How do we know that Honest Tom does exist? We haven't spoken to him. We've never bought him an Irn Bru at Ayr. He's never bought any of us a cuppa at Hamilton. He hasn't put up a photograph of himself wearing a Spiderman outfit, or even told us his 'real' name. He claims he is a veggie, that he has a family, and so on. But I think most of us who've met, or spoken, or e-mailed each other will agree that a long-standing forumite who's remained so secretive over the years, in the vein of Desperate Dan and a few others, is most likely an intergalactic alien, existing as an electrical energy field only, trying to assimilate into human life. Don't be fooled, good people. The next time your pc crashes when you're on the forum, it'll be Honest Tom and his ilk feeding off the current. You have been warned.