injustice when it is staring them in the face.
Yeah that derangement.

And if this does not get hushed up then the election could be over. Even the Me Too movement supported by the top "stars" and politicians agree that child sexual abuse allegations should be heard.

So, Geordie Colin, you’re “no Trump supporter”? That’s a shitload of anti-Democrat propaganda you’ve unloaded there.

Is any of it true, do you know?
Do you have trouble reading receipts?
To your mind is anyone who criticises the Democrats automatically a Republican because your above post gives that impression.
How blinkered
The “receipts” are anything but. They are rebuttals from Trump loons. However, even you won’t deny that Trump is a convicted felon 34 times over, with an insurrection charge pending.

I find it very unlikely that you are “no Trump supporter”. I understand how it works, people who hate the Democrats and “communists” become Trump supporters by default.
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The “receipts” are anything but. They are rebuttals from Trump loons. However, even you won’t deny that Trump is a convicted felon 34 times over, with an insurrection charge pending.

I find it very unlikely that you are “no Trump supporter”. I understand how it works, people who hate the Democrats and “communists become Trump supporters by default.
So judges are loons and evidence is only evidence if it supports your narrative?
Jan 6th was a total set up

The police even assisted them in.

There is a lot of video evidence available now to prove it was a set up.

But ignorance is bliss
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The police did not assist them in. The police opened those gates so that his supporters could hear Trump’s speech, before they charged Capitol Hill 🙄.

But you Trump supporters will believe anything.
The police did not assist them in. The police opened those gates so that his supporters could hear Trump’s speech, before they charged Capitol Hill 🙄.

But you Trump supporters will believe anything.
The internet is littered with proof that it was planned and staged if you care to look. And history will prove it.
I am no Trump supporter. But I do believe in justice
Proof, my arse. Manipulated images and videos taken out of context. You’re all liars.
You are one sick dare you insinuate anything untoward about me saying a young girl can be very pretty. Being a father my daughter when going to the school dance in her little dress with the giant bow looked very pretty most kids are you sick mother fucking piece of shit. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
You are one sick dare you insinuate anything untoward about me saying a young girl can be very pretty. Being a father my daughter when going to the school dance in her little dress with the giant bow looked very pretty most kids are you sick mother fucking piece of shit. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Listen, pal, you do not - as a grown man - call a 10-year-old girl you don’t know and have only seen on tv “very pretty”.

Now, go away.
You are one sick dare you insinuate anything untoward about me saying a young girl can be very pretty. Being a father my daughter when going to the school dance in her little dress with the giant bow looked very pretty most kids are you sick mother fucking piece of shit. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
You are the typical Trump/Farage reactionist when challenged. Inventing stuff that wasn't said because you are trying to defend a paedo in this instance. There must be a factory producing you types. The man fancies his own daughter ffs, he mixed with and was best friends with, one of the biggest paedo's in the last 50 years? Hello?. You would let him babysit your 14 year old daughter? Really? Just picture how the right wing press would view Starmer with Trump's history???? FFS, we would be having front pages for the next 10 years on the Daily thickie reader Mail.

As for Len, he is one of the fairest people on here. Calling him sick is what makes you a special kind of tw^t. When I was in the wrong re Roger, Len made that clear I was wrong, he never held back. He was right, along with many others on here. I made the biggest error ever on this forum. But you know what? when I came back on here he was a decent man to make me welcome, again, as were many others, even though he and they knew I had made a tw^t of myself.

Your problem is that you are a total tw^t and can't face it. Most really big tw^ts can't do that and then admit it.

