UK election

Talking of Philip Hammond,jeez what a choice greyer than john major real desperation for the torys...:cool:
Just released.

I'm not entirely convinced it will make a blind bit of difference, to be honest. On almost every important (aka Brexit) matter, I can see plenty of Tory MPs opposing any 'hard' plans, meaning she won't have the numbers to railroad things through anyway.
probably only digging my hole a little deeper, but I've had a poke at Damien Green at 400+. He is inoffensive, reasonably centrist,

With the Sunday Times reporting that 40 Tories are ready to sign a letter calling for a leadership election, I thought it might be time to breath fresh life into this market. I was sure I'd had some money on Michael Gove and possibly Liam Fox too? I'd hoped to find some reference to it in the thread as I can't remember what price I took, but whilst accepting that political punditry was never designed to make us look clever, I couldn't resist this gem in light of recent events
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Am just sitting back and savouring every moment:cool: what a sh1tfest of choices they have I look at the liost and not one decent candidate amongst them,would love it if rees mogg was leader what a laughing stock it would be..
I reckon he could be more of a threat than is widely realised (or at least I initially considered him)

I note incidentally that the Sunday Telegraphs headline today was 'My Plan for a Green Brexit Revolution - Gove' followed with a self penned article inside. Yep, all the issues facing the world right now, clearly Michael Gove is the most pressing of them all

I also note he's managed to secure himself a favourable piece in the Sunday Express too, which basically ran the story that Gove's reservations about Boris being up to job, and 'not being a detail man' have increasingly been born out. Although his backstab hasn't been forgotten, its starting to look like the right thing now

And who do we see representing the government this morning on Andrew Marr, well I do believe its Michael Gove again

Yep, I think he senses blood in the water, and Paddy Power clearly think so too. They've either taken some money for him or read the music, clipping him 25's into 14's for the next PM market
I actually think whoever they replace may with won't matter,they will just look so dour and grey they look like throw backs from the 80s cabinet,if they think they had no young vote before wait till they replace may my daughters 15 will be 16 in may and all her school year are huge labour supporters in a conservative town,suddenly an interest from 15 year olds at scholl never happened when I was at school..The future looks extremely bleak for the torys,the rancid Dan kawczynski my local mp one of the 36 slime balls in an enquiry,apparently 4 years ago he got divorced claiming to be bi sexual,yes of course you are dan just like all of those suspect tory mps that end up getting married...:whistle:
the rancid Dan kawczynski my local mp one of the 36 slime balls in an enquiry

I've got the list, and his name is one that appears on it

Mind you, Ian Hislop said Boris Johnson didn't, and yet he's on the list I've got, and some of the snippets on HIGNFY were clearly referencing verbatim the list I've got. Suggests to me at least that Hislop has access to a more serious list as some of the names and descriptions on the one I've gotten a copy of are mild offences at worst and clearly consensual (not all of them mind you)

Parliamentary researcher for Liz Truss sounds like an interesting assignment.
They're all white so far as I know, albeit the person who Amber Rudd is linked with (the name is redacted) even if we all know who it is, isn't

It's quite funny actually, as she recently engaged Lynton Crosby to help her next campaign in Hastings (of all places) I can't believe he advised this move to boost her popularity!
Another odious person connected to the right,amazes me how incompetent the tory party are now keeping connections with people like this they really don't get it do they in general people in this country want to distance themselves from people like these characters.All white no surprise there then,the stats speak for themselves whitemen in positions of power thinking they can do what they like,their days are well and truly numbered..
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With the Sunday Times reporting that 40 Tories are ready to sign a letter calling for a leadership election, I thought it might be time to breath fresh life into this market. I was sure I'd had some money on Michael Gove and possibly Liam Fox too? I'd hoped to find some reference to it in the thread as I can't remember what price I took, but whilst accepting that political punditry was never designed to make us look clever, I couldn't resist this gem in light of recent events

Hindsight is 20:20.

