Presumably you mean 'religion' in the sense of people adhering religiously to an agreed (some hope) code of conduct, Mel? Because if not, then whose religion would you have order the world? Islam and Jewry, with proscriptions against pork, shellfish and alcohol? With dismemberment and stoning to death still perfectly correct religious punishments for transgressions under Shari'ah law? With all three intoning heavily against homosexuality, and no sex at all if you're not married?
Hinduism, where when communities can get away with it, it's still right and correct for widows to be pushed to burn alive on their husbands' funeral pyres? And where, even should they be spared suttee, they must never re-marry, while widowers can?
All religions provide for codes of conduct, all right, but you need to know the ins and outs of their Laws on property, inheritance, tax, marriage, sexual activity, crime, eating and drinking, before you decide that any one religion is the RIGHT one. That's what previous postings suggest: there is no one 'right' way, since every religion believes it is the best, the truest, the most correct way for humans to behave. You can hardly opt for a pick 'n' mix when devout Muslims would be horrified that you've included 'alcohol is okay' to suit more relaxed Christians, and Hindus would be appalled that beef was on the menu of your religion, as much as Jews would throw up their hands, aghast, at lobster and crab.
'Religion' does indeed provide codes of conduct, but they're a lot more sweeping, including a full recital of how communities should order their entire lives from birth to death (hmm, everyone for circumcision?).
And what to do with the dead, in fact? Christians are buried with ceremonies and memorials; memorials are anathema to Muslims and you must be buried by the next day; Hindus insist on being burned on open pyres (oh, dear, there go the local Health & Safety regs!), and so on. And what to do with animists, who have their own 'religion' inasmuchas it's as valid a set of beliefs as anyone, Amer-Indian customs, Innuit customs (prior to the attempts of meddling missions to Christianize them all).... :blink:
There is so MUCH to take into account when trying to assume world order from 'religion', because there are so many differences between them. Hence the wars fought because 'mine's better than yours'.