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US Presidential election 2016

GOP VP candidate is where I've been looking. Is Mary Fallin a bet at 33/1, given she is in a swing state, and may help with the female vote?

She's allegedly on the short list of four along with Gingrich, Sessions, and Christie. The Trump campaign has refused to comment on the leak, albeit that could be due to the fact that there's 30 of them working for him. To give you some idea of the contrast, Hillary has a 100 in Pennsylvania alone. Quite how the hell he thinks he's going to build a ground game God only knows. He's going to be the first candidate to try and tweet his way to the White House. If the networks were ever to decide to stop giving him wall to wall to coverage he'd be finished, but right now he's sabotaging his own campaign with uncanny precision (he's worse than I expected).

There is a growing whisper that he might not make it yet. He's certainly not gearing up as if he's running for the Presidency. He's badly behind on finance, and his organisation wouldn't disgrace the keystone cops.
Trump team of 30, has now been reduced to 29 as Cory Lewandowski is "fired"

I thought there was an inevitable about a month ago, albeit I suggested that he'd be sent back to New Hampshire as a 'project' and told to concentrate excluisvely on sealing the deal there

To be honest, he's totally over-performed based on his experience to date, albeit you might say his strategy of "let Trump be Trump" was merely an acknowledgement of his limitations to do anything other than. I don't know whether its my imagination, but I see Ivanka taking an increasingly higher profile?
Wiki leaks have obtained copies of Clinton's hacked emails and are going to release them in the next 2 weeks

Obama might be telling the State Department "Forget what I said" and wash his hands of her. Ides of March style with luck

That of course depends on what the emails contain but if there's any proof of taking money for favours or anything derogatory towards the American people she's fucked

It would seem the server was hacked which is she is guilty of putting the country in danger........She might end up running away from the White House rather than towards it.:lol:

This is all Trump needs to bury her and he will when they are released
Nate Silver gets money for old rope and is a Obama Clinton ass licker. He gave Trump a 2% chance of becoming the Nominee.

If his prediction is correct Clinton will be the biggest margin winner since 18 hundred and plonk.

When you look into the polls that give Clinton a 12% lead it begs the question were they conducted at a Clinton rally lol

I honestly can't see any hard evidence of these polls being anywhere near accurate.

I would rather look at the form like I do with horses.

2012 Obama V Romney 51.1 to 47.2% giving Obama a 5million vote victory

in 2008 Clinton actually got more votes than Obama but the Super D's gave him victory

Had they gone with Clinton it's safe to say she would have beaten Mitt Romney by approx 50% to 48%

Since then she has made several mistakes but not fallen but has been pulled up a few times :0)

Benghazi did her no favours and although they are trying to put it to bed it wont go away as long as Tanto and Co draw breath.

The email scandal and the fact the whole world knows she lied yet again has got to hurt her popularity.

Not to mention her taking money from countries who support the jailing and killing of gays.

As far as Trump goes he3 won the Nomination by more votes than anyone in history.

His rallies are massive in comparison drawing hundreds of thousand.millions if you count TV.

No one can create and use controversy to their favour like he can.

While people won't admit it publicly that they would love to deport every Muslim in America so they could feel safe again they will vote privately for Trump.

They can call him crazy but he's far from it and Hillary has less going for her now, is nowhere near as popular as she was in 2008 and Trump is 100 times more popular than Mitt Romney ever was.

Trump wins in my book
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I'm curious to know when you changed your view on Trump Tanlic? Any specific incident(s)/ reason(s)?
It's currently 25/1 that someone other than Clinton or Trump wins. What does that tell us.
I'm curious to know when you changed your view on Trump Tanlic? Any specific incident(s)/ reason(s)?

Can't say for sure maybe it was his daughter lol.........If he does become President I am convinced she will follow in his footsteps.

Somewhere along the line I hit on a Trump video made in the 80's. Anyone who watched it recently fr the first time will quickly realise the guy was saying the same things and had the same beliefs he has now, 40 years ago.

For that alone you have to admire the guy that he's not just saying it for the sake of saying it and if he gets in he will at least try to sort things.

Waiting to see what Comey comes up with today but I think he's getting a bit of a raw deal.

He isn't convinced he could convict her is a cop out.............what he really means IMO is he cant guarantee she wouldn't walk so he did the next best thing and made sure no one could now say she is not a blatant liar and gave Trump enough ammo to make sure he can become POTUS.

If that works then Trump will go after her tooth and nail and she will eventually be made to pay for her sins.

Two things bug me right now. 1. The President of the United Staes promoting a known liar for office.

The other is crazy Bernie who is so adamant he is Mr Nice Guy is about to endorse a known liar for POTUS. That makes him the biggest fake on the circuit IMVHO

Trump does need to get his act together and not be drawn to say anything about Comey.........Consider him as an ally and use what he said and what she said during the investigation

Could make some cracking ads of her lies and dent a real hole is her campaign using Comey's words. People would pay a lot more attention and realise what a liar she is that way.
Yeah that would be interesting to know.
On another note my current favorite beatdown of the Republican Party and its emperor without clothes, The Donald:


Great thing about paper it doesn't refuse ink and if you read something it must be true.

