
Brexit, Stay or Leave.

  • Stay

    Votes: 28 59.6%
  • Leave

    Votes: 19 40.4%

  • Total voters
To enjoyably provoke some of the tossers reading this, we have gchq which is the world leader in monitoring I understand.
Indeed, it undoubtedly is ! Completely correct.
But GCHQ -- and the other security services in UK -- are hamstrung by this European Court Of Human Rights catfarting. Human rights are fundamental to existence but tut the extremes to which this ECHR malarkey has shifted to is just preposterous. Terrorists, hate preachers, foreign murderers now seem to be of greater consideration to the ECHR than the safety and welfare of the common citizenry. "Human Rights" now are the first line of defence for the terrorist and terrorist sympathiser.

In the country where I live, there is an ongoing case of a top ISIS recruiter appealing his deportation. This will go on for years with more and more appeals to higher and higher courts. In the meantime the Gardai and other friendly-country intelligence services say that this man is a real and present danger to life and limb.

If Britain were to Brexit, Britain would be able to properly and sensibly apply its own human rights observance and not by hang-dogged by the oft-time craziness of the ECHR.
I must admit i am not totally au fait with the ECHR meddling and i do have a suspicion that it might not actually be an element of eu membership but i take your point entirely.

i can see where you are coming from. intercept some piece of filth on a cross channel ferry, have him dangling over the side (passengers cheering) and have to phone brussels to find out if you can let go

mind you it could be a case of wheres my mobile. hang on. splash. oh ****
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(I've just seen on Sky News right this minute that Richard Dearlove -- former chief of MI6 -- say that Britain would be safer if it exited the E.U. Hardly a Farage fellow-traveller or bandwagon-jumper).
And on June 22nd, at 11:15 pm GMT, we'll all be 45 minutes away from EU destruction. :)
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It's staggering what a complete Mong the labour leader is. A genuine simpleton. Suggests that there should be a standard minimum wage cross the Eu. has there ever been a leader who's so Economically illiterate ? This is 5 year old stuff

the idea that wages in Romania can be pitched at same level as London is beyond stupid.
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You are reminding me of an Fd a worked for.. I could hand him a report stating that the board and their families should be beheaded and he would only pick up on a missing comma..
It's staggering what a complete Mong the labour leader is. A genuine simpleton.
He's a muppet, Clive, and I can't see his support being of any material benefit to the Stay camp. If anything, his "input" will persuade quite a few people to vote leave.

On a related note, I can see this referendum providing perhaps the biggest trading platform of the entire ear. A ten-week long lifespan with plenty of dips and high's to come. A trader's dream -- daily opportunities to get in and get out in what will be undoubtedly be a fluctuating market. Today I will take my first venture into the game with a 1,000 euro "buy". Purely gut instinct suggests to me that the correct play is to take a position with this sum on the "Leave" option at 2.98 on Betfair. I think that this price has a bigger chance of tightening rather than the "Stay" price of 1.50 has of contracting further. So be it, if it all goes belly-up, I'm psychologically prepared to lose the lot. :ninja:

At the moment, the polls indicate a neck-and-neck race -- 40% each side with 20% undecided -- but doubtless there will be many twists and turns before the fateful day on June 23rd. :)
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Betway's 4/9 about 'Stay', is the best odds-on poke since 'No' in the Scottish Indyref, imo.

I don't think this is in any way close, in real terms.
Suggests that there should be a standard minimum wage cross the Eu....

the idea that wages in Romania can be pitched at same level as London is beyond stupid.

I'd be surprised to discover that he's actually said this. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that you're willfully misrepresenting what he did say though
I'd be surprised to discover that he's actually said this. I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that you're willfully misrepresenting what he did say though

Tied to the cost of living in each member state is what he actually said. I imagine clive is still smarting from the realisation that he lives in a part of the country where the worst drivers reside and has therefore not properly understood what was being said.
does dan ever post anything other than thanking snide remarks? what a prick

His idea is that comparative minimum wages across the continent would stop excessive immigration. Hes an idiot. The wages in poorer states would have to rise hugely to effect that of course. and how? and then?

