What To Do Here - Davy Russell

Redhead, if you like warties, try http://www.Africam.com - go to Nkorho Pan, where they're often seen grubbing around on their knees for insects and tasties, just outside the lodge. (You get the bonus of lots of ellies at Tembe, where there are some 180 which survived sustained poaching by Mozambique fighters during their war, and all sorts arriving at Elephant Plains, although curiously not a lot of elephants! Sometimes herds of buffalo arrive and take over the ponds, even lying in them, grunting away happily.) You get all the bennies of safari holidays, without the expense, the flies, or the mosquitoes!
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Wait till poor Davy Russell, so bored of hospital life that he's googling himself in his bed (no, Father, I don't think it's a sin), comes across this thread. He'll be well and truly bewildered.
Well, he's certainly prettier than a warthog, but whether he's as sweet ...

Hello Davy, if you're reading!
You haven't seen my Hattie Jacques-style matron's disguise, though, have you, Redhead? "Now then, young man, let's just have you on your back for a minute... " ;)