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  1. S

    First season sires and other 2-y-o stuff 2014

    And another winner for SONGSHEET....... ! :cool:
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    Rorydelargy on the TV

    Hope you get to be a permanent TV fixture !
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    If ever there was a better example of a very successful smear campaign instigated by a bitter man with infinite resources at his disposal, I've yet to see it. He may well be a raging philanthropist but it's very public and tax deductable to boot. A true philanthropist would have dealt with all...
  4. S

    St Nicholas Abbey

    I think the question 'Why did they start this process' is the key one. Because he's a valuable stallion prospect is the obvious answer. But the owners aren't the ones actually putting the hard, physical graft in on this - obviously the vets are getting extremely well paid for the who job and...
  5. S

    Here we go again

    Being always weather dependent here, this is the best we've found so far..
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    Melbourne Cup

    I'd say harking back and bitching about old posts is also a questionable pastime on this forum but it obviously has appeal for you. :whistle:
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    Melbourne Cup

    So how do you know how much of his expertise has gone into RED CADEAUX?! Most trainers if they get a good horse can manage to train it - it's those trainers that consistently get decent results with less talented horses that are proper trainers - Ed Dunlop isn't one of them. Which may be why a...
  8. S

    'Somme' thing for Badgers

    Loving the crack about lifestyle, by the way - unless you've done it, year in, year out, as I said, you know nothing about it. You obviously have a lot of farming experience to know what is or isn't 'bad production' - care to elaborate ? The majority of farmers don't actually want SFP - they...
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    'Somme' thing for Badgers

    Well, more than most on here, this issue affects me financially and emotionally. Did I agree with the trial cull? No, because it is/was designed to fail. Shooting badgers was never going to work on such a large scale, especially with Brian May's army so well-primed to cause interference. I know...
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    Dougal Alexander RIP

    Brave decision, r/h but right for him and right for you and you can't do better than that.
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    Twitter Names

    @newpoleblues - know you're all going to be riveted.......:lol
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    Forum horse connections

    Well done all with our event successes !
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    Forum horse connections

    Well, you will have ace photographer Tracy Roberts in attendance, so should be an excellent photo or so of him if he does the business for you!!
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    Lady Cecil interview with Claire Balding

    An emotional day for sure with now three great results for the ladies... !
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    RIP Sir Henry

    Yes, indeed - lot of courage to have kept going as he did. Certainly a tremendous upheaval lately in the racing world.... Hope there are some serious rose gardens for him now.
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    Wow, that's an end of an era, for sure...... Remember going to check the tiling in the stallion boxes at Cayton when that was being that's going back over thirty years!!
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    Forum Screen Jumping

    Not surprising bearing in mind the NH bias on here :whistle:
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    Forum horse connections

    + 1 !
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    Breeding & Bloodstock 2013

    Probably her last foal, SONGSHEET finally foaled a colt last night by HELVELLYN again. It was a quicker and easier foaling than last year and mare has come out of it pretty well, considering her age. Maybe not quite as big as last year's but still a very decent size and she went two days short...
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    Forum horse connections

    SOVEREIGN DEBT ran a blinder!