2007 Departures - Horses In Training

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One a bizarre accident and one that could happen, as we're told all the time, anywhere. At least no riders were harmed to make this entertainment this year. The world of eventing must have the highest human mortality rate after the deaths of the last couple of years.
One was put down at Rolex Kentucky too, big furore over in the US as apparently the rider rode the lame horse over the last fence. It was seriously injured and had to be PTS.

Would have failed the vet pre-show jumping anyway.

Hoping I have better luck than there has been at Badminton and Rolex when I go to Chatsworth next week
I didn't realise you enjoyed seeing eventing, IS. What channel did you find the US show on? I haven't got Sky, so if it's on a Sky channel, I won't be able to see it. I went to Badminton and Burleigh and I don't think I've ever seen so much dog crap in my life! Everybody hauled out their arthritic old Labs and snappish Jack Russells and paraded them around all day - man, I really pitied the clean-up crew after hundreds of pet pooches had dumped all over the place!
It's mentioned over at TB Champions Kri, I only get to watch what is on telly and find Dressage boring (I'm not great on the finer details of the trot, canter etc). Le Samurai was the name of the horse, I forget who rode it. Shocked me that Badminton and Rolex where on the same weekend (I think).

Went to Chatsworth last year Kri on the Saturday and going for the Sunday next weekend complete with camera so looking forward to it (did take some encouragement to get me to go first time mind)
Oh, it's on a site, not on tv? I wish we could get replays of the eventing in the evening, as so often (like Saturday) it's a work raceday for me.
Rasharrow has just suffered a very nasty fall and looked to be shaking on fall, sadly it looks the worse, and Atr think the same.

Rasharrow R.I.P
Looked like a hock went swinging. Such a very nice horse, lovely bright colour. ATR has sympathetically announced that he did 'not survive' as I'm typing this, which is very decent of them to find out. More than the RP manages half the time, anyway.
In The Lead from the Philips Hobbs yard was lost in the first at Exeter. Hobbs said she suffered a fracture high up the leg which caused a rupture and lots of bleeding. PTS.

The Hobbs yards have lost about six horses in recent weeks. Great shame.
Real shocking stuff for the Hobbs yard - the grooms must be wondering if they'll see their horses return now. I wonder why one yard gets so badly hit? Are their horses not used to the firmer ground?
The Hobbs yard seems to have been losing an awful lot all season - wonder if they can work out why, it can't just be bad luck surely; maybe they need roadword or something?

Dreadful for Lenny Lungo and yard to lose Rasharrow. Lenny said c 2 years ago that the horse was the best he'd had, but he somehow never seemed to realise his potential.
Perhaps if they didn't keep racing them so frequently they'd have a better strike rate (Hobbs) of losses?

One to note is Dundiclou who was well supported and regarded as a good horse by Alan Swinbank originally disappointed at Sedgefield, but it later turned out he was struck into badly and nothing could be done to save the horse.
MIGHTY MAN, dual winner of the Liverpool Hurdle at Aintree, is back in Britain and being treated by trainer Henry Daly's vets.

The seven-year-old, who suffered a career-threatening tendon injury in the Champion Stayers' Hurdle at the Punchestown festival last month and was taken to a veterinary clinic on the Curragh, is likely to return to his owner Evan Hanbury's stud for the summer.

Daly said yesterday: “It's going to be a long job before we know when, or if, he'll come back to me.”
Not fatal thank God, but Rehearsal split a hoof in the hurdle race he contested at Kelso on Tuesday when he was pulled up by Keith Mercer. He'll be off for quite a while. Very sad for a horse who always tries his damndest - is too keen in fact! - and has a lovely nature [I got to know him very well when he was at Clive Cox's, he's very cuddlesome].

What a ghastly week poor Lenny Lungo is having.

Good news on Mighty Man, tho I had a bit of a fright when starting to read the post!
RP online has no more than 'PU badly injured' so it looks like a poor outcome. I was amazed the RP had actually got up full Comments in Running for an Irish meeting, for a change.
FURTHER OUTLOOK! He's a lovely 13 y.o. grey whose owner is a real horse-lover. Zohra (Fakirmohamed) has been buying up horses left, right and centre this year, but I know she'll be dreadfully upset by this. He was still placing at 12 and had just one run this year, so this is a cruel irony that he injured himself at 'home'. Poor old sausage - he should've enjoyed a happy retirement, but for the bloody hand of Fate.
Is he a relation the Further Flight? just wondered as the same prefix & the fact that he was also grey shrug::
Oh no - Further Outlook was a local hero wherever he was trained, such a trier. Loved to cheer him home flying down the straight somewhere. :(

This is very weird too as although no relation to Further Flight they both broke a leg when at home.
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