Hilary Clinton never sent any classified emails she said so herself............it must be true every woman with half a brain in America still believe it because they heard it on TV or read it in the paper.

Will Donald Trump make money out of running? Probably! I would be disappointed in him if he lost money.

The Donald is no saint and the buck comes first but any country would be glad of someone like that in this climate.

Most of these articles on Trump are written by people who are told and obey there anti Trump bosses.

The latest anti Trump scandal was the 6 pointed star which Trump or his staff put up.

Some smart ass said it was the Star of David and started having ago and Trump immediately changed it.

Stars are used in many adverts and no one says a word and it should be known is is also, like the five pointed star, used as a satnaic symbal..........or a Sherrif's badge.

ABC CNN and all the Clinton asslickers went on and on but failed to mention his Daughter Husband and kids are Jews which is just plain crazy that he would do something to offend a daughter he dotes on

Fook the lot of them they are all bought and paid for or work for someone who is.

Trump is his own man and will amke sure he has the right people behind him if he gets in

on a serious note this book is a superb analysis of the Obama Clinton foreign policy years. Yes I am a fan of hers. Smart and pragmatic


Just finished this. A truly excellent read. Keeps you engaged from start to finish and I rest a bit easier with my concerns for HC's vulnerabilities/careless behavior.
Delineates very well the differences between Obamas`s and Clinton`s worldviews and how they have shaped over decades to become what they are today.
Latest polls show Trump ahead in Florida and Pennsylvania and tied in Ohio. OK, this possibly comes on the back of particularly poor run of news of Hillary, but I do wonder if the American people aren't setting her a much higher bar, and aren't indicating that they're much more prepared to punish her more quickly than they are Trump?

In other news, he confirms Mike Pence as his running mate. Well no one saw that one coming until the last week. One detects the Manafort/ Ivanka influence in this. I doubt this would have happened under Lewandowski, who we're now hearing suggestions/ rumours was romantically involved with Hope Hicks
Just finished this. A truly excellent read. Keeps you engaged from start to finish and I rest a bit easier with my concerns for HC's vulnerabilities/careless behavior.
Delineates very well the differences between Obamas`s and Clinton`s worldviews and how they have shaped over decades to become what they are today.

glad it worked for you. The book actually counters a coupl of issues I have with some bios or political histories and forum nonsense

you would have no idea or care even less what the authors actual view was on either Hilary or Obama. There is no agenda.

It perfectly illustrates that the world of politics isn't house of cards (much as I love that series) or bilderburg conspiracies run by lizard idealogues . In fact a lot of decisions are tough, practical and relatively mundane. But that's the beauty of this book. It brings that to life
Yes, time to up date the running commentary on the greatest **** show on earth

Last week the Republicans held their convention. The first day saw #nevertrump delegates make their last stand. In a sheer piece of mastery of the news cycle however, Trump (the man who said he'd hire the best) couldn't extend the promise to his own wife, and instead used a Trump organisation secondee, armed with a telephone and google, to hammer together a verbatim speech delivered by Melania Trump. After denying they cribbed it, they eventually came clean and admitted it.

Tiffany Trump was also dragged away from New York's swanky cocktail bars to deliver a sort of speech. Perhaps Donald might even follow her on Twitter now? Mike Pence also gave his speech, but no one remembered it. Instead the accolade for most memorable speech fell to Ted (vote with your conscience) Cruz. Quite what Trump was thinking in even giving him a slot is anyone's guess, but at least he turned up to launch his 2020 campaign, and I don't think it any coincidence that Chris Christie was the first to pile into the Texan Senator either.

Then onto the final day, Trump unveils the secret weapon, a registered independent who didn't vote for him in the New York primary. On walks Ivanka with her impressive assets thrust forward. She got off to wobbly start by admitting that she wasn't a life long dyed in the wool Republican (its an open secret that she favours the Democrats) and then proceeded to give a 20 minutes address that came straight from the Democrats equality manifesto. Still, the stupid Republicans didn't know what they were cheering, so she went down very well. Then finally man god, Donald Trump takes the stage

He decided to blame Obama and Clinton for ISIS and the Iraq fiasco (not what he said in the South Carolina primary when he pointed the finger at "your brother"). He then went on to announce that he would abolish crime (good luck with that one Donald) and finally rounded off by telling everyone that he was their voice. iT was speech that was quickly endorsed by Louisiana candidate David Duke who jealously admitted he couldn't have put it any better himself

Then its the turn of the Democrats.

