Two Apprentice Jockeys Killed

So what, do we not live in a free speech society? People are entitled to their opinions.

Anybody that is seen to be predicting the outcome of a trial could conceivably be charged with contempt of court. As I said before, probably best we don't comment on the specifics of the trial.
Quite honestly, other than for expressing the deep sympathy we all feel towards the families of those killed or injured, I don't really see what is achieved by re-examining this on here.

It was sad, appalling, tragic but it's done and now all that remains is for the trial to finish. The accused is being judged by his peers. He'll either be found guilty or not guilty. Anything else verges on the intrusive in my opinion.
...indeed, let's hope the justice system runs its course and brings down its full weight on who is responsible.
manslaughter - a disgrace - another example of - think of the most illogical - soft verdict - and we can deliver it in this country

when you set fire to a buliding with people inside - there is only one logical verdict..its murder..but not here in cloud cuckoo land.
The families and the police express their satisfaction with the verdict, though, and the judge has yet to decide how much of a menace to society Brown will be. I imagine she will give him the max possible, with maybe - if this is permitted - some sort of monitoring order on him after that. He has shown himself to be lacking any remorse, so it's possible she won't look to kindly on him being allowed out finally unmonitored.

The result is probably right, when you consider that the deaths were (however horrible the circumstances and the thought) not the intention of his action - or at least, cannot be proved to be the intention of his action. I'm not sure the max for manslaughter - is it 7 years? - but hopefully he gets it, and monitoring after release, with no nonsense should he show signs of his dysfunctionality in future.
It's disgusting that the law works in this way, and I do know the law so I understand why this was the verdict.

I feel that there is far too loose a definition between murder and manslaughter and it has long been exploited by evil people.

I think that in some cases where a person has total disregard for what consequences their actions may bring there ought to be the option to go for murder.

I've seen too many of these kind of cases where action was so completely unresponsible that it can bear no resemblence to people who make a mistake. This was not a mistake - he meant to do harm and did not care how much harm either.

At least he will be put away and did not get off on a 'crazy' charge.

However I do not feel justice has been done and that hopefully it still will be done - by someone. He may yet have that smug expression wiped off his face along with some of his features. :mad:
Isn't what happened called 'culpable homicide' in the USA, slightly less than a planned murder, quite a bit more serious than manslaughter? It seems we're missing a middle possibility.

In some ways, the manslaughter charge is quite a good result - someone I used to work with was shotgunned twice, in the back, when fleeing her raging husband. He got off with 7 years (reduced to 3 for being a nice boy in prison) as he was 'suffering from depression' at the time, induced by a skin disorder! Now, to my non-legal mind, someone who chases their wife out of their home, across a car park, and blasts her twice with a shotgun, is a little more 'murderous' than the result indicated. But that was probably also sexism in the justice system at work, too.
speaking personally..i'm a little tired of downright scum..lower than life itself..hiding behind the idiosyncracies of the shite we call justice in this country

all this..oh its alright its the law just a bit bolloxy to its not alright..we have people in this country that live in chocolate fudge land..obssessed with human rights this and that..but only for wrongdoers..all this sympathy never drips through to those offended against

the punishment for this would be pretty cheap for th money obsessed...a ride out on a JCB to a nice quite spot..dig a big hole..throw him in and quickly back fill..nobody would miss him..and if they did..oh sorry madam he is just another missing scrote..very simple..effective..and COST concscious

too many soft arsed fooks in this country
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That would make you exactly the same as him.

i love that argument:)

its that sort of attitude that has got us in the mess we are in now

there is not one person that thinks that sentence is fair..not one what you gonna do about?..sit on your arses and whinge..and then stick up for the creature that commited the act..oh how british..stick up for the scum..then wonder why the country is overrun with it

can't you see why we are in this mess? ..with folk doing just wtf they want with no/innapropriate punishment..its soft arsed attitudes like that.

what would you do with him then Walsworth? - full sky package?..hookers on tap?...rehabillitate him with a few foreign hols?
Let's not get into what's wrong with this country, please. It's a damn sight better than the US 'justice' system which favours gassing blacks, not whites, which has a 'third strike' macho posture which means you go to jail for 20 years for littering, is light years ahead of countries where stoning women for a fling with the gardener is okay but blokes only get a slight tap with a stick, or where - provided you have suitcases full of money - you can buy the justice system by the yard. Whatever our feelings about this and many other cases, I'm glad we still have to PROVE that people are innocent until the evidence says they're guilty - not the biases of the police of the day, not the wodges of money the opposition can stump up, and especially not because some deranged despot says they are, or aren't.

EC - try reading the RP again. The POLICE and the FAMILIES are satisfied. Let's not soapbox on the backs of two dead kids, please.
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Let's not get into what's wrong with this country, please. It's a damn sight better than the US 'justice' system which favours gassing blacks, not whites, which has a 'third strike' macho posture which means you go to jail for 20 years for littering, is light years ahead of countries where stoning women for a fling with the gardener is okay but blokes only get a slight tap with a stick, or where - provided you have suitcases full of money - you can buy the justice system by the yard. Whatever our feelings about this and many other cases, I'm glad we still have to PROVE that people are innocent until the evidence says they're guilty - not the biases of the police of the day, not the wodges of money the opposition can stump up, and especially not because some deranged despot says they are, or aren't.

EC - try reading the RP again. The POLICE and the FAMILIES are satisfied. Let's not soapbox on the backs of two dead kids, please.

well i wouldn't be..don't think most people would either

bollox about soapbox as well..thats way out of order..this thread will bring high emotions in,,i'm expressing them..the sentence is wrong..full stop

if there are no response required ..or just those you think ok..then just post end of thread

soap boxing..deary me
Well, I think you are - naturally the thread would cause high emotions. We were all warned not to pre-judge earlier, or to post up remarks which might get the site into trouble. Now justice has been served, whether you approve of it or not. The families were pleased that he didn't get off on just an arson job, or scot free, and the police clearly also feel the sentence is correct. If that isn't enough for you, then that's too bad. Going on and on about how wrong our system is because you personally don't like the result seems a bit off, considering the issue. Let the kids rest in peace.

Look, EC - I was in tears every time I read updates on the kids and of course, yes, if I were a friend or a parent, I'd be wishing this bastard a long, slow, agonising death, believe me. In fact, I don't wish him the slightest bit of good in his life from now on - but that's not the same as going through the courts and getting the correct result, even if it doesn't cause him as much pain as we'd all like. I do understand, believe me - but it's not the same as a judicial process versus 'natural' justice, which would be to drag him through the streets and slice him to bits.
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Promise I won't say any more now - I hope the families can relax a little now that this dreadful ordeal is over with.
its a public forum Kri..the result is up for discussion is it not?..if not then thread should be closed

i don't think they had a good was murder..if we can't talk about it then whats the point of having a forum ffs

now you are coming this personal stuff about soap box crap..its a forum ffs
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Promise I won't say any more now - I hope the families can relax a little now that this dreadful ordeal is over with.

i totally agree..i really feel for them too...but this is just a thread on a forum...discussing the outcome...i happen to believe we should care about what happens to people that commit these about how soft we general as well

i won't say another word on the subjest ffs