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Arse Cup

I wonder if Dobbin will get any more invitations to the ML after that display of petulance? Would he accept a future invitation? I suspect not in view of what Mutton Chops might get up to in that situation.
Shadow I actually do not like the interviews myself but not for your reasons. I think it is very difficult to get anything out of the jockeys on foot let alone up on a horse. Makes for a messy interview.

racehorses are hardly public commodities

Either is Man Utd or Ferrari.

So how far does it go? What if the owner or trainer is not attending the race meeting which often happens.....do we wait for contact to be made before an interview takes place? It's not as if these interviews are particularly hard hitting or intrusive in terms of what we are finding out.

As an owner would it really have pissed you off if Dobbin said the horse spotted a camera man to Thommo yesterday before it was said to you? It would not have bothered me in the least.
Good old Thommo, at it again on ATR this morning - "Micky Quinn is driving down to Lingfield and he's on the phone to us next"......d'oh!!
The funniest bit was the lorry-driving impression a-la Long Distance Clara! :lol:

It was a tempting thought for a minute to ring the Met and tell them they'd find a fat git driving a horsebox on the M25 while chatting away on his phone....:lol:
Originally posted by Galileo@Feb 5 2006, 11:34 AM
Either is Man Utd or Ferrari.

But players and drivers do not get microphones shoved under their noses immediately they come off the pitch/track. I imagine that Roy Keane, haveing just been shown a red card, would have loved it...

It's a fairly new idea over here, pinched from American coverage - and over there they reserve it for the really big races. McCririck was ranting in front of the rails on Saturday "These jockeys, they're quite happy to talk to us when they win - it's disgusting the way that Dobbin has behaved". I nearly went to debate the issue with him but was too busy trying to get the best price for Ungaro.
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Feb 7 2006, 11:57 AM
Good old Thommo, at it again on ATR this morning - "Micky Quinn is driving down to Lingfield and he's on the phone to us next"......d'oh!!
Maybe he has bluetooth.
Ah, but word on the street is that he purposely put on 2st before appearing on it so he could look really good on the programme.... :ph34r: <_<

Besides, yes, he IS still a fat git - I have eyes y'know & he was on ATR earlier! :lol:
Hardly slimline - that'ss the size he was c6 years ago!!! Just goes to show there may well be truth in the rumour I was told about him purposely piling on over 2st quickly before the programme.....:ph34r:

Oh well, he didn't resort to surgery to have his stomach stapled though I guess!!! :lol: (or did he....??? :lol:)
Coming back to Tony Dobbin I was well surprised when I read it, was mentioned in RP as well. Had him down as quiet and "horseman", but this is tough! OK, he will understandingly have been frustrated, but Turpin Green is "only" an animal, and for sure does not remember anything on way back. Unacceptable, I think, and one day sounds soft treatment. Dobbin must have had a bad night beforehand...
Yes, I thought so too, Colin - unsporting of me, but I have my darker moments. I wish he'd stop constantly and distractingly clasping and unclasping his hands, rubbing them together, all through the show - he looks like a chairbound second-hand car salesman eyeing up an easy mark!
Chapman had his greatest ever arse moment yesterday ~ did anyone else notice it? It was genuinely excruciating and stunningly insensitive at the same time. I was flabbergasted. I'll see if anyone else noticed it, before spilling the beans (you needed to know what he was referring to to understand how bad it was, but if you did you'd have been dumbstruck too).
With the Flat not too far away I was wondering whether the Beeb are sticking with the same team. If pronounced correctly Carsonarse has a BBC sound to it.
However, I thought it strange when, presumably intent on keeping up with technology, they paired a large mainframe with a microchip and used an old apple box as the interface. That designer is one true Arse.
Matt Chaparse's comments involved the running of Terfel at Nad Al Sheba yesterday. "Interesting story connected to Terfel" chirped the man they call boyband, "used to be trained by Michael Bell until the owners disappeared off the face of the earth" before surely realising he was on thin ice; "erm...a horrible time for the owners, actually" he muttered. For those who don't know the story, Henry and Anne Yearley, owners of Terfel and several other horses with Bell, didn't so much disappear off the face of the earth as threw themselves in front of an express train in a suicide pact.
I remember hearing about that story - didn't they end it all after getting massively in debt because they spent so much on owning horses?
From the Racing Post:

"A couple who had horses in training with Michael Bell died last Friday after jumping to their deaths under a train, writes Paul Eacott. Accounts director Henry Yearley, 62, and his wife Anne, 56, are believed to have made a suicide pact amid allegations they were facing criminal charges involving over pounds 1 million in stolen money.

The total taken from Yearley's firm over a number of years is thought to have totalled pounds 1.5m and was claimed to have been used to help pay the training fees for their string. The couple were charged by Hertfordshire Police on March 23.
A spokesman for the force said at the time: "The Constabulary is investigating financial irregularities in relation to the former employee of a company based in Stevenage. Inquiries led officers to charge Henry Charles Yearley with theft and false accounting. His wife Eleanor Anne Yearley was charged with theft and money laundering."

Despite earning an annual salary of around pounds 50,000 from his job at a BMW garage, Henry Yearley was said to have resorted to his alleged crimes as he tried to pay training fees that are thought to have reached pounds 300,000 per year.
The best horse the Yearleys had was Terfel, who won a valuable handicap at York last August and also provided them with one leg of a double when winning on his debut at Yarmouth in June 2001, Anne-Sophie also obliging on that occasion.

Anne Yearley said at the time: "It is unbelievable. Terfel was following his dam Montserrat, who also won on her debut. "Anne-Sophie is very special to me as she was foaled on my birthday. It was the mare's first foal and I was there to see the whole thing as well, it was truly memorable."

Bell said yesterday: "They had horses with me for the best part of ten years. Anne leased a horse at first and when that won a race they really got the bug, especially Anne.

"They ended up having about 15 horses in training here. It's tragic. They became very good friends over the years, but their whole world collapsed around them.""