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Cartoons Of The Prophet Muhammad

I think this thread is one which stirs no end of opinions and so it should!!!
Because if we lived in Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Indonesia, China, North Korea, Myanmar(Burma) etc etc it would result in us being murdered....FACT!!
One post earlier suggested that Merlin should join the BNP.
Merlin, you are entitled to say what you like and I fully agree with you!!
We are facing a huge problem in this country and people who live in Cornwall, West Wales, the Cotswolds etc do not know the situation in Leicester, Oldham, parts of Cardiff after dark etc
Islam is the only religion to a lot of these youngsters growing up and they are determined to make it the only religion and it is a problem that will only get worse IMO and let's hope we have this kind of forum where we are free to discuss it in the future.
Harry, you're clearly just bonkers, aren't you? (And I exercise my right to free expression to say that.) I lived in Saudi Arabia for 20 years, in Libya for one, my Mother in Bahrain for 10, and loads of my pals still live and work productively in a variety of Middle Eastern countries - as do thousands of non-Muslim expatriates.

So far, none of us have so much as been happy-slapped, been videoed being stabbed and kicked to death, been shot 8 times in the head by the Police, had our homes firebombed for being white, had an axe smashed into our skull for going out with someone of a different colour - do I need to go on? You think you're living in Paradise in the UK?
My good friend Thea is from Norway (currently residing in Melbourne at present). Her sister, Mette, is doing a term of university abroad in Indonesia.

Thank god Mette came to Indonesia via Perth (Australia). On her carry-on bag she had a huge Norwegian flag embroided on to it. That has now been removed (totally ripped off), and several other things that were significant to Norway have been disposed of.

I was asked last night for a second opinion as to what other race she could get away with, and yes I cannot believe I had to have this conversation either. I came to the conclusion that she could get away with being either from Sweden, Holland or Germany. They will opt with the latter, and she will say she is German.

I think the attacks are honestly uncalled for. Norway and Denmark, like most of the western side of Europe, is democratic. The press in these countries, like Australia, has freedom to write and depict what they believe is true, unlike in places where the government controls everything that a journalist writes. If they are so antagonised and violent about some person from Denmark drawing up carictures of some stupid religious icon, what makes it any different (and we get all persecuted for it too by these hypocrites), when:

a) We query Iran about the nuclear project its currently undertaking;
B) We query the way women are treated in their devilish societies, with no freedom of speech, and are made to feel like animals;
c) We talk about the Holocaust, and get blown up about it.

I don't see western society going out and blowing up the Iranian consulates, or all Arab nations having their consulates blown up due to the way they treat women etc.
Merlin, when in Rome, do as the Romans do? I don't agree again. People should be able to follow their own religions and faiths regardless of the country they are in, and yes, it does apply the other way too. Christians in China for example who are persecuted should not be. I do accept we do not live in an ideal world though. However, attitudes such as "When in Rome..." do nothing to help the situation. Try "Live and let live" instead.

Am I right in thinking that you have muslim boys in your school?

Do the female teachers get any respect from them?

My daughter is having a problem with a 14-y-o who has told her "Why should I listen to a woman?"

Now I don't know enough about religions to get too involved in this discussion but surely if a Muslim family send their sons to a mainstream school, they should expect those sons to behave in a respectful way to their teachers, whether the teachers are male or female.
We have no Muslims in our school, Colin. I agree with what you say though that they should show respect to male and female staff alike.
it is impossible for most people to have a rational discussion with you about historical Judaism because you are unable to see beyond 1919-1945,a mere dot on the the landscape of Jewish persecution.

How about looking at ISRAEL 1948-2006 and comparing this period with 1919-1945?

There are amazing similarities.

As far as Ancient to Modern History of the Jewish folk and the persecution thereof,it's all available by googling,but without the vitriol.

Finally,how can anyone have a sensible discussion (on this subject) with anyone who reacts to a posting by saying:

"I despise fundamentalist religion of any kind . Irrational belief largely used as an excuse for bigotry , violence abuse and intolerance "


"Euronymous now everyone has had a chance to see it I am deleting that swastika poster - it makes my blood boil everytime I see it "
that is the reason for my post,if you are going to put stuff off limits there goes free speech out of the window.
Originally posted by Honest Tom@Feb 5 2006, 12:56 AM
Good to hear you're a wee fenian bitch Dom. Maybe me and you could take in a Celtic game sometime, preferrably against the orange filth. On the way back we'd maybe even get to stab simmo.
Sorry Dom, that sounds a bit over familiar in the cold light of day. Ever since me and my daughter watched that drama about the Holy Cross school in Northern Ireland (the one where the catholic primary girls had to run the gauntlet of hate to shouts of "Ya wee fenian bitches") I've taken to calling my daughter that every now and again (I do an excellent NI drawl). No offence intended.

