Well Chief

Beaten a head in the Triumph. Arkle winner at 5, beating Kicking King. Runner-up to Moscow Flyer in the Champion Chase at 6 and fell when favourite in same race at 8. Mighty performance in winning the VC Handicap at Cheltenham off top weight. Great clashes with the likes of Azertyuiop. A wonderful performer… it would be great to see something take on Master Minded this time… wishful thinking perhaps.
Agree with all that.

I would want nothing more in racing than to see Well Chief win the QM.

Amazing horse, and to do what he did in the VC outstrips Denman's Hennessey for me. Plus, i don't think as a horse carrying weight comes as easy.
Another horse that should have been retired long ago - he breaks down twice yet is put through it all again? What's that all about? It's not as if the horse owes them anything.
I'd need to know more than I do why he has been off the track but wasn't the first lay off more precautionary than anything else?
Seems he is cantering at the moment and so far so good, whether he’ll make it to the race is another thing, but it’s pretty clear this will be the last attempt. If the horse progresses well then good luck to them. Racehorses tend to prefer racing to standing about in a field – it’s the reason the breed exists:

"We've given Well Chief an entry in the Champion Chase and he's cantering at the moment. The Festival is a long way off for him, but he's in good form and, touch wood, his legs seem fine," said Pipe.

"We won't know how good his legs are until he does some quicker work and I doubt there would be time to get a run into him before Cheltenham, but this year will be his final chance to line up in the race, so we have to try."

How many 2 year 'precautionary' lay-offs are there?!

So WOA was given too little time, now Well Chief is been given too much time!!! Come on SL lets at least give both Mouse Morris's & David Pipe's vet/advisor who have ALL THE DETAILS to hand a little bit of credit.
Where did I say 2 years was too much time? I was pointing out that a 2 year layoff was hardly precautionary!

The horse has broken down twice already - why would any humane owner want to send it back into training to almost certainly break down again?

Vets will tell you pretty much what you want to hear - and anything that will possibly ensure more money for themselves!
Agree with all that.

I would want nothing more in racing than to see Well Chief win the QM.

Amazing horse, and to do what he did in the VC outstrips Denman's Hennessey for me. Plus, i don't think as a horse carrying weight comes as easy.

Not for me. I don't wish to denegrate Well Chief as his merit is already well established from his other form, but that VC Chase formisn't worth a carrot. He beat has beens and never weres at 2m. It was patently obvious the trip was inadequate for the only horse with a pulse (Thisthatandtother).
I have more chance of winning the QM as Well Chief. In fact WOA has more chance of winning the Gold Cup than WC winning the QM.

But then WOA was treated perfectly after his injury.

(PS.. Kathy just said SL was speaking 'utter tosh.' I bagsy seat A1.)
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It's a pity they are both not young and in their early 20's, then it could all be sorted with a mud wrestle.

I really like Well Chief and hope he comes back, however at the first signs of him not being the same horse ability wise I do hope they retire him, Johnson and Pipe certainly aren't afraid of letting a good horse rot anyway.
The fact that so many of you just choose to say nothing means perhaps you agree with her? I don't.

Why can I not disagree with someone when they spout rubbish?
Doesn’t sound as if the yard is especially optimistic about getting him back, but are giving it a last go.

Seems unlikely... but remember Martha’s Son who most people forgot about and reappeared to success in the big one in 1997 after last completing in 1995.

The fact that so many of you just choose to say nothing means perhaps you agree with her? I don't.

Why can I not disagree with someone when they spout rubbish?

For the same reason when others disagree with you when you spout rubbish, presumably.

Ice cream anyone ? Popcorn's all sold out ...
I'm busy watching the dave dent bashing in the chit chat forum but I promise to look in from time to time if they are stripped to the waist.

Slice of albatross anyone?