2007 Departures - Horses In Training

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Does anyone know if Nelly Kelly got up after the 7.30 at Sligo? Crashed out at the last and went through the rails.
I liked Beau Nash. Always sorry to hear of a horse being lost, but twice as sad when you know the horse from backing it .
just read that Peeress has been retired to the paddocks, but will only be covered in 2008. they do not mess about at cheveley!
I am really upset to hear about Beau Nash and thankful I didn't see it. Thank God I managed to get a nice pic of him at Exeter. cry

Forgot to say...there was a horse killed at Clonmel last night. Sea Rocket I think.
RUK replayed the race in full, not sparing viewers the critical fall as it was so close to the end of the race. He was beginning to tire at the time, but had been making all until then. Did a slow jump, knuckled over on his head and twisted his neck. What's particularly saddening is that he was only 4 years old, so had the prospect of many good years ahead. Good shaped, free-striding, lovely bright bay, white socks behind. It's just the luck of the bloody draw if they survive these onto-the-neck falls, it seems, though the heavier they are, the less hopeful the outcome, I think.

On a brighter note, that's nice news about PEERESS. I've been enjoying seeing RUK's re-runs of the Classics and seeing her superb performance. I wonder who they have in mind for her?
Yeah, that seems to be the case. She will come home and be covered next year. Guess it is very late in season and she would have to be coming down on her training regime - guess you won´t get her into foal in racing condition that easy. Richardson mentioned Medician, but she could go abroad, and I would assume that means ireland rather than germany ... :P
Gareth, not sure there's that much more for her to do, realistically, do you think? I wonder if she's perhaps not sparkling any more, and she can be let down now, ready and relaxed, for an early covering next year. Or, if she is going to travel for a mating, it gives her plenty of time in which to be prepared for it.
She's done plenty, but it just seems a bit of a waste to have a Group 1 filly standing around doing nothing for the season. You'd have to assume that Stoute reckons she's lost interest in training or racing.
For the second time today (though I don't promise an unfettered run of this!), I agree with you. :D
I know her owners adore her and if Stoute did think she had lost that sparkle, for whatever reason, then they would not want to see her trailing in all the time. It's a shame as I was looking forward to seeing her this year, as everyone was.

But I also think it will be great for her to have a summer off before being covered. When these mares compete at such high levels, and like racing so much (and she did) then I believe they need awhile to get their heads round not being a racehorse anymore. There is that old theory that really good racemares do not make really good broodmares. I have a feeling this cold be partly because they so seldom get a season off before being covered so their hormones must be raging, a racehorse one minute and a mum the next.

Anyway, will miss her but glad she is safe and munching away in some of the mosty beautiful paddocks in the world.
Chappie just fell at the last in the opener at Wexford. She was clear when falling and would have won. At first it looked as if she tried to get up, but the head on showed she was laid still as the winner and placed horses crossed the line. She got a kicking as she lay................................fingers crossed for her. :(
I'm with Gareth - it seemed a strange enough decision to me. One disappointing run [her debut no less] and she's packed off to stud....in a year's time?? Strange!
Why is it strange? I'm sure if we sat down with Mr. Stoute and the owners and discussed the reasons why they have decided on this course of action we may just come to the same conclusion as them and it is best to retire her. Maybe she has a small injury or one of any number of reasons that we are not privvy to. I would guess Mr. Stoute knows what he's doing. The timing may be unfortunate but by the time she had been let down it would be to late for this season.
I saw Beau Nash's fall yesterday almost as soon as I walked into the local Laddies, wish I hadn't - a young horse I really liked. It's hard to survive an hoh on anything other than soft ground

Re Peeress, they must have suspected she wasn't going to fire this season before the Lockinge, to have retired her so fast. I'm sure they've done the right thing in giving her a long time to let down. Soviet Song has just been covered for the 3rd or 4th time by Montjeu [iirc they missed her 3rd foal heat], and the stud have pointed out that the longer a mare has been in training, and the higher the level to some extent, the harder it is to get them in foal the first season of trying. The best mares are quite 'masculine' and it seems they are the hardest of all to get started.
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