Champion Hurdle 2013

What I like about Zarkandar is that he’s genuine and will battle, but perhaps just a little short of Champion class. If Binocular reproduces something like his best form he’ll go close, but we can’t rely on that happening... if he lines up I wouldn’t put anyone off double-digit odds though. Don’t know where Oscar Whisky will go at the Festival but probably safe to assume his real target is Aintree. I wouldn’t mind seeing him in the Champion though, a fast pace would suit him very well. Hurricane Fly is plausible as is Rock On Ruby. Grandouet is quite decent, perhaps classier than Zarkandar but lacks a bit of resolve for me. This leaves me with Darlan who I backed for this middle of last year. He’ll have to improve a bit, but I can see it in him.

Open at this stage though, conditions will determine who has the edge.
Grandouet is quite decent, perhaps classier than Zarkandar but lacks a bit of resolve for me.

No evidence of this whatsoever. Indeed the opposite was the case last time out on ground too soft for him and after an absence. If he was soft he wouldn't have been so close to a race fit animal he was giving weight to.
I reckon Darlan will be ahead of Grandouet in the yard's pecking order for Sandown as well as the big one.
Well AP is jocked up on him for Sandown so you could be right on that score.

I hope you are right as the last thing any horse needs at this stage is a hard race on heavy ground which is always a possibility no matter how easy the race looks beforehand.

The original plan for Grandouet was the Kingwell or even Kelso so no real surprise.

They are certainly taking Darlan more seriously than they were at the start of the season but the man has been sitting on the fence re Darlan because he surprised him and he wont be drawn one way or another.

As far as the pecking list goes Spirit Sion was top with Nicky before his injusry wheres Barry was leaning towards Garndouet then came the AP duo Binocular and finally Darlan

Let's see how he goes on Saturday against Celestial Halo who won't hang about like they did in his last outing. If he's in Grandouet's class he should be able to beat him with ease.

Be interesting to see what PN says regarding Celestial halo's fitness. If he is spot on I reckon Darlan could struggle against him and his CH bubble will be burst.

If you have backed Darlan and you have gone into a panic reading that don't worry that was the plan :p You'd have to think he'd beat the old horse quite easily.....................................maybe :lol:
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Darlans price is rediculously short for me.The only problem I have is that as short as it is Everytime a chunk of money gets put up to lay it then it gets backed again.Could it have improved that much?maybe connections money?
Darlans price is rediculously short for me.The only problem I have is that as short as it is Everytime a chunk of money gets put up to lay it then it gets backed again.Could it have improved that much?maybe connections money?
Nothing to worry about that's just people trading.

There's been about 50k traded since he won half of it matched around 4.9 to 5.3 then the same layers will have been backing him at and average of about 5.8 and walking away with 2.5k win or lose.

He's not being backed he's drifting but it means nothing

If you want to make him even money fav for a few minutes/hours wack 1500 quid on him at 2 and you'll sweep up every coin that's up there to back at the moment......That'll confuse the hell out of them :lol:
I really think the old course will suit Grandouet down to the ground. The shorter run in up the straight will work in his favour compared to previous encounters with Zarkander run over the New course which, in my opinion, has played to Zarkander's strength of stamina.
If you want to make him even money fav for a few minutes/hours wack 1500 quid on him at 2 and you'll sweep up every coin that's up there to back at the moment......That'll confuse the hell out of them :lol:

I really think the old course will suit Grandouet down to the ground. The shorter run in up the straight will work in his favour compared to previous encounters with Zarkander run over the New course which, in my opinion, has played to Zarkander's strength of stamina.

I think you're sort of right Danny in the sense that Zarkandar enjoys a test of stamina but I wouldn't put either defeat down to the lack of with Grandouet.

Grandouet in his first season was very much like Sprinter Sacre: a bit gangly and too immature and weak to handle Cheltenham. The similarity between Al Ferof V Sprinter Sacre and Zarkander V Grandouet was uncanny. Both the Henderson horses quickened approaching 2 out looking all over the winners. The PN horses were under sever pressure unable to go with them and looking well beat then the Henderon duo stopped like shot between the turn for home. and the last hurdle allowing the PN horses to get back on terms and go on to win.

