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  1. M

    What are you watching

    Probably the only good thing that’s happened in recent times....(Trump going, that is....)
  2. M

    The 2021 Longshot Thread

    Thought I’d have a day off from betting but put some pennies on it last night so thanks for that!
  3. M

    What are you watching

    We saw that at the cinema and were transfixed. How you can maintain that sort of tension in a film where you know the ending is beyond me. There was a programme last night on BBC 4 about the dawn chorus. Made by sound engineer Chris Watson who gave a talk at our birdwatching club once. If it’s...
  4. M

    What are you backing Today? Part 2

    Oh I missed that Marb. Backed Sophie Leeches runner at Compiegne but it came second and I didn’t get bog. She’s doing very well with her raiding parties.
  5. M

    What are you backing Today? Part 2

    Thanks. Didn’t know it was on. Clicked on just as the they were loading and one of the pundits mentioned Rombauer(sp) and I put my pennies on just in time. Woohoo!
  6. M

    The 2021 Longshot Thread

    Thankfully I had a last minute bet on Eshaada because I read that she’d ran at Nottingham and I know a lot of trainers start their good horses off at Nottingham. Henry Cecil used to do so I believe and we’ve been there when Michael Stoute has sent a young’un there. Still down in the day though.
  7. M

    York Races

    I don’t bet to win. I just have an account so that I can back steamers, tips from people on forums or racing radio, sometimes from races I’ve studied. All I aim to do is break even. But during lockdown I used up all the money in my account (which isn’t much), which has never happened before...
  8. M

    The 2021 Longshot Thread

    Oh b****er. My hearing as well as my eyes need testing!
  9. M

    The 2021 Longshot Thread

    So close. Another thanks from me though as was also mentioned by Ken Pitterson so went in again.
  10. M

    York Races

    Well done. Thanks for that!
  11. M

    York Races

    I feel awful when I back a horse and that happens. I can remember Clare Balding writing an article saying the same thing years ago.
  12. M

    York Races

    Molatham has died.....
  13. M

    The 2021 Longshot Thread

    I always back Brian the Snail and Custard the Dragon if I see they’re running.
  14. M

    York Races

    It’s just reaching me now. No walk for the dog tonight. Wetherby was pretty wet today I believe.
  15. M

    The 2021 Longshot Thread

    I thought you’d mentioned it as well, Marb.
  16. M

    What are you watching

    Love it!
  17. M

    The 2021 Longshot Thread

    I couldn’t remember who it was that had mentioned Snugsborough Hall but when I saw that it had won today I was both kicking myself for not noticing that it was running and hoping that whoever had fancied it before had had a bet today. It always happens when I decide to have a day off from...
  18. M

    What are you watching

    Believe it or not I actually saw a bloodhound on the beach today. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one before.
  19. M

    What are you watching

    I really want to read the book now. There seem to be mixed reactions from people that have read it but it’s very rare to find an adaptation that satisfies someone that really loves a particular book. I was happy with Seabiscuit, though. Never got over the film version of Captain Corellis Mandolin.
  20. M

    What are you watching

    Did you see the whippets? It was blink and you miss it last night. I was so busy looking out for the dogs I didn’t really watch it properly. When we lost our fawn whippet a few years ago I set my heart on having a black one as I wanted something totally different and it was pure luck that a...