Well Chief

It appears that Kathy still hasn't worked out which part of my post she disagrees with, so it must just be because I wrote it.

C'mon, some of us are interested in your expert opinion Kathy - or have you not gotten around to ringing the local vet for a crash course in tendon trouble yet so not been able to form your opinion?
It appears that Kathy still hasn't worked out which part of my post she disagrees with, so it must just be because I wrote it.

C'mon, some of us are interested in your expert opinion Kathy - or have you not gotten around to ringing the local vet for a crash course in tendon trouble yet so not been able to form your opinion?
Seconds out.......
I'm just vaguely interested in which part was utter tosh and the reasons behind why it was so.

However, since it appears she hasn't decided herself yet which part is tosh and hasn't worked out her reasoning for doing so then her inflammatory trolling comment itself has been proven to be 'utter tosh'.
Where did I say 2 years was too much time? I was pointing out that a 2 year layoff was hardly precautionary!

The horse has broken down twice already - why would any humane owner want to send it back into training to almost certainly break down again?

Vets will tell you pretty much what you want to hear - and anything that will possibly ensure more money for themselves!

agree on this on all accounts. disgrace of owners to even enter up yfor such a race and should have been retired long ago.
Far be it from me to get involved in a controversy, but I thought I would offer the following;

I don't really like Shadow Leader all that much, but her postings on horse physiology always seem to be well informed and learned. Kathys seem to be overheard and emotive.

Now when it comes to Kathy's specific areas of expertise such as the websites and internet businesses she seems to have way more credibility than SL.

I hope that came out even handed.
I'm with the angry one on this.

Me too.

I know it is hard to retire a horse, especially one as good as this one - but owners should never be desperate. Coming back after two breakdowns seems that way to me.

Let's hope he does not end up like Contraband, at the back of the fields, sold on, and then point to pointing.

I have known flat horses that recover from several injuries but think the Queen Mother Champion Chase is a MUCH bigger ask than anything flat horses even dream about.
There is a tendency - especially amongst many horse-mad girlies and women of a certain age - to take on trust everything a vet tells them, without being objective about the fact that a veterinary clinic is a business, with overheads, staff salaries and a host of other costs that have to be paid. Especially in these income-strapped times, a vet is going to recommend a treatment programme that makes him money - not one that isn't - and if anyone wants to believe they are an animal-loving altruistic bunch of people, go ahead and make their day.

I have two veterinary practices as suppliers - one for the cattle and small animals and another as the specialist equine vets (both are fully aware of, and happy with, this situation). It is extraordinary that a c-section on a cow - which takes TWO vets and a great deal of muscle - costs less than a c-section on one of my friend's beagles.... which would involve one vet only. Now, why is that, I wonder...

I like my vets - we get on very well - but it's business relationship and it would be ill-advised to ever forget that.
but think the Queen Mother Champion Chase is a MUCH bigger ask than anything flat horses even dream about.

Right, I'm bored waiting for the wrestling to begin, so I'm going to latch on to this comment.

Do you think horses dream about winning big races? Do you think Galileo (the horse, not the forum entity) turned to his mother when he was very ickle and said "Mum, I'm going to win the Derby one day, you wait and see and then I'm going to get a shot on all of your daughters like daddy did", to which his mother nodded and smiled with matronly pride at her son's ambition.
As I mentioned a while ago, most had written off Martha's Son who had last completed a race almost a year and a half before winning the Champion Chase.

Well Chief is cantering at the moment - if all is well he'll take his chance, if not he won't. Either way it seems clear that this will be the last attempt to get him ready.

After that he can be shuffled off to retirement, which for many is not the luxurious existence some fondly imagine. It's likely he will never be as well looked after as he is now.
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Do you think horses dream about winning big races? Do you think Galileo (the horse, not the forum entity) turned to his mother when he was very ickle and said "Mum, I'm going to win the Derby one day, you wait and see and then I'm going to get a shot on all of your daughters like daddy did", to which his mother nodded and smiled with matronly pride at her son's ambition.

Actually, I know that is factually incorrect. At the time of the conversation Galileo had been grounded as he had been messing around with some gangsta Danehills. So when he told his mother of his ambitions she just got more annoyed and said, "Keep that up lad and I will increase, "your ban - see."
Actually, I know that is factually incorrect. At the time of the conversation Galileo had been grounded as he had been messing around with some gangsta Danehills. So when he told his mother of his ambitions she just got more annoyed and said, "Keep that up lad and I will increase, "your ban - see."

Did he storm off to the back of the stables and tear mother's favourite nose bag to shreds after this?
And perhaps there is another in AOB's stable, secretly thinking to himself, "I am of Godolphin Arabian stock, that infidel Feguson should have bid higher", and tired of hearing Mr Mole saying "Take them up the gallops, if it please God", "Get that one in the swimming pool, if it please God", who is currently reading up on how to make a nail bomb from horse manure and horseshoes and is planning to drive the horse box into the big house?
Right, I'm bored waiting for the wrestling to begin, so I'm going to latch on to this comment.

Do you think horses dream about winning big races? Do you think Galileo (the horse, not the forum entity) turned to his mother when he was very ickle and said "Mum, I'm going to win the Derby one day, you wait and see and then I'm going to get a shot on all of your daughters like daddy did", to which his mother nodded and smiled with matronly pride at her son's ambition.

And I thought you knew sarcasm when you came across it ....... :lol:
There is a tendency - especially amongst many horse-mad girlies and women of a certain age - to take on trust everything a vet tells them, without being objective about the fact that a veterinary clinic is a business, with overheads, staff salaries and a host of other costs that have to be paid. .......

Well put. It's the same as the Priest, Doctor, teacher, worship syndrome. And 'trainer' syndrome can be the same! Never had two vets or Docs give me the same prognosis, minefield.
No more opinions on Well Chief?

Difficult to see where the threads going now then? as all we're geting is pot stirring I'm afraid?
Lets grow up and leave leading comments aside.

This thread is to discuss the horse who would have become the best 2 mile chaser of the past 20 years were it not for injury :)
Definately Master Minded

Sometimes also forgotten that he is young enough to improve again...? But we may never know whether he has or will need to

As fine as WC was, i just dont see him in quite the spectacular and dominant light that has been displayed by MM (mostly)
Lets grow up

A phrase that sits alongside "that says more about xxxx than xxxxx" and the "word" postmodernism in my book. Although now that I come to think about it, that does say more about....

However, on the subject at hand. They don't come back, do they.
If somebody doesn't recognise my clever play on words soon I am going to my room and never coming out.

See the "for and against" thread. I know nothing. Although I did know enough to recognise that there was a play on words in there, just insufficient to identify it.