Age of Reason

Hamm, you are clearly mixing with the wrong crew if you can't stay out late in London.

Do you not find in London you are out early, more or less during the day, and home earlier? It depends where you go out as well. Central London can be very late, but Wandsworth/Putney/Richmond is daytime drinking and pubs close around midnight.

In Ireland, a lot of my friends wouldn't even start drinking till 8 or 9. I would be struggling to remember where I live at that time.
IS: that's not so much a risk, more a death wish!

I think OTB's hit the nail on the noggin - you do have to make an effort - unless you've been signed up by Hollywood and are George Clooney's stand-in, you cannot reasonably expect to find lurve/companionship/a soulmate if you're slobbing about in busted clothes, grubby trainers, slurping down beers and glued to a tv - whether it's in a pub or not. It's not socialising - it's just limpeting yourself to your mates and not setting out on your own. Spruce up, clean up your place or hire a cleaning service if you don't know what to do, make sure you don't have BO or bad breath, and start talking to people! Sounds like there's possibly a ready-made for you, Hamm, if you just give things a chance - so, why don't you? I'm sure you're a presentable, articulate guy - so give it a go. The worst that happens is - nothing. The best that happens is you find each other good company and want to hook up. What's not to like?

I may have given the wrong impression! I thought I may have gotten back with someone else, but have been on plenty of dates etc this year. No reports of BO or bad breath (as yet). And, there are some French conversation meetings in the offing (not a bad way to meet someone, and I very much want to improve my francais anyway, so it's win win). My musings were on what a pain in the ass this age can be in that it turns some people into a bunch of fairies. Now, re Luke and BTB, I am far from speaking about drink etc, more that guys I know are on a very tight leash. I think you, SS and Redhead have made my own point better.
What about women who actually love sport? A female friend of mine (Who I've mentioned to Hamm in the past!) probably enjoys sport more than a lot of guys and would actually enjoy watching a football or rugby match in the pub on a Sunday afternoon.

Mentioned, yes, but I am still to meet..
My crowd never went out before 9 on a Saturday night around the pubs of Camden Town safe in the knowledge that there was no closing time.
Hamm, these French conversation exchange women seem to be hard work!

I get to hear a musical language for an hour or two, have a few drinks, and there is the possibility they may be very nice. I like this kind of hard work!
Do you not find in London you are out early, more or less during the day, and home earlier?

No, usually out at about 8 or 9, and then back to a gaff or a late bar/club till all hours.

Now, re Luke and BTB, I am far from speaking about drink etc, more that guys I know are on a very tight leash. I think you, SS and Redhead have made my own point better.

Expliquez, s'il vous plait!
What I meant was what you both describe makes sense and logical (and good). Neither of you appear to be on the type of leash I described about guys I know. My point about becoming a sap isn't related to drink (or drinking less), it's more about having too much of your life dictated by a girlfriend (not a wife, no kids involved) who insists on coming along to watch rugby etc. And whilst I picked that one example, I was saying the 3 ladies described my point better, and in a more general sense. Spending more of your time with kids etc of course a good thing - you both sound quite content (the key to life).

Ca suffit?

In fairness to Mrs. Bull (Cow?), she was well on to the type of chap I was when she succumbed to my charms back in the day. We had a lot of mutual friends.

So long as I get to kick ball, watch a bit of sport and get a run-out in the pub with the lads every few weeks, I am happy enough.
What about women who actually love sport? A female friend of mine (Who I've mentioned to Hamm in the past!) probably enjoys sport more than a lot of guys and would actually enjoy watching a football or rugby match in the pub on a Sunday afternoon.

Ahhh. You've seen Redhead II watching Scotland in the Calcutta Cup!!!
Not saying you should live in one another's pockets - far from it - but common interests in my own experience are vital.

Sometimes you can have more in common than you think.

I now realise ...
I should feel honoured to visit my wife's family.
Too much meat as a BBQ is bad for you. A nice side salad is far more important.
I will regret overdrinking the next day, much nicer just to have a quick couple of drinks and move on.
Gambling is such a waste of money.
Nothing beats a long aimless walk.
All my single friends are assholes.
Gardening can be fun.
Sometimes you can have more in common than you think.