Each state has its minimum wage already. So whats he on about? If the EU forces higher minimum wages on poorer states what does he think the effect of that would be? I dont expect anyone from the left to work that one out ...admittedly.
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OK, I've dug out the Telegraph's reporting of his answer to the question:

"No I don't think too many have come, I think the issue has to be of wages and regulations. There has to be a case for a minimum wage tied to the cost of living all across the continent. There's nothing wrong with people migrating to work around the continent, but there has to be a level playing field on pay and conditions".

I'd have thought this was pretty clear to be honest. It's perhaps beholden on Clive to explain how he's extrapolated from this answer that Corbyn is advocating paying a flat rate minimum wage the same in Romania as London?

I can understand perfectly easily that you might what to use the same formula across the EU, but that same formula will generate different wage levels dependent on the country or even region within that country, that it's being applied to
So an EU "formula" will do what exactly? given that these states have minimum wage levels anyway? If it has no effect then its clear that nothing will change, will it? A pointless proposal

Pretty clearly If a "Formula" drives up minimum wages in poorer countries then the inevitable result will be less jobs and greater unemployment. Forced by the moronic left.

And what will that do to emigration?
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I'm aware that John Major used to argue this line back in the 1990's, but even the conservatives abandoned their opposition to a minimum wage over a decade ago when the it was demonstrated that none of this actually happened. Indeed, today they find themselves supporting the 'living wage', something Osborne announced in the 2015 budget

I should say for clarity perhaps, that the introduction of a "formula" to be applied across the EU was something I suggested (largely because I can't think of any other way of doing it). I can't find anything in Corbyns speech that confirms he used the word "formula", so perhaps we ought to concentrate on what he's actually said rather than putting words in his mouth. Which kind of brings us back to what you accused him of. Are you now accepting that he didn't say what you suggested he did?

Lets just remind us of what you said

"It's staggering what a complete Mong the labour leader is. A genuine simpleton. Suggests that there should be a standard minimum wage cross the Eu. has there ever been a leader who's so Economically illiterate ? This is 5 year old stuff

the idea that wages in Romania can be pitched at same level as London is beyond stupid."
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I'm aware that John Major used to argue this line back in the 1990's, but even the conservatives abandoned their opposition to a minimum wage over a decade ago when the it was demonstrated that none of this actually happened. Indeed, today they find themselves supporting the 'living wage', something Osborne announced in the 2015 budget

What are you talking about? these countries already have minimum wages. Cant you read? That is obviously not the point

You dont get economics at all do you? You would have to push the "minimum wages" in poorer states sky high to prevent wage emigration and that would clearly be more than their economies could bear.

in purely monetary terms People dont move for "cost of living" Never. What would be the point? They move for disposable income. what they can save and send back.

The left are not part of the real economy and have zero understanding of it. Polish builders come here because what they make OVER the cost of living is what is worth far more when they return home.

Really have to be pointed out?
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The Treasury's report on a Stay/Leave scenario is due to be published tomorrow. What's the betting that their assessment of the consequences of a Leave victory will be apocalyptic? Project Fear will be ramped up another few notches.
Question is, how will the Betfair 2.98 odds respond? Go out, likely, but by much?
Well, there you have it, voters -- a Brexit will cause a £4,300 loss of income to every household in Britain. :blink:
The Betfair market appears unmoved by -- or sceptical of --the Treasury doomsayers ............. no change in odds.
Its a nonsense figure. I doubt whether anyone would take it seriously. In fairness his piece in the times was pretty cogent and for me they should be concentrating on the arguments rather than spurious numbers

I am still tempted to vote out. The eu reminds me of those useless trade institutes that members have to join for accreditation but are stuffed with overpaid deadbeats

Ultimately the eu needs a good kicking from its members. A heavy rolling back of powers and a massive cut in its bureaucracy. Then it can survive.