I don't feel too bad about it, considering Green has 'only' been embroiled in a mild porn-on-the-laptop imbroglio, versus the lies and/or incompetencies of some of his colleagues. And I take some solace from the fact that he is actually only a 90 chance on Betfair to be next Tory Leader: the same price as staunch-Brexiteer and fanatsist gob-shite Dr Liam Fox, who has never had anything remotely pornographic on his laptop ever (mainly because he always uses his phone to access his Grinder account).

It really demonstrates the depth of choice, and lack of 'clean' candidates in the Tory party. Of the first dozen or so in the market, almost every one of the fu*ckers is tainted by scandal in one way or another
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Funnily enough, Fox is on the list, but he's the only one whose entry is completely redacted

I think Corbyn is the key to the next PM book though. Although its often a mistake to under-estimate the stupidity of the Tories, I can't believe after the fiasco in June that they'll allow Theresa bloody May to lead them through another election. She doesn't communicate, has no policy platform, and zero charisma. That being so, the next PM market has to be won by a current Tory who replaces her before Corbyn even comes under starters orders. Corbyn is making up about 20% of the over-round though.

I'm struggling to believe Mogg can be in play to at 6/1, given that I can't think we've ever seen a situation where a PM emerges having never previously served in government. So there's another 14% of your book gone. You've got two horses taking about a third of the market which has to create value elsewhere
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I've just had a small bet on Anna Soubry [100/1] for next Tory leader; because she's the only Tory apart from Ken Clarke] that I've got any time for. And she goes racing....
Agree that Corbyn and Mogg are too short; and don't see any value in Davis or Johnson either

So with the front four being underlaid there must surely be some tasty bets down the field, though I can't get excited about any of them, punting-wise or PM-wise

Gove's greening is a clever stunt from a clever little sh1t and he has so far failed to make a tit of himself, unlike his compadre Johnson; so 22/1 looks big

James Cleverly at 27/1 makes some appeal as he's the sort that Tory high command think might appeal to the yoof they so desperately crave: youngish, of useful ethnicity, has experience of working with 'young people', has spent a long time up his arse so should appeal to the many(?) who love Boris, is a Brexiter so should be acceptable to the rabid right, and is confident and erudite

Ruth Davidson at 17/1 would appeal greatly if she were an MP

After his rather good speech in the House today, Dominic Grieve would be my choice, but NR
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Certainly looks a complete lottery which is something I've never seen when looking at party leaders,although I said it looks bleak for the tory party there is still so much uncertainty in the labour party as well I cannot see corbyn being pm in the future.Some interesting times ahead anyway,the next two years should be of great entertainment..
Mark Carney telling porkies this morning, saying the economy has only stopped growing because of the E.U vote....actually it was slowing in most sectors before the vote. I wish Jeremy Paxman was interviewing him and not that walkover on ITV.

Economic growth is stagnant and going backwards, (not even David Camerons mates in China and their investment will change this!), inflation is up so much that Mark Carney basically thinks the bank should artificially control it, yet everything's fine folks, according to Mark Carney, nothing to worry about!

His reporter friend on ITV just happy to tow the line for him. After we pay the E.U ******** billions the deficit levels should be back to that of pre-2010, at which point, everything will still be, fine, folks :)

We are heading to a country with two economies, one is the reality, truth economy, that is dysfunctional because of the financial crisis and recession in 2008, its aftermath, austerity, lack of investment in public services, and so on, and the other economy, is the one Mark Carney and his mates in the Tory government want us to think we are in!!!
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That's cobblers, Marb.

Every other major Western economy is growing at a rate which far out-paces the UK, and one of the biggest factors contributing to our puny growth is deferred business investment, because businesses have no clue as to what the post-Brexit operational landscape will look like......principally because this sham and inept Tory Government have no fu*cking clue what it will look like it either.

One of the Bank of England's primary remits is to control inflation, and has been ever since the New Labour government gave them independence over this aspect of the economy in the late 90's. And Carney has been telling all-and-sundry for months now, that the uncertainty is very-much something we should be worried about.

I get the feeling you may have missed the message.
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I just think he should take lack of growth a bit more seriously, Grass. The country needs a real plan about how to grow the economy, short term, medium term, long term, otherwise we'll be looking at poor growth figures for the next 20 years.
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