Arse Cup

Alan Munro's response to that useless tosser Rishi was sheer brilliance; on Rishi saying he hadn't ridden a winner at Royal Ascot for 12 years - he retorted, "well, I was in Hong King, wasn't I? I rode plenty or winners out there too, I wasn't sitting on a beach....." :clap:

You know, the BBC's coverage is so bloody bad I'm almost glad that I missed nearly the entire coverage and only saw the closing stages of the Queen Mary before watching the Sandringham on ATR!
Well he half slapped Darley down for his comment about it being "particularly appropriate if Hayley could make this her first Royal Ascot win" (The Queen Mary). I couldn't quite decide if it was a crass piece of sexism or a bit of silliness best kept to himself on Darley's part
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Jun 17 2008, 09:16 PM
Give me McCririck any day of the week.
Shads, I'm really worried about you...

I - unfortunately for me - caught the 'fashion' slot just after the first race. Normally I head off into the next room to check out af ew more runners for later in the week but - and this is my excuse - I had my lunch in my hadns and thought I'd be more comfortable on the couch. I've never liked the fashion coverage but I accept it is a necessary evil for this meeting. I never liked the twee, aren't-all-the-outfits-wonderful slots in the past with the likes of news presetners fronting them but this guy James is an utter fanny. (No insults to fannies anywhere intended.)

I felt like getting a bus down there and ramming his top hat up his arse - sideways.
Originally posted by Tout Seul@Jun 17 2008, 03:06 PM
The way O'Brien is immediately on the phone taking with the boss(es) makes him appear a lackey which demeans such a talented man. It also reflects poorly on his bosses,they've got tv's haven't they
I think the fact that this incredible trainer can, in the immediate aftermath of a g1 win, take time out to phone his folks is brilliant.

Reminds me of myself on my wedding night: Haw, faither, guess whit! Ah've just lost ma cherry :clap:
Nah, McCririck is different gear to Loughran - Loughran is just a stupid, ignorant tosser. McCririck has a little more depth to him at least and he's essentially a good guy.
I didn't see any of the telly as i was out working, but I did catch some of the radio 5 stuff.

Lysaght on Duke of Marmalade before the Price Of Wales' Stakes: "Isn't it a great name for a horse, if I had a racehorse I'd love to call it Duke Of Marmalade".

Total sh1te.
With all due respect Ven, I doubt you've met him, cos if you had you will find that he is a bloody nice bloke.
I don't care whether he's a "nice bloke" or not, he's certainly a poor broadcaster and journalist.

When I pay my licence fee, I feel I'm entitled to a certain standard of competence on the part of commentators, and he doesn't meet it, although to be fair, he's not quite as hopeless as that other radio 5 deadbeat, Luke Harvey.

You don't get this sort of infantile rubbish from cricket commentators, for example. You don't get Jonathon Agnew saying, "Tendulkar, what a great name for a cricketer, if I had a son I'd call him Tendulkar", do you?
Originally posted by Venusian@Jun 18 2008, 10:34 PM
I don't care whether he's a "nice bloke" or not, he's certainly a poor broadcaster and journalist.

When I pay my licence fee, I feel I'm entitled to a certain standard of competence on the part of commentators, and he doesn't meet it, although to be fair, he's not quite as hopeless as that other radio 5 deadbeat, Luke Harvey.

You don't get this sort of infantile rubbish from cricket commentators, for example. You don't get Jonathon Agnew saying, "Tendulkar, what a great name for a cricketer, if I had a son I'd call him Tendulkar", do you?
Glad to see that went straight over your head.
How ridiculous is that Jim McGrath fantasy commentary feature.

For starters he picked up the winner before it hit the front.
Coem on Ven, cricket commentators are just about the most silly giggly public school boys about, from Brian Johnson's "the batsmans Holding, the bowlers Willey" to Agnews "he couldn't get his leg over" right up to Henry Blofeld chortling on about cakes. Havign said that, the secret lies in the alledged English ecentricity and the harmless sense of charm that goes with it. Lysaght does come across as a decent person, as does Harvey, they might not be heavyweight broadcasters by any stretch, but neither is up their own backside to the extent that just about the whole Channel 4 team are, and they do carry a degree of self-deprecating humility which can't be said for many in racing, and even less so about its pundits
Anyone would think Howard Johnson was Andre Fabre the way the BBC went on there. No mention to the hundreds of high priced purchases he has absolutely ruined!
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Jun 18 2008, 07:13 PM
Nah, McCririck is different gear to Loughran - Loughran is just a stupid, ignorant tosser. McCririck has a little more depth to him at least and he's essentially a good guy.
The thing that's always gotten to me about Big Mac is his seeming belief that, if there is a market move for a horse, somehow all punters automatically "knew."

This is especially annoying when it's a well-backed Irish winner. McCririck will usually announce in an obnoxious voice: "Those Irish... THEY KNEW" as if every granny in the country had her fiver on.

His knowledge of the formbook is cursory IMO, and his command of the English language at times dire!

So, all in all, a damn sight better than Loughran! :P
Originally posted by Gareth Flynn@Jun 19 2008, 02:21 PM
Shame for the BBC's little bit of poetry recital that Yeats is named after Jack, not William.
How'd you come across that, Gareth?

Were they really reading a WB Yeats poem on the Beeb? :laughing:
Originally posted by Gareth Flynn@Jun 19 2008, 03:21 PM
Shame for the BBC's little bit of poetry recital that Yeats is named after Jack, not William.
Still, William wrote some good poetry for a butler......imagine if he did it full time rather than having to wait on tables.