2012 Olympics

One of the lads in the office (bless him...) is working on his material to launch the bid for Gibraltar 2016......
I hope Chirac is having an apoplexy with any luck.

I've had just as many crap meals in France as I have here - and they've been overpriced!!

Mind you, slightly unfair criticism, as that was in the South of France, an area I couldn't care less if I never revisited.
The Olympics is always a spectacular event no matter where it is held.

Paris would have done the event justice, just as London will now do.
How can you write off the whole of the South of France ? It's like going to Swindon and writing off the West Country.

However thrilled by the win and Chirac's humiliation
Except that Swindon is hardly in the West Country!!!!! it's in bloody East Wiltshire!!! It's South, darling, South.... :P
Congrats London. No doubt we shall be a landing pad in advance for many of the teams so the economy here should benefit too. I have to admit that I hate Crirac too - gombeen man.

My dream is that Paula can discover yet another perfection to her training regime and win the Marathon. (Ladies)*
Wonderful news. As close as it could realistically be to Dublin without us having to pay for it :D
I think most of it is tongue in cheek Wassermusik, although there is a bit of history between the two countries too.
Do you think the French will bring their own food if we allow them to compete? B) That will be an awful lot of packed lunches they will have to ship over!
Just on the subject of food, and from an entirely personal perspective, I as a vegetarian almost starved in Paris over the Arc weekend due to the lack of options. They are in no position to be so patronising to others when they effectively exclude such a sizeable minority of visitors and potential visitors.
Talk about the Olympic spirit!!! Absolutely deluighted for London....what an atmosphere. But how about forgetting about the defeat of the French and concentrate on Britain's sucess? All this talk of the French insulting Britain.....its hardly a one way street in terms of insults now is it. Concentrate on the positive and what a positive it is!
Look, Irish!

They burn sheep, refuse to lift import bans on British Beef or pay their fines (then accuse us of being anti EU), invented the 2CV and make derogatory remarks about British food. Which may or may not be justified....

James, the scenery is superb inland in Provence but you can keep the coast and the associated over-priced tariffs thereof.