I now realise ...
I should feel honoured to visit my wife's family.
Too much meat as a BBQ is bad for you. A nice side salad is far more important.
I will regret overdrinking the next day, much nicer just to have a quick couple of drinks and move on.
Gambling is such a waste of money.
Nothing beats a long aimless walk.
All my single friends are assholes.
Gardening can be fun.

Agree on the gardening. Like the use of "should". And "will".
I hated spending time with the ex's family, they werent into any sport whatsoever.
A bbq should be all meat, salad is there a token gesture so we can all have a laugh at it. If it hasnt been killed and flame grilled, it shouldnt be on the bbq.
If you go straight back drinking the sweetest of all drinks,(the afternoon after drinks), then you wont be hungover.
Gambling is awesome. End of.
A long walk is only a consideration when i am walking after a Top Flite ball, and pulling a golf bag full of irons.(and spare golf balls..)
All my friends are assholes, its the only reason i like them.(See OTB and Hezz)
Gardening is basically slapping nature in the face, telling her that she has done it wrong. Mother nature shall provide you with something of beauty of you let it grow free and dont interfere.
I was minding my two boys the day of the Grand National.

When my wife came back, we were sitting in the front room. With tea/milk and buns. The curtains were closed. It was about 18C and sunny outside. I had bought a few beers and placed them in the fridge for the golf once they'd gone to bed.

A vision of the future. I think it really knocked her for six.
del_boy, you are young. By my age you will see the light. Think game theory with particular regard to minimising maximum losses. The path of least resistance.
That's hilarious BTB! At what ages in your formula would you suggest the avergage male or female gets bored and considers playing away from home?
Like BTB, nights out have to be booked well in advance (Hamm!)

My mortgage is nearly paid off (Ha!) and now im running my own business and loving every moment. That is what everyone should strive for. You look forward to Mondays and every minute is your own

i dont miss living it up at all> too many pissed nights with rather boring people, silly parties and waking up with less than stunning women is not something i crave

You find the things you really enjoy and probably always did enjoy most but didnt know it. You also care less what others think

Been with the cutest possible woman 25 years. Is monogamy natural? I wont answer that
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Broker financing for SME's (best part)

Training courses in credit management and working capital management (for acconting bodies and goverment agencies)

Consultancy in credit management for businesses

Part time financial controller for a software company

In depth credit analysis for law firms etc

Partner in two outsourced credit control businesses

Originator and partner in quaterly networking events for lawyers, finance people and genuine busines owner's ( we get around 100 each time)

some press articles on finance issues and run my own blog for PR

which is going well

Might sound like im swanking away but still earn a lot less than last job. But thats not the issue and will do in time. only 18 months into this
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Without sounding too depressing, I could merge this topic with the 'Life Sucks' one quite easily!

At 33 I had a flat, (expensive) car, was self employed but on a long term contract with a big blue chip, the greatest girlfriend who had 2 great young children I was able to be a father-figure to, though we lived some 70 miles apart. Having spent the previous 20 years following football, racing and sports in general, when the weekend came around if it was a choice of a trip to the seaside or watching the North London Derby / Grand National it was no contest, my knotted hanky was packed. 18 months later and I had managed to screw up said relationship, move 70 miles in the process after end of long term contract, taken shitty job doing work a poorly trained monkey would manage.

Another 6 months on and I have a room in a house, no car, few friends and wake-up each day dreading every minute, be it work or not. Sometimes we need to appreciate what we have, wish I'd thought of that 2 years ago.
You sound pretty depressed, Stevie, and no wonder. I suppose it's daft to ask if there's any way back with the lovely lady and the kids? If there isn't, how about taking a job overseas on contract, just to get you out of the slump you're (temporarily) in and to brighten up your social and (if you need it) financial life? In spite of cutbacks in some sectors, there are still plenty of jobs going in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, very well-paid and tax-free after your first year away. Or - any chance to freelance, self-employed? Just a thought, but at your young age, you cannot slide to a halt like that - there's no way you should be dreading every minute of your life, honestly, no way.
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