Senior Jockey
So Trump got the delegates required today.
Trump could eat into Hillary
How can you possibly say they are meaningless? I would trust Twitter or Facebook before trusting CNN or Fox who have favourites. It's not just facebook and twitter go YouTube. She goes on a one on one CNN for a major interview on the 16th may and gets a lousy 25,000 views for part 1 and you will struggle to find anything favourable anyone had to say in the comments.It will take about 45 million votes to win the election. Without knowing how many of those Twiter followers are real people, from the U.S, eligible to vote or likely to vote they're meaningless figures.
There is a train of thought that suggests this election should be pick'em at this stage. Trumo is getting a big bounce by being the presumptive nominee whole Clinton is embroiled in a drawn out Democratic race.
no teleprompter,
It is precisely because his head was swivelling left to right that I thought he was sans his eyes switching left and right at 45 degrees you can see him clearly reading.
It is precisely because his head was swivelling left to right that I thought he was sans teleprompter.
I stand corrected.
Another thing you'll notice about Trump speech patterns is that he frequently fails to finish his sentance, often interjecting with "and by the way" and then goes off on a tangent, or simply doubles down on something he's already said and repeats himself. He'll often tell people what their emotional reaction to something will be too rather than describing or explaning what it is he's trying to communicate. For example, he'll say something akin to this
We're going to build a beautiful big wall, and you'll love it, everyone will love it, and in the middle it'll have great big door that says welcome, and by the way, Mexican people love me, I employ loads of great Mexican people, a Mexican who works for me rang me the other day and said Donald you're right, we really need this wall, its true you know, we do
Obama just cannot seem to bring himself to mention those two words -- Islamic Terrorism. Instead he again mumbles on about gun control. Same with Hilary, the pair of them both in denial of reality.
Trump, on the other hand, made a speech just a short while ago that was genuinely stirring and moving. It was nothing short of a declaration of no-holds-barred war against Islamic extremism.
Refusing to identify the source of the attacks is delusional. It is a charade of denial; it is head-in-the-sand stuff.So what? What will saying the words 'radical Islamic terrorism' actually accomplish?
The legitimisation of execution of gays by Islamic states (Iran Palestine etc) and the very nature of the rhetoric of the lefts pet religion, is what drives these actions. There is no doubt about that