No need to apologise to simmo as we would probably be meeting up for a drink after we got our stitches in.
Originally posted by PDJ@Feb 5 2006, 09:32 AM
Merlin, when in Rome, do as the Romans do? I don't agree again. People should be able to follow their own religions and faiths regardless of the country they are in, and yes, it does apply the other way too. Christians in China for example who are persecuted should not be. I do accept we do not live in an ideal world though. However, attitudes such as "When in Rome..." do nothing to help the situation. Try "Live and let live" instead.
PDJ you’re now advocating that these Muslims are within their own rights to do as they want to! to disregard the laws of the lands???? If you read my threads this is what they relate too, not having the right to practise or refrain from practising their religion...

If you go to ROME and try and exercise your own opinion by breaking their current laws you like anyone else will be thrown in the slammer, disregarding your colour creed or religous following too, full stop.
Originally posted by PDJ@Feb 5 2006, 10:32 AM
Merlin, when in Rome, do as the Romans do? I don't agree again. People should be able to follow their own religions and faiths regardless of the country they are in, and yes, it does apply the other way too. Christians in China for example who are persecuted should not be. I do accept we do not live in an ideal world though. However, attitudes such as "When in Rome..." do nothing to help the situation. Try "Live and let live" instead.
In an ideal world, people should be able to follow their own religions and faiths regardless of the country they are in, unfortunately this is not an ideal world. In an ideal world there would be no hatred installed into people's brains via religion, no crazed fundamentalists (from any religion) hellbent on destroying anyone who doesn't share their faith, but it will never be.

Those moron muslims who were demonstrating with those placards are as hypocritical as hell - they're happy to live in our country, but hate our way of life and ideally would love Britain to turn into a Muslim state. They are too damn stupid to realise that the very 'freedom of speech' they are protesting against is what ALLOWS them to protest! Yesterday a British man was arrested for handing out the offending cartoons, while at the same time Muslims were shouting for people to be beheaded and warning us that Europe's 9/11 was on its way. Were these people arrested? Were they fúck.

When in another country, you MUST abide by their rules, otherwise get the fúck out. This countrys government bends over backwards to help Muslims feel comfortable but if they are living in democratic countries then they have to accept that these countries have freedom of speech. Try walking through the centre of Tehran with a placard saying "Islam is the cancer, Christianity is the answer" and see what happens.
I think the UK is exploited for being soft and any extremist is welcome to come and have a soapbox.
Puts hard hat on and hopes not to be told to shut up.
Muslim leader condemns protesters

Protesters waved placards outside London embassies on Friday
A march in which protesters chanted violent anti-Western slogans such as "7/7 is on its way" should have been banned, a leading British Muslim said.
Asghar Bukhari said the demonstration in London on Friday should have been stopped by police because the group had been advocating violence.
The chairman of the Muslim Public Affairs Committee said the protesters "did not represent British Muslims".
More protests over cartoons of Muhammad on Saturday passed off peacefully.
Mr Bukhari told the BBC News website: "The placards and chants were disgraceful and disgusting, Muslims do not feel that way.

MARVELLOUS HEY!! JUST THE THING I BEEN POSTING ABOUT ON THIS THREAD... I think this will now appease the doubters? Who have tried to castigate my opinion of the said situation? regards FANATICAL MUSLIMS.......

P.S go and read the BBC web site news and read what other people say about the very same thing.
It was odds on that when the Cartoons were published there would be a bad reaction.

One only has to look at the recent French example.

Recent world events should have given a clue.

Most of "us" look and laugh,others "they" look and kill.
:o Now the dogs are barking??? I personally just cant see others points of view on this subject when they!! can condone the actions of these type of people......

Muslim protesters who carried placards glorifying terror attacks and inciting murder during recent London protests should be prosecuted, MPs have said.

There are also calls for culprits who live in the UK temporarily to be deported along with those who were granted asylum to stay.

Demonstrators furious at the publication of cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed staged two days of demonstrations in London.

