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  1. C


    As usual, Shads, as usual ! :P However, I do disagree with you on the subject of conscription.
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    I think the problem is that many degrees are not worth the paper they are written on, leading to debt-laden kids who have graduated in subjects that won't find them work. From the Guardian: Some of these kids might just as well have entered the job (or apprenticeship) market at 18 as...
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    :rant: Conscription ? You're having a Steffi, Shads. You remember what it's like in Gib when there's a boat in ? Carnage, that's what. Also of what use would it have been to someone like me ? (And, more to the point, what use would I have been to the military ?) :laughing: Discipline...
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    Horsey Question

    ###### slinging surely isn't the answer. Why not just follow my reasonable recommendation ? EDIT: Banned word, used quite responsibly in this instance, was $hit.
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    Horsey Question

    You should raise the subject with your local Envionmental Health Agency (or whatever they are branded these days) if you believe it to pose a danger. Hell, why not cut to the chase and go to your MP ? If it really is a health risk, these horse nappies would be the obvious solution.
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    Horsey Question

    Do you get many horses leaving large deposits on the streets of Birmingham, or are you just being provocative ?
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    Is It Me?

    Whereas before you used to simply press the button ?
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    Is It Me?

    Does this advert make you a) More likely to buy products from MFI b) Less likely to buy products from MFI c) Remember that MFI stands for Made For Idiots
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    The Devastating Effects Of This Weeks Weather

    You should give it a go.... might be the new vodka !
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    Order Of The Phoenix

    I had read the previous few back-to-back and, to be honest, I was Pottered out. Seeing as I had enjoyed the previous ones, I am surprised I never went back to this one.
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    Testing Session

    Let's just say I've been in one or two similar interviews in my time ! :P How do you think you faired overall ?
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    Testing Session

    In addition to SL's wise comments.......... If it is a sport specific position you have applied for, make sure you know the sport and the markets offered on that sport inside out. e.g. for football, make sure you can explain an Asian handicap and I'd expect to be given a few matches to price...
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    Order Of The Phoenix

    If that is the really thick one that I got bored with half way through, I think it's still on the bookshelf.
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    Car Crash Tele At Its Best/ Worst

    I said 'relatively' !
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    Car Crash Tele At Its Best/ Worst

    I thought it was all quite funny. I also think it is refreshing to see a relatively solid celebrity marraige, a sportsman not taking performance enhancing drugs and a pop star who doesn't feel the need to swear, slag off other bands, take drugs etc....
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    Happy Birthday Rory

    Congrats mate.
  17. C

    Pub Tries To Dodge Smoking Ban

    Isn't visiting pubs in Stoke on Trent more life threatening than smoking itself?
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    What The Hell Is Going On

    That leaves me as the Popular Front. Figures.....
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    Live Earth 07/07/07

    TT & PDJ. Hear, hear.
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    Live Earth 07/07/07

    Regardless of who played, I still cannot help but think that there are more environmentally friendly ways of promoting green issues than having a huge 24 hour electricity-sapping concert.