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TV coverage

In Saturday's Post, Richard Hughes paid this tribute to Clare Balding: "As a jockey I was interviewed by Clare on numerous occasions and never once regretted it. When she would ask you for an interview she would run through with you beforehand the subjects she wanted to talk about, to ensure you were not surprised or left to look stupid. She never once tried to stitch me up by asking a question I couldn't have expected."

Therein lies a huge problem in the current media coverage of racing. I wouldn't have thought that anybody wants a jockey (or trainer or owner or bookmaker) to "look stupid" but surely an interviewer or journalist is there to ask questions on behalf the viewer/reader and this must surely require the asking of questions from time to time which are unexpected and which do take the interviewee by surprise. As it is, the question isn't asked because if it is the request for an interview will likely be refused on the next occasion.

That afternoon on C4 there was a vivid illustration of what we're talking about. Within minutes of Nick Luck reading out the very interesting and potentially sensational Press release about unauthorised medication being found in the Ascot stables. Emma Ramsden found herself interviewing one of the named trainers, Hugo Palmer. A golden opportunity, it might have been thought, for the trainer to be asked to comment but the issue was never raised and instead we got a few of the usual pre-race "he's well, we're hopeful, it's a tough race" comments about Galileo Gold. As things have turned out, it doesn't seem to have been as big a story as might have been the case and it may well be that Ramsden is glad she didn't bring it up in view of Palmer's churlish comments to The Guardian's Chris Cook on Monday: "...I accept we’ve broken the letter of the law and will be fined. We’re putting procedures in place at home to make sure it doesn’t happen again. But I do think there is a wider point and the question needs to be asked, why the BHA feel it’s appropriate to go through a massive spot check of every trainer’s bags on racing’s biggest day, as if they were looking to make an example of people. I just wish they would take their finger off the self-destruct button." So, Palmer's response to being discovered breaking the rules is to complain about the fact he's been discovered breaking the rules and Ramsden may well feel she's dodged a bullet as the odds are that Palmer would have presented a face like thunder if posed even a polite enquiry by her on the day. But am I the only one who thinks that racing people need to be a bit less thin-skinned than they are at present about being asked questions which wouldn't raise any eyebrows whatsoever if asked in a football context, for example? And shouldn't the media be asking those questions anyway, even if the response might be hostile?

Another instance which springs to mind is the reaction of Luke Morris a year or two back to some comments from Alex Steedman of Racing UK about the undeniable fact that Morris regularly uses his whip well above shoulder height which is meant to be against the regulations. The jockey was outraged and his pathetic response was to threaten on Twitter to withdraw cooperation with Steedman in future interviews. It's not good enough.

Famously, Tony McCoy's response years ago to some criticism from Lydia Hislop was to ask the fatuous question: how many winners has she ridden? Again, not good enough although, in fairness, I seem to recall the jockey subsequently apologising or at least in some way recanting.

Why shouldn't a jockey be asked fair questions about a ride? Does he think he gave the horse too much to do? Why did he stay away from the rail when all the indications are that against the rail is the best place to be?

Why shouldn't a trainer be asked about a failure to inform the public in a timely fashion that an ante-post favourite for a particular race wouldn't run? Or about a dip in his form? Or about all his runners drawn high at Chester being withdrawn?

The move of terrestrial coverage from C4 to ITV should represent an opportunity to start afresh. But I'm not holding my breath.

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Point well made, Gus. I like Emma, she's from a racing family and not much to prove knowledge wise, but she did miss a trick last Saturday not asking Hugo Palmer the question. Perhaps she was under instructions?
Matt Chapman can ask a controversial question and get away with it-Nick Luck once got Paul Roy on the ropes and hammered him.The rest don't come anywhere close.
Emma Ramsden the least-likely of all, to ask searching questions about the merits of any run, given her...ahem...connections.

Top Cees still the only horse in all of the Festivals I've seen (either live or on TV) where the boos outdid the cheers.
Matt Chapman can ask a controversial question and get away with it-Nick Luck once got Paul Roy on the ropes and hammered him.The rest don't come anywhere close.

I agree about Chapman. I just fear that there will be a closing of ranks against him.
Emma Ramsden the least-likely of all, to ask searching questions about the merits of any run, given her...ahem...connections.

Top Cees still the only horse in all of the Festivals I've seen (either live or on TV) where the boos outdid the cheers.

As I recall, in his (admittedly discredited) evidence in court, "Thommo" said that Fallon told him in a restaurant after the race that "today wasn't the day" but when Fallon went on TV the following afternoon to be interviewed by him about Top Cees' run, Thompson told him he'd "look after" him. His evidence might not have been believed but that certainly has the ring of truth about it.
Matt Chapman can ask a controversial question and get away with it-Nick Luck once got Paul Roy on the ropes and hammered him.The rest don't come anywhere close.
If Jim McGrath could only transfer some of his anger and arseyness from fellow colleagues on channel4 and the betting public, to people in the racing establishment, including trainers, we'd live in a better world. ;)
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Emma Ramsden the least-likely of all, to ask searching questions about the merits of any run, given her...ahem...connections.

