Two Apprentice Jockeys Killed

His family live not that far from me. Prayers are been said for both of them at mass today. RIP to them both
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I feel I have to say that the RP's front page is thoroughly distasteful at the top of the page emblazoned in large text the statement "PERFECTION" in relation to STS and at the bottom the story in concern of these tradgic circumstances. Surely this was the time to give STS a middle page spread and give those lads families and them the front page alone out of respect. No wonder racing can look so bad at times it's own trade paper is it's worst enemy.
Such a sad loss of two very young lives. RIP.

If it was arson, hope the wicked bastard gets the book thrown at him. Nothing justifies that.
I feel I have to say that the RP's front page is thoroughly distasteful at the top of the page emblazoned in large text the statement "PERFECTION" in relation to STS and at the bottom the story in concern of these tradgic circumstances. Surely this was the time to give STS a middle page spread and give those lads families and them the front page alone out of respect. No wonder racing can look so bad at times it's own trade paper is it's worst enemy.

I thought the front page amounted to a reasonable compromise in the circumstances.

It would have been an unusually difficult task to "give those lads families and them the front page out of respect" when the paper had agreed to a request from North Yorkshire Police not to name the deceased "until their relatives have been informed and further investigations have been carried out."
I realise on balance this may have been a compromise but I doubt STS or his connections would have minded, do you?

The story had been promenant enough, including respectful silences throughout Saturday and all the victims named today. I, myself would not have even thought of a compromise in these circumstances.
The sporting life website especially has done then proud with a lovely and quite detailed piece. It really does rub it in, reading all the coverage, what great young talents we have all lost there. As for their parents... And Jan on only child too - hardly bears imagining.

So many kids go off the rails and lead useless and destructive lives, and here were two of them really grafting, using their brains and talents and living thier lives with great discipline and every hope for a successful future. So cruel.
As you say the victims had not been named, however the circumstances had. Please don't forget the text at the top was the word "PERFECTION" it's absolutly appalling.
A man has been arrested by police investigating the death of two young jockeys in England.

The blaze at a flat in North Yorkshire last September, claimed the lives of 18-year-old Jamie Kyne from Galway and his fellow jockey 19-year-old Jan Wilson, who was from Scotland.

Two other young jockeys were injured

I hope they get to the bottom of this for the families sake, its not going to bring them back but at least they have someone for it!
RP online states that Peter William Brown, 37, not thought to be connected with racing, and who has been living near to the youngsters' flats, has been charged with their murder and will appear at Scarborough Magistrates' Court on Friday.
He's 37, married with a kid, and trying to cop off with teenaged girls. Clearly not got much grip on reality, has he? Sounds like a spiteful loser, and I hope he's disappeared into the system forever. Sorry for his kid, having to grow up knowing that creature is his sire.
He's 37, married with a kid, and trying to cop off with teenaged girls. Clearly not got much grip on reality, has he? Sounds like a spiteful loser, and I hope he's disappeared into the system forever. Sorry for his kid, having to grow up knowing that creature is his sire.

Allegedly of course. He hasn't as yet been proven guilty and he claims he is not guilty. Therefore until a court of law find him guilty all the above is just alleged.
Allegedly a murderer - but not allegedly married with a kid, trying to cop off with teenaged girls, who he tried to frighten with nasty texts after being rebutted, not allegedly threatening to burn down people's homes. All of that's quite freely printed, so no problem to it being repeated on here. He's a spiteful loser anyway, regardless of whether he murdered the kids.
Just when everyone has begun to slightly get their heads round the whole dreadful business, they have to relive what happened to them and give details they'd rather forget. Poor families and friends. I can't begin to think how the process must feel.
What happened is tragic and everyone on here I'm sure feels sympathy towards the victims and their families, but it should be remembered that the case is sub judice and by commenting on specific aspects of it, they do neither themselves or this site any favours.
Well said, DJ. Probably best for us all to keep discussion of the case itself to a minimum just to be on the safe side.
I can't see what's been said is anything different from what's available in the Press. The RP looks as if it's going to run daily updates with graphic details until the case is closed.
I can't see what's been said is anything different from what's available in the Press. The RP looks as if it's going to run daily updates with graphic details until the case is closed.

I can. The Racing Post have reported the allegations made by the prosecution. Some on here are taking those allegations as facts and commenting on them.