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Very sad to learn of the passing yesterday of the brilliant Helen McCrory who I absolutely loved as Aunt Polly in Peaky Blinders. To say she owned the role is an understatement - not sure how they will cope in the last series (Currently being made) without such a dominant character.
To pass the longest week of the year I thought I'd proper binge watch an old favourite. Nine seasons, 150+ episodes should do it - The West Wing. Immense TV. Top ten show all time easily.

The West Wing is actually 7 seasons not 9. Just finished season 5. It's a top ten of all time show for sure. Speaking of which I started a re-watch of Line of Duty again in prep for the last season which is currently on the Beeb. Season's 2 and 3 of that show up there with the last couple of Breaking Bad seasons, the first couple of The Sopranos and the odd Game of Thrones as the best tv ever imo. Season 2 of The Wire as well. Immense
Very sad to learn of the passing yesterday of the brilliant Helen McCrory who I absolutely loved as Aunt Polly in Peaky Blinders. To say she owned the role is an understatement - not sure how they will cope in the last series (Currently being made) without such a dominant character.

Yes tragic news, wasn't seeming to be well on one of the morning shows a few weeks ago but laughed it off.. a phenomenal actor.
The West Wing is actually 7 seasons not 9. Just finished season 5. It's a top ten of all time show for sure. Speaking of which I started a re-watch of Line of Duty again in prep for the last season which is currently on the Beeb. Season's 2 and 3 of that show up there with the last couple of Breaking Bad seasons, the first couple of The Sopranos and the odd Game of Thrones as the best tv ever imo. Season 2 of The Wire as well. Immense

Love, love, love The West Wing. Currently gone back to series 2 and now on series 3 again ( not keen on one only because of Mandy which is a stupid reason not to watch it but.... ) first episode on the DVDs I have for series 3 is Ishmael and Isaac, made after 9/11 as a stand alone episode , and is sheer genius.
Amongst the genius writing, one of my favourite pieces as a lifelong fan of the Monkees :)
'Hey don't diss Davey Jones, he once wrote me a letter , he took that kind of time and he still tours' .
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The West Wing is actually 7 seasons not 9. Just finished season 5. It's a top ten of all time show for sure. Speaking of which I started a re-watch of Line of Duty again in prep for the last season which is currently on the Beeb. Season's 2 and 3 of that show up there with the last couple of Breaking Bad seasons, the first couple of The Sopranos and the odd Game of Thrones as the best tv ever imo. Season 2 of The Wire as well. Immense

Love, love, love The West Wing. Currently gone back to series 2 and now on series 3 again ( not keen on one only because of Mandy which is a stupid reason not to watch it but.... ) first episode on the DVDs I have for series 3 is Ishmael and Isaac, made after 9/11 as a stand alone episode , and is sheer genius. The 'bonus' DVD of out takes/background etc is also fabulous to watch.
As a lifelong Monkees fan, one of my favourite pieces of TV script ever:
'Hey don't diss Davey Jones, he once wrote me a letter , he took that kind of time and he still tours' . As a lifelong fan of the Monkees as well.... :)
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Very sad to learn of the passing yesterday of the brilliant Helen McCrory who I absolutely loved as Aunt Polly in Peaky Blinders. To say she owned the role is an understatement - not sure how they will cope in the last series (Currently being made) without such a dominant character.

I can’t quite get my head round how upset I am about this: was absolutely shocked when it came on the news yesterday. Peaky Blinders is very dear to my heart as my dads family came from the area around The Garrison and it was their pub. Black Patch Park where the gypsies lived was my playground. Aunt Polly ‘is’ Peaky Blinders to me, and I’m sure that the character and Helen McCrory morphed into each other. Plus the fact that she had such wonderfully strong happy show biz marriage and a son the same age as my grandson. It’s been a strange 12 months where people have died that I’ve known well ( a dear friend from Ireland), known slightly (Liam) and not known at all but I get that awful pit of the stomach empty feeling when I think about them. Unbearably sad.
Really excellent psychological drama on ITV currently called Too Close.

Watched it following your recommendation. Well acted and a powerful examination of a nervous breakdown and the dangers of going 'cold turkey' following over-reliance on benzodiazepines and antidepressants. Otherwise, rather too formulaic and cliched I reckon with a particularly weak - if happy - ending; and I doubt anyone would be allowed to interview a potentially dangerous individual incarcerated in a secure hospital without them first having their mobile phone, fags and lighter placed under lock and key

Worth watching though, thanks
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Yes definitely a bit of artistic licence going on there! I must say I had never seen Denise Gough in anything before, but she’s superb! Often the case with someone who has honed their craft on the stage. Her raw emotion was so visible.
Have just started watching the Netflix documentary “This Is A Robbery” about an art-heist at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum in Boston, MA in 1990.

Only two episodes in and hooked already.
There are some programmes that I make a point of watching when they’re on because I can’t get catchup for some channels and wouldn’t dream of missing. But there are others that, when I’m channel hopping I’ll continue to watch and really enjoy but generally will not go out of my way to watch. QI, First Dates etc. Last night I hit upon 8 out of 10 Cats does Countdown. I ended up watching about 3 of them and was laughing so much it hurt.
I don’t know if I can face listening to that yet. I may try in a few weeks time.

Yes me too. I have just read the tribute Damian Lewis wrote that being shared on Facebook and that has made me well up badly.
There are some programmes that I make a point of watching when they’re on because I can’t get catchup for some channels and wouldn’t dream of missing. But there are others that, when I’m channel hopping I’ll continue to watch and really enjoy but generally will not go out of my way to watch. QI, First Dates etc. Last night I hit upon 8 out of 10 Cats does Countdown. I ended up watching about 3 of them and was laughing so much it hurt.

It’s brilliant isn’t it? From start to finish its pure class [emoji3590]

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There was one last night where Aisling Bea (who I love) switched places with Rachael Riley who then spoke with an Irish accent. I’m still chuckling over it!
Would I Lie to You is brilliant TV, made so by the two captains who are brilliant foils for each other.

Much as I love Countdown, I can't watch the 8/10 Cats version. In the first place I can't stand Jimmy Carr and secondly it's just too unnecessarily smutty for my prudish taste. I'm surprised Susie Dent has anything to with it. Some of the panel guests are wasted on it.
Would I lie to you? is good most evenings regardless of guests, but I'd watch Bob Mortimer on it all day every day
Being AP was on BBC2 again last night , so will be available on the iplayer I guess. One of most striking things was how gaunt and ill he looked, obviously a lot lighter than now comparatively, and he looked terrible during that whole season.
Second time round I still can't get over the size of his wife's wardrobe! Absolutely ridiculous, I used to think I had a lot of clothes.