What are you watching

Anyone know if possible/probable that Annika will be available on DVD to buy as don't have Alibi and anything with the excellent Nicola Walker is worth spending the money. Really sad she's not in any more Unforgotten though - sorry spoiler alert. :(
The first couple of seasons of Norsemen on Netflix are good. First original comedy that I laughed at in a while.
I ordered series one of Britannia after seeing a trailer for series three on the tv but it hasn’t arrived yet. Was looking forward to watching it.
Stephen. Had my reservations as thought nothing new could be learnt really from watching it, but really worth it. Well cast and very well done.
Without wishing to spoil anything but yet again what happens to main detective at the end is/was absolutely outrageous.
Help. Got it on now as I was busy earlier - ferk me it’s powerful. Jodie Comer and Steven graham are fantastic

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Manhunt; the hunt for the Night Stalker that’s currently on this week on ITV is excellent. And I think Martin Clunes is superb....probably his best ever role. Definitely worth watching on catch up.
I KNEW there was something on this week I wanted to see! [emoji2356] the last one was so brilliant I was really excited to see this one. Know what I’m doing tomorrow now….

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Manhunt; the hunt for the Night Stalker that’s currently on this week on ITV is excellent. And I think Martin Clunes is superb....probably his best ever role. Definitely worth watching on catch up.

Agree with every word - brilliant TV
Manhunt; the hunt for the Night Stalker that’s currently on this week on ITV is excellent. And I think Martin Clunes is superb....probably his best ever role. Definitely worth watching on catch up.

This is brilliant. I'm not a huge fan of his but he is utterly convincing. Very harrowing story very well handled.
Normally if Mrs O and I want to watch different stuff I would go into another room and watch my own programme/DVD but not in this temporary house.

So after 'Strictly', during which I'm surfing the Net rather than watch it, another programme comes on without my realising it.

But after a few minutes I'm thinking 'what is this shite and who is this awful singer warbling out those dreadful lines'.

Turns out it's a guy called Ed Sherrin or Sheering or something like that and I'm then told he's one of the globe's biggest stars.

The guy strikes me as talentless.

Is this the kind of 'talent' that's making it big these days?

I gave it another 15 mins before pleading with Mrs O to give us a break and put on something less straining on the ears.

God help us.
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Just finished manhunt - as I said earlier I forgot this one was on till Kirsty mentioned it,
It’s just as good as the first one. Martin Clunes is so much more than a comedy actor and an all round good bloke. Fabulous stuff.

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Am I the only person disgusted by the ongoing TV ad for 'Stand Up to Cancer' in which some sleb declares "Let's kick cancer's arse!"?

Having lost many relatives to several variations of this horrific disease, I find that kind of trite remark insulting to victims and their families.

Cancer's arse will not be kicked in our lifetime and, while I applaud and support many cancer charities, to suggest that a TV programme will beat it like toeing a black & white silent movie actor's backside is deeply insensitive to the millions of victims of cancer and their loved ones left to deal with their loss.

Shameful stuff.

(And all this aside from the fact that the language itself is inappropriate for family TV viewing.)
Probably. The slogan in various forms has been around for along time and is a way to make people feel that their donations are actually likely to make a difference. Each show has donation numbers across it, so lots of opportunities for people watching the various shows ( the bake off ones are my favourites!) to donate if they so wish.

Way less offensive than a lot of other things they could have said, hardly something to clutch your pearls over [emoji23]

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I watched Vigil. I'm not that fussed either way in terms of giving it a rating. My much beloved 'The X Files' finished a long time ago!

Fwiw, I found this review of Vigil.

Friedrich Stuart
3 weeks ago

An interesting concept, that could have gone far, if the writers hadn't seen fit to attempt to be all things to all people...The basic concept here is sound and intriguing, murder on a nuclear sub and the involvement of various agencies, police, MI5, Navy, politics and protesting civilians, how they protect their own patch of authority whilst rubbing up against each other...also intermingled with the ordinary secrets, affiliations etc of the human beings involved.
However, the actions of those on the submarine are, one feels, portrayed as a little too human.. in fact the dramas on the sub play out in a days of our lives fashion, that strains credibility, crew members that have been found tentatively guilty of various high level offences are effectively left to wander around freely, sinking of trawlers, covert shadowing by allied submarines, reactor shut downs, are all brushed aside by both those on and off the sub as mere glitches in operations...meanwhile, of course the investigator in charge is suffering from a cliched case of PTSD, combined with a guilt complex following a fatal car accident, whilst also struggling with her feelings regarding her lesbian liason with the detective sergeant she appointed to the case, all of which invades the drama in a series of "quite annoying" flashbacks. Tedious wokeness aside...having so many balls in the air at the same time pushes Vigil from the unlikely toward the Pantomimy, OH no it's not.....OHHHH Yes it is!! 2 points for a concept poorly executed.

:) :) :)
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