What Are You Listening To Now?

Well sort of but not really

was with a bird who was with one of the fp for years. Rock chick she was. Could tell a few stories..
Its the layers of sound harmonising isn't it? No one else has pulled that off in such a manner in popular music surely? The lightness of touch. I don't know if this has ever been said before but it's reminiscent of Bach to me.

I believe both the Beach Boys and Bach can be described as masters of Contrapuntal Harmony or Harmonious Counterpoint, if there's a distinction. What those terms mean I don't really know but it sure sounds good

The Beatles 'Girl' is said to be a fine example of Counterpoint

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Currently listening to who I think is the most technically proficient guitar player I have ever heard. And hs tone is sweet, too.
Not my usual diet of metal ............. more classical/rock fusion. But I like it.

What he is doing from around 5:00 onwards is surely beyond human capability?

Last night I went to see Don Henley at the Arena. First rate show with a fine group of musicians in support. Sounds like he played the same set as in Glasgow:

Now listening to this which seems to be the same line-up as last night:

He was very heavy about not wanting people to use mobile phones for photos or video although there was an armistice for Hotel California. In his view it's unsettling for him and unfair on the majority who just want to enjoy the music in the present. Sounds fair enough to me.
Just caught up with this years Glastonbury and found it really disappointing. PJ Harvey was fantastic and a M83 were good. Must dig out Let England Shake and give it another listen.
Cheers Archie. Good write up.

Its the layers of sound harmonising isn't it? No one else has pulled that off in such a manner in popular music surely?

I'll nominate The Mamas and The Papas for best vocal harmonies (which is not the same thing as sound harmonies).

Located an album which I think ranks up there with Ogdens Nut Gone Flake, Are You Experienced and Pepper as a sixties classic. The Yardbirds - Over Under Sideways Down. A delightful blend of British blues, jazz and psychedelia.
The favourite band from my youth! No wonder when you think of what the individual members went on the achieve.