Buying A Successful Broodmare

What a lovely little colt, and how good is mum also :clap: look forward to the updates :)
"only" expecting one foal this year (but shall be 3 in 2009!) - Bukett is due on the 20th of march so counting the days now; Ribera is at stud but at moment reluctant to get in foal. Belle Fee will visit Toylsome next month.

I went to see her on Saturday and suggested they gave her a curry and a ride on a bumpy tractor :brows: as she was over 3 weeks overdue.

I had a feeling it would be today, and I just couldn't sleep last night. I was up at 05:00hrs and Art as giving birth at 12:10am. Mare and foal are evidently absolutely fine.

No real details yet - but guess what.... I am on my way down there as soon as I have walked Barney!!

I now have a boy and a girl, and to me that is near on perfect. Bumble phoned last night and Dylan is evidently just a wonderful colt. :luv:

I have got the champagne on ice ready for when I get home! :D
The first photo is Art taken on Saturday and 3 days later look what popped out! :clap:





Absolutely fine, Tetley. She is possibly one of the hardest working people I have met in the racing industry and a really nice person too. The work she does with the rehoming of ex racers is massively under rated.

She has Bay Hawk with her at the moment enjoying a nice break!
Really? Small world!

I met a lady in a local pub in Lambourn today where I went to get a small celebration drink. I struck up a conversation with a lady whose daughter is working for Grace at the moment. She was telling me that they had been expecting a foal last night, and she overheard me talking to my friend and realised it was my mare.

Grace has a HEROS stall at The Lambourn Open Day on Friday! Luckily, Heros are starting to get some great new opportunities for publicity and not before time too.

Thanks, Zebs! :)
Bukett gave birth to a filly foal last night. Mother and daughter are well, main thing, and we are going to see them this afternoon. NO chestnut, with was my main fear (apart from the health issue for sure, was worried as Bukett was so massive!) , but dark brown :)

Congratulations, Crazyhorse. Lot's of fillies around this season. I hope she brings you lots of success!
Venusian, nothing wrong with chestnut as such (and mind you, we cannot escape the fact that the next one will defo be a chestnut) but have the strong theory (based on what I have seen so far) that Nayefs chestnuts are crap ;)

anyway, here are some photos - Bertha, one day old:



Mum, very tired after a hard nights work:
