Age of Reason

Trudi - I have a gorgeous pair of German dressage boots if you would like to borrow them for your "dates".

They are black and glossy and click loudly on the floor when you walk. Just think of the impact you would make with spurs jingling and whip slapping on the leather.

I think OTB has just fainted (don't want to know what's just happened to Gearoid).

Trudi - I have a gorgeous pair of German dressage boots if you would like to borrow them for your "dates".

They are black and glossy and click loudly on the floor when you walk. Just think of the impact you would make with spurs jingling and whip slapping on the leather.

I think OTB has just fainted (don't want to know what's just happened to Gearoid).


Borrow them... Come along and wear them yourself!! To me at least it seems the more the merrier!!:cool:
Thanks for the offer redhead,not often I need "extras" but I'll bear them in mind!! :D

G is a bit tied up at the moment.... :ninja:

As for you OTB, if you have enough energy for redhead as well by the time I let you go,I will feel very cheated.... :p
:) his mouth is a bit busy, yes..... ;)

ooh - Id hate not being able to answer when I sneak on here while Im at work !!! Ive had a mad day today,culminating in being completely covered in pus and blood this afternoon, followed by some very dodgy looks when I called in at Waitrose on my way home... but Im back on part time hours tomorrow,so mwah ha ha ha..... ;)
I'm finished with women for good. Any lads fancy a drink and a quick shag text me.

Surely homosexuals don't have it as bad?
:lol::lol: how much have i loved this thread, Hamm you seem like the male version of me at the momen:lol:!!!

I've done everything backwards, I spent from 18-23ish in a relationship 2 kids, engaged, house the lot until 1 day he decided to move in with a lass he worked with, fair enough they've now been married 4 years and have 2 kids together so at least it wasn't ruined for some stupid fling!!!!

So basically I did miss out quite a lot of being young and after the relationship i was in last year broke down under pretty horrible circumstances i realised i had no-one, all my school mates had "grown up" had proper jobs, mortgages, long term partners and i was screwed cos they don't go out and everyone else was either my ex's family or friends. Even now I am the only singleton of all my mates, and now even worse they are all pregnant so don't even go out at all.

So thought f**k it, and decided to enjoy meself for a bit, my friends think its hilarious that i kept meeting 19year old lads(Mrs robinson is a name i have been called:whistle: i actually went on a date with a 35 year old fella a few wks ago, we had nothing in common and he was far to old, it was a disaster until we went up to town, an all my rugby mates were out i ended up gettin slaughtered with them doing shots, he went home early n i stayed out till 4!:lol:)

Dont get me wrong if mr right came along i would give it all up (to an extent) I did get into a relationship around late last yr, but he fucked off in feb... every saturday he goes to the pub to play pool and watch the footy (shushh dont tell Niall its on the foreign channels!!) I would have no intention of joining him cos i'd be at the match or th rugby, i've just renewed my ST for next season might be a bad idea unless Bruce the geordie gets the boot!! I drink pints, I hate shopping and girly pamper sessions, i'd much rather get on it than go out for a meal. Possibly where im going wrong as i'm seen as one of the lads, I told him he'd never find another lass who lets him get away with as much as i did.

I do sometimes feel if i dont hurry up and settle down i never will, I keep gettin told stop wanting too hard and it will come along.