Age of Reason

Do you think that having an 8 year old makes you feel young? Having said that, you had the first ones at a pretty young age, I guess. The problem with having kids is that you see the passage of time every day; I can't believe that mine are late twenties, early thirties. If I'd had another one in my thirties [which most people do these days] I might not feel so ancient. My dad was 50 when I was born; pretty unusual in the 1950's. He seemed so old to me that I was convinced he was going to die at any moment. Strangely enough, he outlived my mum who was obviously a lot younger.
Do you think that having an 8 year old makes you feel young?

No, the little fucker has put at least 15 years on me. :D

Having said that, you had the first ones at a pretty young age, I guess. The problem with having kids is that you see the passage of time every day; I can't believe that mine are late twenties, early thirties. If I'd had another one in my thirties [which most people do these days] I might not feel so ancient. My dad was 50 when I was born; pretty unusual in the 1950's. He seemed so old to me that I was convinced he was going to die at any moment. Strangely enough, he outlived my mum who was obviously a lot younger.

Age is a state of mind, imo. It's a cliche, but I believe that you are as young as you feel - even if you might not feel it every single day. :cool:
I'll tell you ... I was supposed to meet this French girl tonight for conversation exchange (the last time I did this a few years back we ended up having sex against my bedroom wall within an hour, fantastic - not fantastic was her telling me she was pregnant 3 months later (a lie) as I wasn't keen to go out). Anyway. I thought the possible meeting of a nice girl would be a good thing to go and do. She was really keen and has been calling me all week. A bit full on for someone I haven't met but I thought this a good thing. I am currently phoneless (ie, happier) till tomorrow. I turn up at said meeting point and wait for 45 minutes. No sign of her. Weary from it all I go home and give her a call. She got angry. She blamed me for not finding a way to call her. She also said there was no particular reason she was late, just was.

She sounds a nightmare and I may have to re-think the whole (French) girl thing..
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She was definitely up for it Hamm - those suspenders take ages to get on (so I'm told) :D as an aside I would feel freaked going out without my phone!!
Have you bought a bed by now, Hamm? I've never got this ramming against walls stuff - (not that I ever wanted to try it, as I love my comfort too much) a bit industrial, no?

Look, French girls are very high-end. Not necessarily in money spent on them (although most will expect it to be), but in time and fascination lavished upon them. Being mysteriously absent/late was intended to make her seem like an unobtainable femme fatale you're supposed to be wildly intrigued by. The fact you bogged off back home for telly, a beer, and a packet of Doritos tells me, very subtly, that this will be a doomed venture.

Best stick to Beryl in Gregg's pie shop, if you can. Sensible, cheerful, and you'll never be short of a snack.
Age is a state of mind, imo. It's a cliche, but I believe that you are as young as you feel - even if you might not feel it every single day. :cool:

Sorry guys but you're only as young as the partner you're feeling.. which is terrific in my case as he's so much younger than me!!!! Wheeee....:whistle:

Isn't a minefield, though, these days when you see parents with their children... are they the parents or the grandparents ? Honestly can't tell half the time so never say anything incriminatory until it's obvious.
I would say that 90% of the time [certainly during working hours] it's the grandparents. I remember the wave of misery that wafted over me the day that I realised everyone around me KNEW I was grandson number one's granny and not his mum.
Songy: wasn't it Mae West who said you're only as old as the man you feel? Never played with anyone older than 5 years than me, but down to 12 years younger. I'm thinking of re-launching myself in the specialist category of Big 'n' Old - I imagine there's a market somewhere in places like Alabammy, especially after those good ole boys have had a few sour mashes too many.
My introduction to New York was a taxi driver, Fluffy, who drove me and friends into town from the airport whilst delivering a monologue on the subject of his tastes in women. He was from the south, and down there they like 'em big, he explained, especially in the rear department. "Oh yes, moon me baby, fill the ROOM with ass."

A few days later we rang his company to see if he could take us out to Giants Stadium. In a moment straight out of Pulp Fiction, my friend started the call by saying "I'm looking for Fluffy for a job". He didn't get much further.
Particularly no problem with African-American men from the south, as I think this harks back to 'traditionally-built women' in their countries of origin, where being really b-i-g means they're kept by men who can afford to feed them well. Skinny gals would indicate poverty and low status, so superb rear-ends, which you could pretty much eat your breakfast off, would reflect well on the man's position in society.
Sorry guys but you're only as young as the partner you're feeling.. which is terrific in my case as he's so much younger than me!!!! Wheeee....:whistle:

I have my eye on a couple of women at work who are in their mid to late 20s. The age thing has me hesitating but I'm starting to think I should go for it.
I have my eye on a couple of women at work who are in their mid to late 20s. The age thing has me hesitating but I'm starting to think I should go for it.

Ears back - flat out go for it!! Girls in their mid to late twenties are drawn to older fellas with a bit of sense!!
Mid-20's to 44? It might work, Euro, if you aren't going to feel out of place with their mates, if they're similarly aged. But you could feel like a young-ish Dad out with his daughter. Isn't there anyone around 30-35, who's got their mind together, working, no ties?
Ears back - flat out go for it!! Girls in their mid to late twenties are drawn to older fellas with a bit of sense!!

Never got the younger woman thing. Conversation about x factor or backpacking to fucking way

Women far sexier at a certain age and definately know what they want more without hang ups
:lol::lol: Priceless!

X-Factor and backpacking to India - what's not to find cute? Once she's off on the Jaipur Railway, you can call up the maturer ranks to join you in watching Question Time or going to the opera...
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