Well Chief

A phrase that sits alongside "that says more about xxxx than xxxxx" and the "word" postmodernism in my book. Although now that I come to think about it, that does say more about....

Hard to disagree with that
Yes its all to do with a promised land, which I must admit has had me wondering whether it would be better to split this thread with the Dom/ Kathy baiting and bible 'quoters' going into 'chit chat', and the Well Chief posts to be left in 'racing', as there's clearly two very different threads operating on the single one?
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I'm just vaguely interested in which part was utter tosh and the reasons behind why it was so.

However, since it appears she hasn't decided herself yet which part is tosh and hasn't worked out her reasoning for doing so then her inflammatory trolling comment itself has been proven to be 'utter tosh'.

You can carry on making sweeping statements about tendons, vets and other peoples horses but not everyone agrees with your personal opinion.

I am not trolling. I have belonged to this forum for several years.
Yes its all to do with a promised land, which I must admit has had me wondering whether it would be better to split this thread with the Dom/ Kathy baiting and bible 'quoters' going into 'chit chat', and the Well Chief posts to be left in 'racing', as there's clearly two very different threads operating on the single one?

Why? Is is a cardinal sin to go off topic on here now? Has punning been banished? Is it simply not done ? :confused:

Having been absent for a while on here, I can see it's all too easy to make an incorrect posting and end up in the Gulag...
Two of my horses have had well documented had tendon problems. One of them came back and won twice. One had little more than complete rest for the best part of a year on advice from the vet. Surely he shouldl have told me to have an expensive treatment to enable him to rip me off. He didn't as not all vets do.

Not sure what the "women of a certain age" comment is meant to mean nor who it is referring to, but hopefully, having been around vets since I was about 20 years old, I have a pretty good idea of what vets are likely to be ripping me off and which ones aren't.

Simon Knapp who looks after Bay Hawk now is not what I would call crooked ie. likely to be telling me things just so I pay for them. My Dad has known Simon Knapp for over 30 years so I trust him implicitly. I just find it horrendous that people can make sweeping statements about an industry - in this case, veterinary practices and bascially saying they are in the business of ripping people off. Some people may have found this but I certainly haven't. Perhaps as I am a woman of a certain age, I may have just been lucky.;)
Precisely. only experience of equine vets is with O'Gorman Slater Lane, who are a very big practice on the edge of Newbury and act for most of the Lambourn yards. They are very professional and trainers trust them completely, as they have to. They are always clear about prognosis, chances of recovery, and likely cost of treatment to get a horse back on the racetrack.

When my collie had a bad heart attack aged 12 resulting in a fibrillating heart and fitting, the Elizabeth Street practice (Pimlico SW1) were very frank with me about her likely life span and quality of life, and we mutually decided to put her out of her misery although it was a terrible shock and loss to me (being on my own).

It's ludicrous to say all vets are crooks just out to make money - most of them go into their career because they want to do their best for ANIMALS
Just who said "all vets are crooks just out to make money" ? You are certainly starting to exhibit all the characteristics of the average Press reporter, Headstong, with that bit of blatant media hype! A statement worthy of The Daily Mail at its best.

My point was - and is - that vets are in business - they are not registered charities - they are in business with all that implies and they frequently do promote courses of treatment that are sometimes more expensive that they need to be. That is not the same as saying "Kathy's vet is a crook and is ripping her off" - I know it's tempting to assume every post is centred on whatever her latest equine event happens to be but there - you maybe need to learn the difference between objective and subjective posts.
Neither SL nor Songsheet suggested that vets are crooks (I think most of us have long ago learned to read beneath the former's hyperbolic style to see her point). Let's not fan the flames
I did read that in SL's original post - and it was obvious that that was what Kathy was calling rubbish. I fully agree that Kathy should ignore SL's posts fwiw, and she knows I think so LOL

I wasn't fanning the flames just disagreeing from MY OWN EXPERIENCE with the premise that vets will always (or even usually) look after their own interests rather than those of the animals in their care; I think it's an important point to make
Vets can be a little bit like those TV Mediums who pretend to be in touch with the dead relations of studio audience members.

