Worst Priced Cheltenham Antepost Favourite?

On what basis? He won one of the worst Champion Hurdles in recent times and has hardly covered himself in glory the last two years. Should be 14s at least.
On what basis? He won one of the worst Champion Hurdles in recent times and has hardly covered himself in glory the last two years. Should be 14s at least.
Can't handle very testing ground, fourth on soft last year and this year's race looks no better than that. When he beat Brave Inca and Hardy Eustace two years ago, it was suggested that those two were gone at the game. Rumours of their demise was decidedly exaggerated, it now appears.
I'm not going to get involved in a protracted debate but, in my opinion, he has the 2nd best form in the division this season and is proven over C&D - so I reckon he has a better chance than a lot of them.
no need to look further than celestial halo or binocular sub may be proven over the trip but so is ch and he acts in softish ground sublimity dosnt on good or faster ground he wont see which way binocular is going until its all over

unfortuanatly i cant see brave inca winning again but on softish ground and a good pace i cannt see sublimity reversing the aig form
I'm not going to get involved in a protracted debate but, in my opinion, he has the 2nd best form in the division this season and is proven over C&D - so I reckon he has a better chance than a lot of them.

Not sure I could agree he has the second best form this season, Relkeel.

A strong argument can be made for Celestial Halo's second in the Bula being stronger than Sublimity's victory at Leopardstown - though that is reflected in the prices.

I'm quite happy not to touch Sublimity at his current price tbh - particularly given his trainer.
Jayo is a fragile horse and not a betting prospect.

FTP has run in 5 chases. He has won three of them and was 2nd and third in the other two.He beat Tatanen giving 11lbs on decentish ground and being by accordion will improve on better ground. I think it's a bit early to be categoric about this horse.

Very interesting just now to watch the re-run of the Leopardstown 26th Dec Durkan Novice Chase run on atr, which I never saw at the time. FTP has a very dodgy headcarriage imo and didn't look to want to go through with his effort on the line - well done to the jockey to get him up to beat Tatenem! The two were certainly well clear of the rest. I've got an ante-post for Calgary Bay at a big price and will stick with that til nearer the time.

I don't think Tatanem lost through lack of resolution that day. He's won at cheltenham already which always a big plus in my book; and will do better with a stronger pace. Hard to judge anything on these 'slog and sprints' in poor gorund. Could not have Cooldine after that showing, though
Very interesting just now to watch the re-run of the Leopardstown 26th Dec Durkan Novice Chase run on atr, which I never saw at the time. FTP has a very dodgy headcarriage imo and didn't look to want to go through with his effort on the line - well done to the jockey to get him up to beat Tatenem!

Didn't get that impression , will have another look.
How? He beat a bunch of slow coaches on deep ground there and Inglis Drever apart the staying hurdlers last year were a very ropey bunch. I`ve already got Punchestowns in my Cheltenham portfolio and i`ll be adding Big Bucks now.

Unless it`s very soft at the Festival i`d be surprised if Kasbah Bliss will be good enough.
How? He beat a bunch of slow coaches on deep ground there and Inglis Drever apart the staying hurdlers last year were a very ropey bunch. I`ve already got Punchestowns in my Cheltenham portfolio and i`ll be adding Big Bucks now.

Unless it`s very soft at the Festival i`d be surprised if Kasbah Bliss will be good enough.

Errr....Kasbah Bliss needs good ground. Trainer has long said that. Improved flat form this year. Likely to really outpace the likes of Punchestowns. Worthy favourite.
Kasbah Bliss has hardened in the market. 6/4 is now top with quotes as low as 11/10. Catch Me was very impressive but the World Hurdle is just too far for him. He was 25/1 for the race at the Punchestown festival, which looks a big rick now.
I think Fair Along each way is much the best value in that race though I think Kasbah Bliss will probably win.
Would worry if they go a strong pace at Cheltenham for KB - the French horses tend to have a much better turn of foot than their UK/Irish counterparts though think he might be vulnerable if it's a genuine end to end gallop.

Same with Hurricane Fly (though I think both will still prove good enough to win).
I'd rate Kasbah Bliss as one of my festival bankers.

That may well be so. I've backed KB this year at 7/2 and 11/4 (also backed him past two seasons). While he hasn't got Inglis Drever to contend with this season, I do like Punchestowns a lot. Hopefully one or the other can win as I've got Punchestowns at 6s. I don't think the weekend told us any more about KB and am fairly surprised he has hardened so much as a result.

As they currently stand KB looks the one, but Punchestowns is screaming improvement to me from a high base.
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