Banner slogans included "Massacre those who insult Islam", "Europe, your 9/11 will come" and - in an apparent reference to the four July 7 suicide bombers - "Europe you will pay, fantastic 4 are on their way".

One protester was seen sporting a body-harness similar to those worn by suicide bombers.

The only people arrested were two men thought to have been trying to provoke the crowd by handing out caricatures of the prophet on Saturday.

The pair were later released without charge, Scotland Yard said.

Police received more than 100 complaints Labour MP David Winnick said: "It's totally unacceptable that, on British soil, there should be thugs demonstrating for people to be beheaded and actually glorifying the atrocities of July 7.

"It is to be hoped that prosecutions will follow very quickly indeed."

Shadow Home Secretary Davis said: "Clearly, some of these placards are incitement to violence, and indeed incitement to murder - an extremely serious offence which the police must deal with and deal with quickly.

"Whatever your view on these cartoons, we have a tradition of freedom of speech in this country which has to be protected.

"Certainly there can be no tolerance of incitement to murder."

Scotland Yard said more than 100 complaints had been received about the nature of the protests, but no demonstrators were arrested.

Protests were staged on Friday and Saturday - when up to 1,000 people took part - outside the Danish Embassy in central London.

The cartoons that sparked the row first appeared in Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten last September, but have since been republished and broadcast across Europe.
It's all about cause and effect.

We should be able to make jokes and have a good laugh, Right?

Can Jim Davidson still do his "Chalkey" act?

Even Bernard Manning has had his wings clipped. :D
Originally posted by Honest Tom+Feb 5 2006, 12:20 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Honest Tom @ Feb 5 2006, 12:20 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-Honest Tom@Feb 5 2006, 12:56 AM
Good to hear you're a wee fenian bitch Dom. Maybe me and you could take in a Celtic game sometime, preferrably against the orange filth. On the way back we'd maybe even get to stab simmo.
Sorry Dom, that sounds a bit over familiar in the cold light of day. Ever since me and my daughter watched that drama about the Holy Cross school in Northern Ireland (the one where the catholic primary girls had to run the gauntlet of hate to shouts of "Ya wee fenian bitches") I've taken to calling my daughter that every now and again (I do an excellent NI drawl). No offence intended.

No need to apologise to simmo as we would probably be meeting up for a drink after we got our stitches in. [/b][/quote]
No need to apologise HT - no offence taken at all!! In fact, I laughed!!

Sounds good to me - I'd have the Hoops over that protestant lot anyday..... :D
Surely Man U - beyond the help of any deity?

Just back to one point: Ardross, if you have to fill out a form which requires you to state your nationality, try putting in 'Jew' and see how far it gets processed. You are required to put in your national origin (or the nation of which you've become a citizen).
Krizon... yes I'm absolutely bonkers. I must be because I have said something that you disagree with eh?
Look at the papers from today(and not just the red tops), but I suppose they are all right wing facists?
You might have freinds in these places and jolly good for you. You might need them eventually.
I don't read red tops, harry, or need them to inform me. I don't patronize rabble-rousing idiots maliciously publishing items which they knew would play badly to Muslims, create a storm, and bring out Islamophobes like you to bounce up and down shrieking about the dangers of having Muslims in our midst. As an exercise in making Muslims look like crazed blood-letters, our free Press has succeeded very well.

It's also done a wonderful job of bringing out the ignorant in their howling thousands to condemn those dreadful foreigners - which we white Euros have done rather well for the past few decades: first it was the Jamaicans threatening the virtue of our women and corrupting our young; then it was the Indians and their blasted corner shops ruining our livelihoods; the Chinese and their take-aways clogging up our Little England high streets; the Pakistanis and their horrible ways; the damned Eastern Europeans who can't speak perfect English the minute they land, and then it's recognizing that un-British Diwali or those un-British Eids, and... and... who needs red tops when we have Merlin and Harry?

I have to admit, I haven't a clue what you mean about my 'friends in these places' - they're very safe where they are, thank you, and will probably find the UK a violent and dangerous place to return to, if they ever do. And the violence is far more likely to come from what we are told is the 'disenfranchised youth' of slum estates. In other words, Britsh born and bred. Hurrah! At least when you get mugged or shot, it'll be by a Brit, and not some filthy foreigner.
Krizon have you read my postings :rolleyes: - yet again you have confused racial and national origin .