What they can do is latch on to what the person wants and then take them down that road. They can manipulate people, play upon desperate vain hopes in order to maximise their own return.

With vets it can be just as important to get a judgement before you've told them what you want from it. Theres always a vastly expensive treatment if they think you want one! They're not going to damage the horse with it, but it could well be unneccessary or needless.

See on Who wants to be A Millionaire? Never say which two you think the answer lies between and then ask for a 50-50 ... they've got you already.
It might be worth pointing out that all vets not being crooks doesn’t exclude the (unlikely) possibility that all crooks are vets... I'm helpful like that.
Simon Knapp has a habit of tutting and shaking his head every time he sees a scan. I's just the way he is. He has insisted that Bay Hawk does a lot more road work and has given a strict routine on time spent on the horsewalker. He comes back next Friday to do another scan and I will be present. I much prefer being in control of the vet than the trainer having 100% control. That's not a criticism of all trainers, as I tend not to make sweeping generalisations, but I know that some trainers are "in bed" with some vets and corners can be cut. I am a woman of a certain age that doesn't suffer fools gladly and never has.

Uncle Goober, I agree with you to some extent about some vets but luckily not everyone can be led. If the vet of Well Chief has said that the horse can return into training and then to race again we will probably never know. It could be solely the owners decision or the owner egged on by the trainer. Sometimes the vet will offer their proffessional opinion and then it's down to the person who pays the bills as to what happens next. If Simon Knapp advises me to retire Bay Hawk I would respect his opinion 100% and do just that.

I would never second guess whose decision it is to give Well Chief another chance but would hope the owner's appreciate it is a high risk strategy to go this route. I would be surprised if they were not aware of that.
For the same reason when others disagree with you when you spout rubbish, presumably.

Nice to see you posting back on here, Songsheet after a 7 month break. I wonder what brought you back over here.:whistle: Oh yes, it would be thread about the mares wouldn't it......;)
I wonder is Simon Knapp has agreed to having his name plastered all over this asylum. If I were he I would be concerned by the association with some of the throwaway inferrals. I guess Kathy knows best.

(PS.. Bottle of wine for whoever cracks my really clever reference.)
There was me thinking this thread was about Well Chief, not Bay Hawk! Who on earth dared to drag him into the subject?

The thing is, I still haven't had a response from Kathy on which particular part of my post was 'utter tosh' and the reasons behind it. I was trying to discuss the subject, but......oh well, it seems I shall be wondering about that to my grave.

Of course all vets aren't crooks - one of them gave me an ACP tablet for my dog once, gratis. Fancy that!

I'd like to add that I think the following post be considered for the title of post of the year - brilliant, Simmo!

And perhaps there is another in AOB's stable, secretly thinking to himself, "I am of Godolphin Arabian stock, that infidel Feguson should have bid higher", and tired of hearing Mr Mole saying "Take them up the gallops, if it please God", "Get that one in the swimming pool, if it please God", who is currently reading up on how to make a nail bomb from horse manure and horseshoes and is planning to drive the horse box into the big house?

PS - Headstrong, I'm glad that you think so higly of my vets, except that mine are called O'Gorman, Slater and Main. I'm sure I could probably introduce you to James Main if you so desired.
SL I've already explained there are physical reasons for my name dyslexia (and in this case I have not mercifully seen the name on a bill for over 18 months). I do hope when you are my age and beginning to show signs of old age, that people are tolerant of your infirmities, ditto re your crumbly hip.
PS - Headstrong, I'm glad that you think so higly of my vets, except that mine are called O'Gorman, Slater and Main. I'm sure I could probably introduce you to James Main if you so desired.

I've had to move my business of "O'Gormless, Slaughter & Maim" for obvious reasons....:p