Age of Reason

The formula is: (x/2)+7= y where x equals your age and y equals the age of the girl its sociably acceptable. In my case I look 12 so they're all fair game when I'm a stranger in town.
What you're implying, O Eternally Youthful One, is that there are a fair number of wimmin out there prepared to rip the Calvin Kleins off what might be a 12 y.o.? I think even Troods has drawn the line at that!

Where is Troodles tonight, anyway? Oops - just seen the time. No doubt fast aslump after a hard night propping up the bar at The Cock Inn. Or just a hard night?
Can we take the thread a different way. If your partner had cheated on you and you had access to their Facebook would ynu end the relationship by flaming them on their own wall?
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I wouldn't - nothing to be gained and you'll feel better in a month or so for having done nothing.
Yeah thats the way I was thinking. What goes around comes around anyway. This is my medicine for upsetting a sweet ex-schoolgirl 4 years ago by doing the dirt.
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I agree as well - really not worth looking like the bad guy, even though they probably deserve a pasting.

I recently got told I handled a break up with great dignity - I didnt at all, but I was buggered if I was going to let the other party know how badly I was handling things.
Sound advice. Talking it out with her now instead. At least I can walk away knowing where we went wrong.
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Honestly, you may feel like crap on the inside and want to slag them off to high heaven but save that for your mates, say nothing and keep you're dignity to a wider audience.
It's terribly tempting to want to wreak revenge if you've been badly kicked by someone you loved. It all depends on what's been before - there was that great story some years back of a wronged politician's wife, who'd stood by him through thick and thin, and had given up working professionally in order to work at home for him. She found out that the little toad had been having an affair for several years. Her revenge, I thought, was particularly imaginative: he'd left the marital home, but asked for his clothes to be sent on to his new address with his mistress. He was sure that his wife was taking things awfully well. She duly sent all of his clothes back, as requested: minus half an arm from all of his suits and shirts, and half a trouser leg from his trews. I can imagine her with some long, sharp scissors, thoroughly enjoying the sartorial amputations.
I've heard these stories over the years of high profile splits, but one lady that made headlines at the time then went on the have an affair with a married man. I never understood that. Most relationship break ups are a case of six of one and half a dozen of the other, and that's coming from someone who has been through a painful divorce. It's just that some people [like moi] admit to being impossible to live with...[no washing up done for days and she just sits there watching videos of Desert Orchid]. That cartoony thing on Wednesday about Relate should be interesting in a fly on the wall way.
Gearoid: square your shoulders, put your chin up, smile at her when you see her and carry on walking. Then go home and cry into your pillow (after you've given it a severe bashing). Keep your dignity at all costs. Pride is no sin when it's all that is keeping you on your feet.

You are right. What goes around comes around (eventually). It's worth waiting for, especially if you are given the chance to retaliate and are big enough to refuse it. That will really make you feel much better.
The only true revenge is to be happy. It doesn't just happen and you have to work at it; go through the anger, the sadness and the bitterness and the happiness is there.
I'd give her a second chance no problem (I know people would disagree strongly with that) but it's inevitable neither of us are going to get what want. Pity.
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