Top Cees still the only horse in all of the Festivals I've seen (either live or on TV) where the boos outdid the cheers.

While Mrs Ramsden refused to give a tv interview jockey Barry Fenton gave RTE one.
Most telling was how the horse loved being covered up on the inside and going through gaps as they appeared; in his famous Newmarket run he was kept on the wide outside , spending his time trying to join the group while K Fallon kept him straight.

Interesting radio interview on RTE Radio 1 about "Bolloxology ", a book about same by Irish comedian Colm O' Regan
He told of especially soccer pundits who prefaced every comment with "to me " and "for Me "; maybe the much maligned Fitzy is just on the wrong pitch !
Book published by Penguin Press.
Just had an email from RUK, dunno why as I have full membership anyway,apparently there's an offer for half price RUK for the jumps season starting tomorrow, saves £75, but you must do it this weekend.
The most annoying thing about how racing Is presented on TV is how they make exciting races seem dull. When the Gurkha won the Sussex stakes in a class battle the commentators were as calm as you like. The great thing about Chapman is that you can feel his enthusiasm for racing while most pundits and presenters seem to be going through the motions. When minding won the qe2 you saw the lads going mental as you would do but once again too many of the channel4 team were far from excited even after she was the first filly for yonks to win it after a long campaign. If the can't get excited by champions day then when will they. Would love to have seen Sean Boyce on ITV as he makes some very perceptive observations and is a great foil for Chapman. All I ask of the new team is to convey what the sport means to those involved and not look down on the current top racehorses as their not fankel. I'm optimistic that the line up will be a big improvement on the ladtvfew years.


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From RP

William Hill are set to replace Dubai as racing's terrestrial television sponsors when coverage moves from Channel 4 to ITV on January 1.

The deal, reported to be worth £10 million, includes naming rights around all of ITV's coverage for the four years the broadcaster will be in control of the sport's free-to-air coverage.
Dubai decided to end their decade-long association with British racing's terrestrial coverage, stating the switch to ITV presented a "natural point of change".
Let's just hope this doesn't result in a bias akin to that which is clearly prevalent in the RP (Paddy Power sponsored) podcasts
RTE's racing coverage is sponsored by a firm that rhymes with spoilsports -I find it incredibly irritating how much airtime their main pr man -a known spoofer -gets.Doesn't really understand racing and puts punters away on a regular basis.
Ask the handicapper on ATR this lunchtime with BHA's head of handicapping Phil Smith would be quite a good watch if it wasn't for that buffoon Matt Chapman who totally spoils it.
Ask the handicapper on ATR this lunchtime with BHA's head of handicapping Phil Smith would be quite a good watch if it wasn't for that buffoon Matt Chapman who totally spoils it.

it just shows how we all different really..i'd rather Matt interview him than someone who could bore the arse off an arse

bores are all good and well..but it gets boring after a bit:)..see the morning line for an example..Tanya...could bore to olympic gold standard..as could most of them on it..and yet when we had non bores like Mac on..its..oooh he gets on me tits..get rid.

people need to decide..just wtf do you want?:)..they tried the lot..larger than life and boring you to death..which do you prefer really?
McCrirrick is the biggest bore of the lot-he was good in his time and nobody on television could match his knowledge when it came to reporting on the betting market.Those skills started to fade with the dominance of betfair-these days bookies pr men get an uncontested run.He has nothing to offer now except a rehash of what he was saying in the 80s & 90s.
It would be good to see ITV employ an exchange expert who could use his own nous to interpret betfair markets and not give the impression that he is reading press releases from betfair hq-I say he because it is of course a job for a man.
it just shows how we all different really..i'd rather Matt interview him than someone who could bore the arse off an arse

bores are all good and well..but it gets boring after a bit:)..see the morning line for an example..Tanya...could bore to olympic gold standard..as could most of them on it..and yet when we had non bores like Mac on..its..oooh he gets on me tits..get rid.

people need to decide..just wtf do you want?:)..they tried the lot..larger than life and boring you to death..which do you prefer really?

Why does it have to be either? Tanya has never had any broadcasting skills even after 15 years. Big Mac had his plus points, he could conduct a good interview, he did his research. He had many minuses but was worth his place in the team.

The difference between Big Mac & Chapman is that Chapman is a lot more "me me me". Frankly his efforts on "ask the handicapper" are embarrasing although I doubt he will see that. He even made reference during the programme to a critical tweet from Tony Calvin. Calvin stated that they should have one of the lads from Timeform doing it with Smith, that seems a fair shout as they are frequently on ATR anyway.

I would imagine though that Smith likes being on with Chapman as it makes him look like Albert Einstein, it's a bit like when Chapman his presenting on his own in the evening, he loves to read out idiotic emails from viewers as he thinks it makes him look good when he rips them to shreds.