What are you watching

My daughter reckoned that The Wire was the best thing ever till she saw Game of Thrones. I've got to start on the second series of Breaking Bad but all I want to do is watch Game of Thrones. I'm holding back on buying the box set as I know it will take over my whole life. I don't know how people managed to wait for a week to see each new episode when it first came out.

It will take over your life...it's fantastic, well worth it.

i watched series 1-4 for 4 hours a night
Really getting into Homeland So2 e6 so far.....superb acting by Damien Lewis who I haven't seen since his role in Dreamcatcher.

I did read he was in The Sweeney but that was an instantly forgettable movie for me and I can't say I even knew he was in it until looking at his profile today.
I've not watched anything mentioned on this page. Should I feel like I'm missing out?
I've not watched anything mentioned on this page. Should I feel like I'm missing out?

Indeed. The Bridge is absolutely superb and gets better as it goes along.

Homeland - LOVE Damien , if you can stand the irritation of Dana and CD's one style of acting, really good story. Later series very patchy.
Last night I rewatched the first two episodes of Game of Thrones and then watched the first episode again with the directors narration switched on which was equally fascinating [so many continuity errors which I'd missed!]. Not trying to sway you in any way, wolf, but one of the critiscisms of GoT's is that there's too much violence and soft porn in it. And also wolves [they actually used Inuit dogs which were the closest they could get to actual wolves..although they look like Malamutes to me [perhaps Malamutes are Inuit dogs?]
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Cheers G-G, might check that out next time around as it looks like it's on BBC 4

Moe, you've made Game of Thrones sound interesting, but I've not got Sky TV or any means of watching it. Probably for the best.
Just seen the link for the trailer, might be worth watching other trailers and best bits on YouTube ;-)
I think the wire is the essence of what long form storytelling should be . Over 5 seasons they show a different strata of Baltimore society in each season and gradually bring them together to show the bigger picture , the projects , the blue collar workers , the media , the police and politicians . Without doubt the most innovative and well written piece of television in the last 20years . It's success was the genesis of what we see now with broadchurch and the missing
Alfie on Film4 now -Frieview 15. great film from the days when women knew their place ;-)
Great film, fantastic cast and end title... not Cilla singing it. It was Cher.

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Think we may have mentioned CAS on another forum? It is rather good and has been promoted to BBC1, which is nice :)
I thought at first that they were just re showing the previous series on a different channel but it is new. Am now going to get stuck into another episode of Game of Thrones with a narrative. I can't buy the next series till I've worked out what's happening in this one [I'm told it gets more and more complicated....]. I did nip out into the garden a while back, started to think about the white walkers and nipped back in again pretty smartish [shades of The Omega Man]. And Wolf Hall is starting soon.
At last I've watched all episodes of series 1 twice and once with a narrative and I've finally worked out who's who and what's what [I think]. Hopefully I can buy the box set tomorrow and get stuck into series 2. Am completely awe inspired by the whole thing and amazed how they've been able to make a series of something so complex. Question is, will I be able to limit myself to a couple of episodes a night or will I just shut myself away for a week and watch the lot [and will I have to watch the rest of it three times to understand it???]
Count Arther Strong had some proper laugh out loud moments tonight. Especially the Rockers and Urchins running from the Rozzers, great stuff :lol:
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Is anyone watching Cockroaches? I would never have believed that anyone could make a comedy out of 'The Road' [which my daughter tells me is the most depressing dvd I've ever lent her given that I never lent her 'Never Let Me Go']. It's brilliant [if you like Jack Whitehall, that is, which I do....]
watched "the eichman show" last night..excellent..why it was shoved on bbc2 i don't know with all the usual rubbish they have on bbc 1..it was so very relevant to issues we are facing today from islamsic extremists...the price to be paid for allowing mass murderers to organise themselves into powerful opponents is so relevant its unreal
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