Buying A Successful Broodmare

Thanks for the photos, Cat. She is lovely. She looks as if her legs are strong and correct.

Katy Q has been covered again by Phoenix Reach today. Her colt foal is gorgeous, big and strong so here is hoping we get another one next year too.

I am hopefully off to see Art Series tomorrow to see how Lily is doing.
He's lovley Cat, good strong legs too! Let's hope they run fast...

Is Buckett's tail in two plaits, like a 1940s German Fraulein?? How cute!
Do all German studs do that? It's to keep it out of the way of the foaling I presume?
2 1/2 weeks old now; isnt it amazing how quick they grow:


I am off to see one of my foals tomorrow. I must remember to take my camera!

Great photos Cat! :)
What lovely photos Cat :D , she looks quite a substanial filly .....Can see why you are so excited about her ..... :)

Kathy more pics please :D
I cannot begin to tell you what a fantastic day I had with Bumble, Katy and Dylan today. He is an absolute star. A day at a working stud was amazing. The vet was there, the farrier, food delivered etc etc. I watched Katy have her folicles checked.... I saw a foal being given plasma, I sat with Dylan for half an hour doing a bit of bonding, and took over 100 photos. I would post up more photos but I am not long back and I have a pile of stuff to do as I am up to The National Stud tomorrow.

I'll post up some more tomorrow and if I can ever work out how to uploads video's I have one that will show you what a damn show off he is and how his Mum had to come and tell him off. Katy even got in the act with some showing off of her own.

Just the most wonderful day.



A couple more....

In the second photo, Katy was showing me that she has recently had some dental work done. :dork: Dylan looks plain embarrassed. :shy:


Cor, Bumble's got a fair bit of mud there, hasn't she!!

Colt's looking well - he's going to be a lovely dark bay, isn't he.

Stunning day here today and Phil managed to get the last of the fertilizer on. Next stop rolling and harrowing - I love it when the fields are all neatly rolled as it's about the nearest to posh we ever get...
Yes, that particular paddock is quite muddy, but the rest of them are looking very lush. I don't think she wants the mares and foals eating too much rich, wet grass at the moment and as they only go out for a few hours, this is one of three paddocks she is currently using.

Dylan is inbetween coats at the moment. I think he is going to be quite stunning in a few months time, but then I would say that wouldn't I. :brows:
Promise no more after these.... :shy:

Katy and another "mum" saying "hello". Dylan nods off.

Katy and another foal becoming aquainted with Dylan pretending he isn't a wee bit jealous.

It was fascinating (to me) to watch how the mares and foals interact with each other. Some of the foals are fiercely independent but their Mum's just keep a watching brief waiting to get them out of trouble. I could have stayed for days... weeks just watching....and hopefully learning.
Lovely pics as usual Kathy, he is a little superstar isnt he , have to agree with Songsheet that he looks to be getting a lovely Dark Bay coat , he is going to be a real handsome lad thats for sure :D
We had so much mud here going out to Nursery paddock that I had to get in two loads of woodchip.... last summer's weather was so wet and then again in January that, unless you're lucky enough to be on chalk/limestone, I doubt anyone has many mud-free fields....
thanks for sharing, and so cute with his white markings in his face. they look so funny when they start losing their foal-fur coat (or however you call it!) - Bonfire did that much later in theyear - when was he born again, Kathy.

Great Photos !
He should be a looker if he takes after his Mum - she's gorgeous!
He certainly makes the other foal look a bit plain!
I went to The National Stud yesterday and they loved him. He is a bit.... well, feisty. I call it spirited. :brows: It was nice to hear that in a recent article my colt was mentioned. He was actually born on 1st March but just thrilled to see Katy and Dylan getting a postive mention.

Courtesy of European Bloodstock News.

Phoenix Reach, the triple Gr.1 winning son of
Alhaarth, stood at the National Stud for the first time in
2007 and his offspring from that first season are now
making their appearance.
Bumble Mitchell, of Bumble Bloodstock Ltd, is
boarding one of the foals, a bay colt out of Katy-Q, at
her stud in Lincolnshire. Katy-Q (Taufan), a winner over
five furlongs at two, is a half-sister to the talented Gr.3
winning sprinter Presto Shinko and is out of a halfsister
to Gr.2 Sun Chariot Stakes winner Talented.
Bumble commented: “Katy-Q’s foal is a smashing type.
He was born on 28th February and is a really good,
strong and active sort. We’re very pleased with him.”

Breeders using Phoenix Reach during his second
season in 2008 will qualify for special breeders’ prizes.
Any two-year-old by Phoenix Reach who wins a Group
race in 2011 (UK, Ireland, France only) will attract a
breeder’s prize of £25,000, with Listed winners earning
£10,000 for their breeder.
Loved looking through these photos, Kathy that colt is gorgeous, a lovely robust chap, I'm sure he'll be a stunner!

What's your plan for him? Sure you're having a lovely time getting to know him and watching him grow. It's years since we bred a horse (just a riding horse, not a TB) and it's fascinating and so enjoyable to see how they grow up.
Zozzy, I am meant to be selling the foals. I said "meant" to be as if I can afford to, I would love to keep both the colt and the filly and put them into training in due course. I may syndicate them as I would love other people to "get involved" although I am sure most people would rather get involved when they are closer getting on to the track.

It is certainly proving to be the most wonderful and interesting project I have ever undertaken. Having watched Phoenix Reach racing, to seeing him at Andrew Baldings, and then moving to The National Stud. To watching the mares being covered, and then these wonderful foals appearing, it really is far more interesting than I ever imagined. There is a long way to go before either of them make it to the racecourse, assuming they ever do, but in the meantime, both mares have been recovered by Phoenix Reach, as if the foals continue to progress, and I ever have to sell either mare, they could be a little more saleable.

It's all a complete gamble as I am sure you know Zozzy, but you only live once, dont you! :D
Absolutely, live it how you see best!

I must say I'm glad to see such a supportive team behind PR as a sire, he was a favourite of mine on the track and I hoped he'd be well promoted as a sire. Well done!
Ah, thanks Zozzy. :shy: I always help those people that help me out! :) I've had a busy day today, but have a couple of photos of the Phoenix Filly (Lily) I will post up - probably tomorrow now. She is no where near as big as Dylan, but she is pretty, has a lovely temperament and is two weeks behind him. It will be interesting to compare them as they grow up.

One of the nicest things about having these two PR foals, is the amount of interest it creates, especially amongst people that have never been interested in the breeding side of racing before.
Right here goes! These are a few photos of Lily who is an absolute poppet. Not as feisty as her half brother, Dylan, but full of mischief and Art Series is continuing to be a first class Mum. It was too wet for them to go out in the paddock yesterday morning so Lily perfomed her cantering skills around the box, whilst Art stared outside wishing she could be with her friends, which she did as soon as the sun came out again! She is not as big as Dylan but she is about 2 weeks behind him. She is also a first foal, unlike Dylan.





