What are you watching

By gum, not 'arf. That was seriously unsettling and as you say, a masterful piece of acting: the quintessence of Psychopathy. The performance of DCI Stewart barely coping with the grizzly revelations was splendid too

Gives you goose bumps doesn't it? Absolutely brilliant. The whole cast to be fair. Glad you enjoyed it.
She's a fabulous actor- catch her in Scott & Bailey being repeated at the moment too. :)
Now you're talking.

Hello yes! I'm currently re watching the last series, not for the second time either. The more I watch it , the more I appreciate it. It really is one of the landmark products of the television age.
My only gripe is that Toby would never have done what Toby did if Aaron Sorkin has still been writing it by then but minor in the scheme of plot lines.
Would marry Josh Lemon Lyman in a minute!! :)
Bloodlands......did anyone enjoy/watch this? Admittedly I was on this forum chat as well as watching the final episode last night (multitasking a particular skill of mine!) but I really struggled with this programme.
James Nesbitt's probably in the position to pick & choose his scripts, and Bloodlands was one of the better ones, imo, though not in the 'Cold Feet'category.
Apparently, he shot his wife's lover and buried him on the island featured in the early parts of the tale. much of the rest involved the victim's daughter, and various police departments, trying to figure who pulled the trigger. They then introduced the mysterious 'Goliath' into the equation and (AFAIAA) it turned out to be the former IRA boss, who eventually shot the bereaved daughter. As a result JN shot him, which sort of erased any proof of JN's involvement.
A patchy precis of the story, but the best I can offer, from memory.
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Yes I have been watching that too. Actually quite enjoying it. It’s a true story....well the fact that the ships disappeared.
Binge watched it: do that a lot these days. Have now spent half the day watching utube blogs and lectures about the expedition. Michael Palin wrote a book about it. It takes me back to the first Rik Burns documentary I ever saw that was about the Donner party.
I just watched Michael Palin being interviewed about it. I can’t seem to read books these days. The History Buffs blog was interesting.
It just dawned on me yesterday that we'd got to Good Friday and I hadn't yet watched Jesus of Nazareth (the Zeffirelli one) this year.

I plan to put that right during down time from the racing today and tomorrow.
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Between The Lines: back in the day trying to be a cross between The Sweeney and the now brilliant Line Of Duty, starring the very watchable Neil Pearson in the lead. Tries too hard to be 'cutting edge' tele and doesn't quite stand the test of time but filled with now very well known actors in bit parts. Ray Winston in one of the 3 shown back to back last night.

Also on the Yesterday channel last week , Warfields, which was about the fields where the battles of Ypres and Paschendale were in 1917. Made I think a few years ago as referring to 100 years ago a few times but worth a watch. Pond Farm, which was in the middle of the the beginning of the first battle was the German headquarters for a while, when taken by the British renamed as Pond Farm as had a pond, and has remained known as that ever since. The guy who owns it a keen war historian and has set up his own museum on site of things he has found in the fields when farming. The law in Belgium says no one is allowed to dig more than 40cm depth in the old battlefields, but they dredged the pond as that is allowed. Amazing finds, including a live gas shell with fuse intact. He found a bit of a British tank a few years ago which has broken down in the 'blue mud' which covered the fields; found an aerial photograph of it when it was broken down, a picture of the crew, the tank commander was a 19 year old South African, and he traced his family, now in Britain and a great nephew went over to visit the site. Amazing stuff.
In another dig at a farm further on, loads of shells and bullets still live and the saddest find was a part of a denture. 80,000 men disappeared and have no known graves. Fascinating stuff, and this guy an absolute hero to preserve and take such good care of the land and what it is still is giving up.
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Really excellent psychological drama on ITV currently called Too Close. Not sure why they haven’t beefed up advertising it more. Superb acting from the two lead characters, Emily Watson and especially Denise Gough. Subject may be a bit harrowing for some but it’s worth watching on catch up. Last episode Wednesday evening.
Luther back on the Drama channel from Monday :)

Last night on BBC4, Watergate. Not sure how old this is, but how on earth, seriously, how on earth did all those people take Gordon Liddy seriously and trust in him, and give him all that money? Repeatedly too. Seriously, the guy was living on another planet/ Reggie Perrin type of world. Simply unbelievable!
This is Us - Amazon. Didn’t expect too much and was expecting to give up on what could be yet another schmaltzy US series. Anything but. Unusual structure but it works and I can easily see why it is winning awards. Every time you think you know what is about to happen , it doesn’t. Covers so many issues within the life of one family over generations but in ways I never seen before. Charging through the series but we are tempted to slow down because we don’t want want to finish. Can’t give a simple description because it doesn’t fit. Possibly a like it or loath it watch but definitely among the best I have seen.
I saw it when it was on, I think, Ch4 a few years back, but only saw one episode. It did look good.
This is Us - Amazon. Didn’t expect too much and was expecting to give up on what could be yet another schmaltzy US series. Anything but. Unusual structure but it works and I can easily see why it is winning awards. Every time you think you know what is about to happen , it doesn’t. Covers so many issues within the life of one family over generations but in ways I never seen before. Charging through the series but we are tempted to slow down because we don’t want want to finish. Can’t give a simple description because it doesn’t fit. Possibly a like it or loath it watch but definitely among the best I have seen.

Mrs Grass and our youngest daughter absolutely love this, Laurence. I have dipped in from time to time, but usually get given my marching papers when I start asking questions about new characters, such is their irritation. It's very good from what I've seen though.
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