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TV coverage

None of you mentioned Jason Weaver who so far has been inspired. His selections seem to win at good prices and much of that he bases on paddock inspection.
None of you mentioned Jason Weaver who so far has been inspired. His selections seem to win at good prices and much of that he bases on paddock inspection.

Always does his homework and is well researched regardless of the track-was no stranger to tipping 50/1 winners when he did the American racing on ATR.
None of you mentioned Jason Weaver who so far has been inspired. His selections seem to win at good prices and much of that he bases on paddock inspection.

In my case, there would be a very obvious reason why I never mentioned him, jinnyj!! :lol:
None of you mentioned Jason Weaver who so far has been inspired. His selections seem to win at good prices and much of that he bases on paddock inspection.

Yes, I overlooked him. I didn't watch the racing on Good Friday so couldn't have told you whether he was on but he was brilliant the time before. Insightful, articulate and no frills. A breath of fresh air.
Matt Chapman presented the Opening Show today in Bell's absence and did a better job, I thought.

What's happened, incidentally, to Francesca Cumani? I'm sure she was said to have been signed up and I was expecting to see her once the Flat action got under way but there's been no sign of her at all.
Chapman was brilliantly irreverent -to Andrew Thornton -what's wrong with you at the moment-Thornton-I think I have a spot of earache.
It must be an age thing. I was coming on here to say, "Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse..."

I just can't take to Chapman.

However, I thought Thornton came across as pleasantly listenable-to. Nothing forced about his delivery and a soft regional (Scouse?) accent.

I also hate it when people address each other by their surname. This isn't Tom Brown's Schooldays. It used to bug the shite out of me when colleagues did it to each other at work. They seemed to sense, though, that it wouldn't go down well with me so they never tried it! I was always addressed by my first name. "Hawwank."
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It must be an age thing. I was coming on here to say, "Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse..."

I just can't take to Chapman.

However, I thought Thornton came across as pleasantly listenable-to. Nothing forced about his delivery and a soft regional (Scouse?) accent.

I also hate it when people address each other by their surname. This isn't Tom Brown's Schooldays. It used to bug the shite out of me when colleagues did it to each other at work. They seemed to sense, though, that it wouldn't go down well with me so they never tried it! I was always addressed by my first name. "Hawwank."

I think Thornton's from Teesside.
Andy Thornton is always excellent on ATR's Sunday Forum, whether you agree with him or not, and with or without Chapman.

Harvey is a buffoon imho
Fair play to Chapman, he doesn't shy away from asking meaningful questions. Raising the rumours about Sam T-D's future at Ditcheat with Paul Nicholls makes a change from the usual anodyne "how does that feel?" post-race blether.
Ed Chamberlain being told to interrupt Trevor Hemmings story of how he came to buy Vincente sadly after Many Clouds had died, to go to Chapman hinting at problems between Nicholls and Twiston-Davies.

And this is the best we should expect?

'He's a great lad, Trevor' says Mick Fitzgerald.
Fair play to Chapman, he doesn't shy away from asking meaningful questions. Raising the rumours about Sam T-D's future at Ditcheat with Paul Nicholls makes a change from the usual anodyne "how does that feel?" post-race blether.

Yes, I found that much more interesting than the usual shite, especially since I wasn't aware of any rumours of a split but Hawk Wing's take on it is equally cogent.
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Chapman asked a question that few others would dare ask-he also said that the Fred Darling winner was a near certainty-he has done a sterling job today.
In general, I like Chapman. More so when he stops trying to be a character. (The Proclaimers song on the Opening Show was terrible) He is cleverer than he lets on and asks the questions that racing fans would like answers to. Probably adds more to the programme than the others.
However, it was more that Trevor Hemmings seemed pretty emotional when talking about the winner and was abrubtly cut off.
I also think asking Sam and Paul Nicholls about Sam's future and apparent rumours (are these always there) was a bit off on the walk in following a National win. Was Arpege d'Alene ok?
It revealed nothing about the rumours but did show me how hard Nicholls would be to work with and that his will to win is almost a personality flaw.
The other elephant in the room is that nice and all that Sam is, he is a long way off being a champion jockey.
Chapman ... also said that the Fred Darling winner was a near certainty

He says that about every favourite he puts up though. It's a pretty low-risk approach.

Let him put up a 10/1 shot as a "near-certainty" and give him due praise when it wins.
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Jason Weaver came across excellently on his first appearance on the programme and even put up the Lincoln winner at 16/1 so I was surprised he wasn't in presence at Newbury, He would certainly added better analysis than 2 ex NH jockeys who were clearly reading from something while live on screen.
Jason Weaver came across excellently on his first appearance on the programme and even put up the Lincoln winner at 16/1 so I was surprised he wasn't in presence at Newbury, He would certainly added better analysis than 2 ex NH jockeys who were clearly reading from something while live on screen.

I've never got that myself.

How many ex-Flat jockeys get to comment on NH racing on TV? I always wondered why Francome got to comment on Flat racing yet we never got to hear Piggott or Mercer comment on NH racing.