A few days ago Hillary picks Virginian Governor Tim Kaine, or should that been Spanish speaking Governor Tim Kaine, as he's now to be known. Its a safe selection you feel, but isn't likely to light up young people, a demographic that she's notably struggling with. Tin Can also secures Virginia for her, but I doubt it was ever in play to the extent that it appears. The state divides very predictably into distinct voting blocs with the NoVa area usually deciding who wins it. Hillary was particularly strong in NoVa, and Trump lost it to Rubio. I think Virginia was much more solidly for her than the bare maths suggest it is on the Romney map

So with the Veep sorted we move onto the next twist, and this involves Russian agents hacking the campaign emails and fronting the dump through wikileaks. Well within a few hours Democrat chair, Debbie Wassermann Schultz is forced to resign as the allegations that Bernie Sanders had made throughout the primary season that the DNC weren't on the level seem to have been born out. Basically the party chair was working for Hillary in preference to Bernie it appears (probably an open secret anyway) but now its confirmed and the fact that Clinton is caught in another bit of smelly stuff involving email and questionable dealing does little for her reputation.

More amusing however is some of the stories starting to circulate that Donald Trump is a deep lying Russian sleeper agent, trying to secure the white house for the Kremlin. Some times I'm jealous that we've only got Boris
First batch of post Cleveland polls coming through, and Trump leads in 5 of the 6 to re-establish a small lead nationally. Americans seem to be going into fits of apocalyptic nervous breakdown all of a sudden (these were the same people incidentally who 6 weeks ago were laughing about Trump and smugly predicting a Hillary college vote in excess of 400)

At this stage I'm inclined to think they're panicking a bit given that you always get a bounce after your convention, but one does have to worry a little bit that the Hillary bounce needn't be that significant given that she's a poor speaker, and the spectre of Wikileaks, Debbie WS, plus the #Bernieorbust brigade hover over events in Philly. Having said that, can it be much worse than Melania cribbing Michelle Obama, or Ted Cruz appealing to from the podium to vote for Gary Johnson

None of the key battleground states have been polled during this period, so Hillary is still winning where she needs to be winning (in theory) but until we see a few more of these coming through we won't know. There are some indications that they might be turning against her though.

Trump has edged in Iowa on the most recent showing. He's also closed the gap to its narrowest in Michigan (3pts) and Wisconsion (4pts). He just about holds a narrow lead on the rolling average in Florida. I still remian doubtful he can get Ohio without Kasich's support and network, and whereas Pennsylvania is theoretically within reach, I feel the population of Philadelphia should keep that one in her corner. I wouldn't be confident that he doesn't ultimately land New Hampshire though

If he takes FL, NH, IA, MI & WI he doesn't need PA or OH

Nate Silver has also tightened up his forecast now, with the polls only model giving Trump a 46.2% of becoming President, the polls plus model has him on 41.7%, but this model was built around economic performance which would have been historically true, but we might find this cycle respects security and law and order, which makes the polls plus model more responsive to a black swan event in this area then a good set of economic data - we'll see
I'm seriously asking the question now of whether or not Trump really wants to win this election?

He's just kicking some woman out of a rally because her baby was crying. It's an amusing slant on the politicians playbook of kissing them anyway!!! Trump tells them to get the hell out of here.

It's amazing really, as soon as he starts to take a lead in the polls its as if he panics and sets about trying to sabotage his own campaign
The mercury is rising stateside

Two more senior Trump staffers get fired (he won't have a team left at this rate). Other reports suggest that the staff are suicidal and that Manafort has given up with him

The next 2 or 3 days could be crucial as the prospect of senior figures disavowing him and even supporting Clinton is increasing

The man is getting worse by the day and going completely out of control
The mercury is rising stateside

Two more senior Trump staffers get fired (he won't have a team left at this rate). Other reports suggest that the staff are suicidal and that Manafort has given up with him

The next 2 or 3 days could be crucial as the prospect of senior figures disavowing him and even supporting Clinton is increasing

The man is getting worse by the day and going completely out of control

Nothing like a presidential campaign to bring out the real character in a person. By all measures this guy is by far the worst to ever run for this office. Some of the people he surrounds himself with you could not make up. Roger Stone or his veteran's advisor Baldasaro, textook cases that would make an aspiring Nazi candidate proud. The latest shtick being the election rigging argument. Trump is lazy and there is no way he is even remotely interested in this job. Unfortunately until he gets crushed in November he will continue to wreak havoc on the process. One can only hope that he takes more or less the entire Republican party along with all the Fox news and other enablers down the abyss with him where Roger Ailes is already waiting.
Nothing like a presidential campaign to bring out the real character in a person. By all measures this guy is by far the worst to ever run for this office. Some of the people he surrounds himself with you could not make up. Roger Stone or his veteran's advisor Baldasaro, textook cases that would make an aspiring Nazi candidate proud. The latest shtick being the election rigging argument. Trump is lazy and there is no way he is even remotely interested in this job. Unfortunately until he gets crushed in November he will continue to wreak havoc on the process. One can only hope that he takes more or less the entire Republican party along with all the Fox news and other enablers down the abyss with him where Roger Ailes is already waiting.

his Khan comments were the most disgusting I can ever remember a candidate making in any election. I agree that he has always wanted the interview but not the job. He knows full well it would do his head in

But just as with labour here I don't really see why some want to see a virtual one party state.