Len is ten times the person you are Tanlic. In fact, Len wouldn't want a fool like you wanting to like him. I find you an utterly repugnant creature to be fair, and at this point I don't want to fall out with anyone else again on here, but I will make an exception with you chap. Get some help, you are nuts or just as thick as sh^t just like all Trump supporters.
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Biden won the election because a vast amount of Americans like you are as dumb and believe the vile rhetoric the media spout out every day. It all started when Trump said " They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people" and the media change it to Trump said all Mexicans are rapist and you are so dumb you believed them. now he's a pedo because he said a young girl was pretty. Imbd ran an article the top 100 young actresses in your twisted mind I suppose that means they and 100,000 's who read it and agree ore all pedos or does that only apply to Trump ?. you have a horrible outlook in like and if you think your buddy is a great guy because he posts insinuations the fellow posters are pedos is cool that tells me all I need to know about your sick mind. you two should get a room together.
You are the typical Trump/Farage reactionist when challenged. Inventing stuff that wasn't said because you are trying to defend a paedo in this instance. There must be a factory producing you types. The man fancies his own daughter ffs, he mixed with and was best friends with, one of the biggest paedo's in the last 50 years? Hello?. You would let him babysit your 14 year old daughter? Really? Just picture how the right wing press would view Starmer with Trump's history???? FFS, we would be having front pages for the next 10 years on the Daily thickie reader Mail.

As for Len, he is one of the fairest people on here. Calling him sick is what makes you a special kind of tw^t. When I was in the wrong re Roger, Len made that clear I was wrong, he never held back. He was right, along with many others on here. I made the biggest error ever on this forum. But you know what? when I came back on here he was a decent man to make me welcome, again, as were many others, even though he and they knew I had made a tw^t of myself.

Your problem is that you are a total tw^t and can't face it. Most really big tw^ts can't do that and then admit it.

Len is ten times the person you are Tanlic. In fact, Len wouldn't want a fool like you wanting to like him. I find you an utterly repugnant creature to be fair, and at this point I don't want to fall out with anyone else again on here, but I will make an exception with you chap. Get some help, you are nuts or just as thick as sh^t just like all Trump supporters.
Thank you, that’s very kind of you to say so, EC.

Sometimes it’s better to ignore people like Tanlic, but you cannot leave his misinformed nonsense and bile unchallenged. That said, on a purely horsey level, I enjoy reading Tanlic’s studied input.

And it’s good that you’re back, EC - it takes a proper person to admit, apologise and learn from their mistakes. Snippets like the body language thread are absolute gold. The problem is I can never get my money on quick enough at the start, after the jock has had a good look round!
Biden won the election because a vast amount of Americans like you are as dumb and believe the vile rhetoric the media spout out every day. It all started when Trump said " They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people" and the media change it to Trump said all Mexicans are rapist and you are so dumb you believed them. now he's a pedo because he said a young girl was pretty. Imbd ran an article the top 100 young actresses in your twisted mind I suppose that means they and 100,000 's who read it and agree ore all pedos or does that only apply to Trump ?. you have a horrible outlook in like and if you think your buddy is a great guy because he posts insinuations the fellow posters are pedos is cool that tells me all I need to know about your sick mind. you two should get a room together.
There's nothing quite like people's intolerance to opposing views on, especially, politics and religion to spark comments we wouldn't normally make in the course of a face to face conversation but there is one aspect of the argument I would like to comment on.

I don't think it is at all creepy for an adult to recognise that a chid is 'pretty' (or handsome, were it a boy). I've often heard the phrase, "(S)he is going to break hearts when (s)he is older." It's a compliment parents are often happy to hear said about their child. I don't think anybody making that kind of comment is harbouring untoward intentions.

Given Trump's history where women/girls are concerned and the company he's known to have kept, though, it isn't much of a stretch of the imagination to worry about what might be on his mind.
There's nothing quite like people's intolerance to opposing views on, especially, politics and religion to spark comments we wouldn't normally make in the course of a face to face conversation but there is one aspect of the argument I would like to comment on.

I don't think it is at all creepy for an adult to recognise that a chid is 'pretty' (or handsome, were it a boy). I've often heard the phrase, "(S)he is going to break hearts when (s)he is older." It's a compliment parents are often happy to hear said about their child. I don't think anybody making that kind of comment is harbouring untoward intentions.

Given Trump's history where women/girls are concerned and the company he's known to have kept, though, it isn't much of a stretch of the imagination to worry about what might be on his mind.
Sorry, DO, I disagree with you. I just wouldn’t point at a tv screen and refer to a 10-yo girl as “very pretty”. There are far too many blurred lines, in that scenario.

I think it’s an age thing, too. A very young girl - maybe 2-5 - it’s possibly acceptable. But you’d be saying the “break a few hearts” comment to a friend or family member. No way are you saying that out loud, when you don’t know that girl.
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