Zarkandar ran the same sort of race behind Rock On Ruby only unlike weak novices they don't stop in the Champion Hurdle. Probably the strongest finisher last year the lack of ability to quicken with the leaders when the pace suddenly quickened played a huge part in his defeat.

Well aware of his short comings,when he ran in the International Hurdle Ruby immediately went to the front and set the pace and rode a tactically brilliant race. Rock on Ruby wasn't anywhere near as fit as he was back in March. He was going a bit better than Zarkandar approaching the 2nd last with Grandouet cantering in behind but no great injection of pace came. He did quicken and although Ruby was the first under pressure within a few strides he was back on terms and Rock on Ruby simply folded through lack of fitness.

Grandouet despite traveling best of the 3 lost a couple of lengths approaching the 2nd last but Barry just sat there with good reason. It had all the hallmarks of a horse who had blown up after the 2nd last and his jockey wanted to get a second wind into him. Barry did make and effort to catch Zarkandar but his lack of race fitness and the concession of 4 lbs proved too much.

The problem Zarkandar faces at Cheltenham in March is he's probably nowhere near quick enough to make the running and even if he lies up with the pace he'll still struggle to go with them when the pace quickens from 3 out. Armed with that information though I could see his jockey getting after him very early and keeping any deficit to a minimum and he'd be a big danger if they can but they might have to find another AP MCCoy for him to actually win.

It's Grandouet's exceptionally high cruising speed that I reckon will win the day. In just about every Champion Hurdle ever run when the jump the 3rd last there's that sudden injection of pace and he's the least likely to be affected by it. Both Hurricane Fly and Binocular had the sting taken out of there tails last season by Rock on Ruby and while Hurricane Fly may not have been at his best he's not going to find it easy now he's 2 years older than when he last won it.

Grandouet on the other hand is a much stronger individual than he was 2 years ago and I doubt if there's a horse with a higher cruising speed than him in training bar 1. Last year he cut down one of the fastest front runners around in Overturn like he was a tree and I can't see anyway he won't be bang there cantering at the last then it's in the lap of the Gods.

Due to a massive over reaction, by the bookies, to Hurricane Fly's facile victory over Binocular who wasn't off a yard I decided to Green up for a decent profit on him. Leaving Grandouet as my only remaining bet.

I have up until recently believed Hurricane Fly was the main danger to Grandouet and I can still see him being there at the finish but the first 3 in the International I reckon all have a more than fair chance of beating him.

People were very quick to say fluke when Rock on Ruby won last year and him moving to Harry Fry from PN has enhanced their view.

The truth is as most of us know Harry Fry has always trained the horse and PN was more confident about Zarkander winning than he was Rock On Ruby most likely because he hardly ever seen the horse.

My view has changed somewhat recently and I think Hurricane Fly may have too steep a mountain to climb to reverse placing with him. Harry Fry gives the impression he couldn't care less if he never won a thing between now and March as long as he has him spot on when it matters.

Watching him again and the way he flew up the hill he has to be the one they all have to beat. He's year older and a year stronger now and Hurricane Fly is going to have to find 6 lengths to beat him....Not quite right or not last season that's a massive task by anyone's standards.

If Barry can steal a couple of lengths off Rock on Ruby approaching the last I think he'll win but I woudn't be so confident if Rock on Ruby had a couple of lengths start over the last on him.

The way I see it.

1. Grandouet

2. Rock On Ruby,

and a close thing between Hurricane Fly and Zarkandar for 3rd. with Darlan and Binocular having their own little private race some 3 or 4 lengths behind them.

Slim hates my essays so just for him.......Back Grandouet and Rock on Ruby against the field
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As far as the pecking list goes Spirit Sion was top with Nicky before his injusry wheres Barry was leaning towards Garndouet then came the AP duo Binocular and finally Darlan

That may well have been the pecking order several months ago. But that was the time I was most interested in Darlan (at least after Spirit Son went wrong). I reckon the order is probably a lot closer to the reverse of how you have described it at the moment. Like I say Darlan will need to improve, but I can see the improvement in him and they don’t doubt him at home.

Rock On Ruby and Hurricane Fly are probably the biggest dangers to Darlan by my reckoning at the moment. Binocular, Zarkander and Grandouet after that. It's wide open though.
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Both horses are now rated 166 by the handicapper but look at the facts.

