Celebrity Big Brother.

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and that was exactly waht we were looking forward too....

Disgraceful cop out from C4....protecting "one of their own" no doubt

It shares an agent with the ludicrous failed chat show host Davinia too.
Originally posted by clivex@Jan 19 2007, 11:37 AM
Sadly, I also have this gut feeling that she does represent typical white British views in the 21st Century.

Well, your gut feeling is crap and Jade Goody is mixed race anyway

I get sick and tired of sanctimonious idiots (often seemingly from countries where race attitudes are pretty poor) assuming that because of one or two low lifes the rest of the british population can be tarred with the same brush

So I suppose Jade goody will get the public support tonight then will she???

You should judge this from the reaction to her ignorant behaviour rather than from the behaviour itself

In effect your comments are equally bigoted

And i suspect you are simply wanting to believe what you want to believe too
Clivex, you really do talk a load of rubbish. Were you born rude or have you taken lessons?

1. A gut feeling is purely personal and real. It cannot by definition be 'crap'.
2. If you view Jade Goody in terms of her ethnic origins it says more about you than it does about me.
3. You seem to take any opportunity to call me a sanctimonious idiot because of views expressed on other threads. You are as much a bully as the morons on the show.
4. My views are based on personal experience of racial abuse from white English people. Sadly, I have received jsut as much of it as I have received warmth from fellow forumites at meet-ups.
5. JG probably will not get much support tonight because those who share here views would be too ashamed to turn up. Those who would have turned up would be those more willing to express their disgust and those would only number a few dozen from a population of 50m.
6. My comments are anything but bigoted. Having been on the receiving end of physical abuse on religious grounds since childhood, I'm not blind to bigotry. In that respect, you should perhaps look closer to home, ideally in the mirror.
7. I would so love my gut feeling to be wrong.
8. In summary, your comments on this forum mark you out as a bigot and a bully.

Love and best wishes.
Originally posted by clivex@Jan 19 2007, 12:17 PM
apparently the vile danielle had certain views about immigration before the programme

From the snippets I've picked up, her behaviour seems to be worse than Goody's by some distance, and yet she's been given a remarkably easy time of it by comparison to Bermondsy's finest. I think it might have been Euro who picked up the fact that the ugly, fat loud mouth is an easier target. That Danielle viper is certainly the more poisonous of the two, and has gone a lot closer than any of the others to overt rascism. Goody's probably to thick to realise what she's said.

Without going to off message Clive, the activities of a cohesion officer;

If she does prevent a riot, or more pertinenetly can promote tolerance, integration and a better understanding amongst different communities and their target generations, then the likes of Danielle Lloyd will be more and more marginalised. It usually involves a drive to try and fuse communities together more, instead of allowing them to develop in isolation and hence draw only on what are often faith based ideologies, with all their attendant dangers. It's not actually to be sniffed at as much as you think. As you might imagine if you apply a bit of thought rather than glibly dismissing it, it can actually be quite dangerous work, as you're essentially eroding the local power bases of influential 'quasi autonomous community leaders' and seeking to replace them with a more integrated model of inter community engagement. On top of that its not unusual for such officers to run up against intimidation from the more violent elements of the British right either. It's actually quite complicated as there's 101 sub sectarian divides operating across different communities with each other, as well as within the communities of concern. Some are undoubtedly more problematic to deal with than others, and two in particular border on the impossible. The broard philosophy is to try and bring groups closer together rather than allow them to develop in isolation and ignorance of each other, as the former usually provides fertile ground to propogate the type of tensions and violence that can otherwise define their boundaries and existance
Originally posted by clivex@Jan 19 2007, 01:17 PM
apparently the vile danielle had certain views about immigration before the programme

Well danielle

Immigrants come here to WORK and CONTRIBUTE (not sponge from) to the economy. They do not WHINGE and they more often than not respect this great country and look forward with a positive view

Danielle is from Liverpool
Care to explain that last remark? I for one would be extremely interested to hear exactly what you mean by it.
1. A gut feeling is purely personal and real. It cannot by definition be 'crap'.
2. If you view Jade Goody in terms of her ethnic origins it says more about you than it does about me.
3. You seem to take any opportunity to call me a sanctimonious idiot because of views expressed on other threads. You are as much a bully as the morons on the show.
4. My views are based on personal experience of racial abuse from white English people. Sadly, I have received jsut as much of it as I have received warmth from fellow forumites at meet-ups.
5. JG probably will not get much support tonight because those who share here views would be too ashamed to turn up. Those who would have turned up would be those more willing to express their disgust and those would only number a few dozen from a population of 50m.
6. My comments are anything but bigoted. Having been on the receiving end of physical abuse on religious grounds since childhood, I'm not blind to bigotry. In that respect, you should perhaps look closer to home, ideally in the mirror.
7. I would so love my gut feeling to be wrong.
8. In summary, your comments on this forum mark you out as a bigot and a bully

1. yes it can. Because its based on what you want to believe. As you know.

