Arse Cup

Quel surprise Chaparse is rabitting on about Get On running at Plumpton today as if it's the greatest horse in training.
Who cares???
i am not babbling.

There is a collection of Autographs on Photos of many of the people that this thread take great pride in abusing. If you chose to visit the site,instead of just looking at the the Autographs you need to have your bumps felt.
No, Derek, I've done no such thing, as you will know from the PM I have sent to you in response to yours telling me I'm being libellous (towards you). Now, that's a bit rich coming from someone whose derogatory opinions of many people on here, appearing so many, many times, have resulted in frequent complaints about you via PMs to various Moderators over the past year or two.

I'm not going to engage you in a spurious slanging match: if you want to repetetiously post comments or topics, it's a waste of your time, not mine. As someone who has remained unbiased towards you, throughout many complaints against you, and even your past banning, I'm just a little disappointed that you feel such compulsions.
i took umbrage at YOUR comments about me on the "photo" thread. It was i responded by PM, rather than on the open forum.

As for your remarks above,they are just a bit slanted,almost exclusively,my derogatary remarks,as you so quaintly put it,were in response to postings by various,well know members attacking me in various forms. That i have responded in kind can have been of little surpise to them. Mostly they are bullys who,when confronted,run to the prefects and complain. Nothing new there then.

I don't remember associating any one on here with "kiddy fiddling" "pestering Hayley Turner" or being "cyber obsessed with her"

Oh, before i forget. I was never banned from this site. The owner was PMd by myself and informed that i was leaving, he closed the door after me,that's hardly being banned.

Since my return,i have remained within the rules as set out on the front end of this site.
What IS it with this Hayley Turner site that seems to provoke obsessives on here from constantly flagging it up?

If the webmaster of that site wishes to eulogise anyone, that is their right - just as it is the right of any member of this forum to post criticisms of people - as long as they are non-abusive and not libellous.

Derek - not everyone agrees with you. Extraordinary, I know but there.... life's a bitch and then you die.

Try not to assume that everything on here's about you - you're in danger of becoming delusional.

You know, it's definitely true - some men on here do have PMT ***- you've only got to wait a few weeks and off they go one one...

*** Petty Masculine Tantrums
very good,i'll just ignore the rantings and address my postings to myself then. :D :D
Some of you need to get a life and stop criticising Rob's site. The hundreds of posts on the 'Arse Cup' make less sense than the majority of the posts on the Female Jockeys Forum. I also don't see anything like calling someone's girlfriend 'ugly as f*ck' (which I have seen here).
I really don't understand what your problem is.
Dear Tom10

There isn't a problem - we have an award named The Arse Cup' - we hold a poll - end of story.

We also criticise and complain about racing presenters, trainers, jockeys (exhaustively), horses, stable staff, breeders, sales companies, bloodstock agents, religions, sex (obviously among many on here, their lack of it judging by the short fuses), politicians, dogs, Hunting, Countryside Alliance, Moderators (frequently), each other (even more frequently) and, from time-to-time, we have the audacity to criticise (sharp intake of breath, much gasping from the audience, hushed and reverent tone) Other Forums.

I know, I know, we should hang our heads in shame at our sheer outrageouness in so doing but, hey, we like to live life on the edge....

As they used to say, Tom10 - take a chill pill. Move on. Accept that Talking Horses is a forum obviously severely lacking in class compared to Rob's.

Don't waste your valuable time and effort in trying to change us. Many have tried, all have failed. You ain't going to be the first.
Could be some first-class brown-nosing coming up, as Matt Goss interviews champion jockey...........he has just trailed the event by announcing he will be talking to the man who has ridden the best ride he has EVER seen........seems he was referring to the ride on Taking My Cut at Chepstow on Saturday!!
His question to AP towards the end of the interview beggared belief - it ran along the lines of "So, going out to ride these possible dodgy jumpers every time - do you get frightened coming into jump each fence"? AP tried his best to stifle a snort of laughter! A jock who is bricking it coming into each fence won't last two minutes.
It's still a very good forum, Brian - it just goes through patches of global warming every now and then, and we must remember that few of us are shy, retiring creatures with low self-esteem and little desire to bang an opinion, theory, or argument home when we feel like it! :lol:
I didn't get to read most the flak the Hayley Turner site copped for on here but what is it exactly they have done that is so bad??? They might not be as knowledgable about the game as the majority on here but that probably comes from the average age of members on there being a lot lower than here. If somebody is chuffed with their collection of autographs so what? They didn't force the pics on you on here did they?

Their little forum is nowhere near as busy as TH, nor contains such exhaulted company, but it obviously serves a purpose for some... let 'em be.
Well, the Hayley Turner site doesn't belong under 'Arse Cup', that's for sure!
It's aimed at a younger audience, and it's nice that such racing fansites exist to encourage their interest.

I am happy to assure anyone looking in now that Hayley is well aware of the site and that she does indeed know Rob (Rob da Boss on here) who, as site host, spends a lot of his time dealing with editing many of the postings. He has now also got a moderator to deal with some of the slightly more off-the-wall posts which some of us thought a bit strange when we first saw the site a considerable time ago.

Hayley's a terrific rider and her recent awards attest to her skills. She's also a very pleasant young woman, respected in the weighing room and much admired by trainers, colleagues, and punters alike. Thank goodness we're beginning to see young women getting serious accolades for their professions in racing - hopefully, the lingering sexism that still infests the business will eventually look as out-of-date and irrelevant as it has elsewhere.
I don't think the lingering sexism will ever bloody desist, Kri. It is so very frustrating, it really is. I read with interest the lead story on the front page of the Independent on Sunday (which has since made it onto the news too) that the Government are doing another investigation into the lack of parity between male and female wages, even doing the same job. I just hope that by the time they make headway it won't be too late for me!
Tee-hee-snigger, snigger: you'll see a lot of us on there too, Bored-by-the-Bull! Although you'll quite possibly miss the blood, gore, and sheer viscerality of TH after a while. FFers are much better behaved in a blokey, beer-swilling, male-bonding kinda way. Lots of sections, including doggies, US racing (yes! It's very own section!), and XXXX-rated live streaming porn.

Okay, I lied about the porn...