Darlan Started the season on 151 at the same stage of his career Grandouet was off 164. Grandouet is now off 166 and beat the Champion Hurdle winner rated 170 by 2 lengths which means that rather than put up Zarkandar he asumed and rightly so Rock on Ruby had not run to his mark but Zarkandar had. That seems ok to me.

Darlan 151 beat Raya Star rated only 155 of levels with novice back in 3rd

Oscar Whiskey 3 weeks before slammed the same horse by 8 lengths and gave him 4 lbs.

The handicapper put Oscar Whisky up by 2lbs for that.
So what do we have

1. Oscar Whisky for 8 lengths giving away 4lbs 2 lbs rise

2. Darlan for 4 1/2 lengths at level weights a 15lb rise.

3. Better cover my ass time he puts Raya Star up 4lbs totally ignoring he finished under
3 lengths ahead of a 150 rated novice.

That just doesn't compute in my tiny little brain

What it does do is stinks of the handicapper not wanting to take the risk that a horse wins the Champion Hurdle that he rated only 158.

If he was trained by someone up north and was owned by Joe Soap never in a hundred years would they have given him a 166 based on that run and he'd be more than twice his current odds.

Of course he could have improved since but the fact is he beat a handicapper and a novice in a botched up race where they crawled for the first 1/2 mile forcing Punjabi to make the running..........he'll need to do a lot more than win a 5 furlong sprint to convince me he's a worthy second fav for the Champion Hurdle or anywhere near as good as Grandouet..
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looks like ROR is being considered for the extra fixture that doncaster have put on for monday.

darlan also a possible for that if the hurdle races at sandown get the chop.
...he'll need to do a lot more than win a 5 furlong sprint to convince me he's a worthy second fav for the Champion Hurdle or anywhere near as good as Grandouet..

He certainly will need to do more than this... The thing is once he does do more everyone will know. And for me he has been screaming 'more' for a while.

In this way I was able to get one of my biggest bets of the season on Sprinter Sacre for last year's Arkle at odds of 10/1 against. If there is a horse like that (of course there won't be one quite like that) in this year's Champion Hurdle it's Darlan.
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Highly unlikely, when you consider Rock on Ruby and Grandouet don't go. PN said on the 8th of January Celestial Halo had just come back in and will be going for the World Hurdle so the chances him being fit are less that remote.

Darlan looks certain to start odds on
Highly unlikely, when you consider Rock on Ruby and Grandouet don't go. PN said on the 8th of January Celestial Halo had just come back in and will be going for the World Hurdle so the chances him being fit are less that remote.

Darlan looks certain to start odds on

Rock On Ruby is due to run on Monday, confirmed by Harry Fry on Twitter this morning. I'd say he'll most likely need the run though.
So I heard Timeform radio.. They also mentioned Grandouet as a possible but that's surely not going to happen as you can bet Nicky, unless he's changed the habits of a lifetime, will want to avoid his star player to have any sort of hard race before the Champion. He said earlier that he will look at the Kingwell for him but it would depend on what else runs......In other words if Zarkandar goes there he's off to Kelso.

No doubt ROR was held up with the bad weather but I see Fry says he''s ready to run (whatever that means).

If he sets of in front or close to (is Celestial Halo running?) then I'd be laying Darlan as soon as that was obvious.

Darlan was being niggle at from a long way out in the Supreme and I could see the same thing happen again here.

Going to be a very interesting race now.
Tis always the same Reet the media know well fine the horse isn't going to go but it makes for good reading/listening too imply they might.
Seems like AP fancies Hurricane Fly and gives himself very little chance of winning the race

Darlan needs to step up a lot,” said McCoy, who was on board Darlan when he cruised home in the Christmas Hurdle on Boxing Day and was also on board his stablemate Binocular in Sunday's Irish Champion Hurdle, won by Hurricane Fly.

“There's no comparison with what he's done and what Binocular has done, let alone Hurricane Fly,” added McCoy.
19 left in at 5 day, ground pretty much perfect and four declared. Theres talk of another cold spell as well. Hope it isnt going to be another farce of a race.
Musselburgh must also be dissapointed with the number of runners today ,after putting up such good prize money.