2. ????

3. Shall i repeat your "Catholic church's power" quote?

4. whatever

5. You are saying that just a "few dozen" Brits (as you call them i suppose) are againts jade goody's behaviour. Come on then... You really saying that? How about you spell that out clearly....

6. Oh really... wellim soirry about your experiences (whatever they were)

7. Really? I think you would like your prejudices confirmed> As evidenced by 5

8. whatever

I agree about Danielle
Originally posted by Dave G@Jan 19 2007, 01:40 PM

Danielle is from Liverpool

Care to explain that last remark? I for one would be extremely interested to hear exactly what you mean by it.
does she steal wheels and or hubcaps then???????????????? :D or she's done her apprentiship on these....... ;)
If she does prevent a riot, or more pertinenetly can promote tolerance, integration and a better understanding amongst different communities and their target generations, then the likes of Danielle Lloyd will be more and more marginalised. It usually involves a drive to try and fuse communities together more, instead of allowing them to develop in isolation and hence draw only on what are often faith based ideologies, with all their attendant dangers. It's not actually to be sniffed at as much as you think. As you might imagine if you apply a bit of thought rather than glibly dismissing it, it can actually be quite dangerous work, as you're essentially eroding the local power bases of influential 'quasi autonomous community leaders' and seeking to replace them with a more integrated model of inter community engagement. On top of that its not unusual for such officers to run up against intimidation from the more violent elements of the British right either. It's actually quite complicated as there's 101 sub sectarian divides operating across different communities with each other, as well as within the communities of concern. Some are undoubtedly more problematic to deal with than others, and two in particular border on the impossible. The broard philosophy is to try and bring groups closer together rather than allow them to develop in isolation and ignorance of each other, as the former usually provides fertile ground to propogate the type of tensions and violence that can otherwise define their boundaries and existance

A busy body then?

(just joking) Thanks for that, i can see how it could be rather testing in some circumstances.
I have noticed some rather sexist comments on here

I would advise forumites not to encourage those typing one handed
Thing is Desert Orchid

have you received this "physical abuse" on the basis of religion in England?

Dont have to say of course, but its so secular here that frankly, no one gives a monkeys. Maybe its because im from london, but I have never heard one single word (let alone action) of abuse against a catholic in my ** years on this planet

Its just not the way it is here

and nor should it be

Love and best wishes too :)
clivex - you have been warned before for trolling . I am making this one public and for personal abuse of DO as well . Any more and I will increase your warning level and ask for you to be put on Mod Control .

had enough of this

Where in my post is the personal abuse of DO?

and shall i repeat the comments made back to me??? well?

What you define as trolling is what you do not wish to agree with. Are you uncomfortable with my overall defence of the British public in the face of some ratehr ridiculous accusations here? or should that be english public?

83% jade out, 17% shilpa (sky news)

Does that dovetail with the accusations made against my fellow countrymen and women? (im getting churchillian)

Shilpa is a complete ride

and whats your opinion on comments like that one?
I also have this gut feeling that she does represent typical white British views in the 21st Century.

JG probably will not get much support tonight because those who share here views would be too ashamed to turn up. Those who would have turned up would be those more willing to express their disgust and those would only number a few dozen from a population of 50m.

Before i get banned, may i, as a white british person, just repeat that i find the above comments offensive

As well as manifestly untrue of course
Clivex, you still haven't answered my question, even though you have now posted SIX seperate times on this thread since.
Well as a "geographical observation", how is that any less offensive in your insinuation than other things others have said on this thread that you have taken umbrage with?
From Stan James promotional email sent today:

With Big Brother reaching new depths of depravity, we are taking the moral high ground and doing something constructive. We have offered to pay for Jade Goody and her mother to have a frontal lobotomy, under the guise of cosmetic surgery... which of course they snapped up. The 36 hour operation takes place next Tuesday. We hope you'll appreciate our stance on this matter. It's just our way of giving something back...