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    TV coverage

    Really disappointed that he is not confined to ITV now . Worse things in the world
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    TV coverage

    Thought Mat Chapman had switched to ITV so not expecting him here tonight on ATR
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    TV coverage

    Better this week but any purist will still watch RUK . Thought they hit a better median between newbies and pros and thats their aim so I think they're doing well . The Opening Show was good with Ollie Bell , Good popular features and nice paper review if light on race analysis Nice explainer on...
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    US Presidential election 2016

    Last debate watching live for fight night , here comes America's first female president . `In an ideal world we have had the first Black president in Obama for 8 yrs , next we get the first female president in Hillary and if we're lucky we will have Michelle Obama in 4yrs time the first female...
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    Ched Evans

    I used to be a daily contributor here . Got an e-mail notification about this thread which is the only reason sadly that I am typing this . Ardross is right . Alan Morgan had standards and encouraged inclusivity from all points of view . I came back about a year ago for a few weeks and regretted...
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    Kauto Star RIP

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    Kauto Star RIP

    Just heartbreaking , such a beautiful horse. Have to admit I was always in the Denman camp but over the years I developed a great respect for Kauto , the way he battled in his races in later years and even I shed a tear on the 5th king George , beautiful beautiful brave horse .
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    Un de Sceaux

    This could be a year when the inferential stats don't apply . Don't know if anyone is practised in the dark arts of statistics . Not taking a chance , doing that 4 timer :)
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    What are you watching

    I think the wire is the essence of what long form storytelling should be . Over 5 seasons they show a different strata of Baltimore society in each season and gradually bring them together to show the bigger picture , the projects , the blue collar workers , the media , the police and...
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    Question Time

    No offence Warbler . I'm up for a healthy debate and if Im wrong I'll fall on my sword but Russel Brand criticises the bankers in the square mile but the companies who have funded his ventures are the same people who he wants to monster now .There was in an article recently exposing him as a...
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    Question Time

    I watched it and thought that Russel Brand was finally exposed . Really credible question from a disabled guy in the audience. Earlier Brand had made a big deal of supporting elderly and disabled and then a disabled guy confronts him and says well why don't you stand . Brilliant (His answer was...
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    Ched Evans

    Rape isn't about sex . its about control and violating you mentally . I'm sorry to say it worked . It happened to me a long time ago . I've never admitted publicly that this happened to me because of the shame . The reason I'm explaining this is that there is a project on twitter at the minute...
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    Ched Evans

    I agree Icebreaker , this was 20 years ago but I don't think much has changed
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    Ched Evans

    academic now , right or wrong the court of public opinion has decided . I know this isn't provable and if he isn't guilt it is genuinely awful . I can sympathise with the "victim " though . I was raped when I probably wasn't in the best state to defend myself . I was asleep on a sofa after a...
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    Thinking of what has won big this film had more impact than Gravity
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    Should have been best film not just best foreign film
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    Paddy Power Gold Cup 15th Nov

    Tout Seul clear your inbox :)
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    The Lives of others is another german classic . The stasi officer who comes to understand that the ideology that he's been conditioned to accept is wrong . His gradual awakening while he listens to other peoples lives is deftly portrayed and gradually his conscience is revealed The role is...
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    Glad there's another fan Icebreaker :) Wim Wenders is a genius . Really sad that Solveig Dommartin died when she was only 40 I think . She was so beautiful as the trapeze artist . I haven't watched the film in a few years but its up there with It's a Wonderful life for being life affirming . For...
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    Libya - the untold and airbrushed disaster

    If Colin is here please can you intercede. Hateful opinions . Not what I signed up for here . Luke seems to think that women are weak . Luke I've reported you .