Champions day Ascot 2023

... Looks like he overdid the pace with the winner coming from last.

Just saw the replay and the runner-up was second-last through the race.

Murphy lost his whip about a furlong and a half out. Might that have re-written the finish?

These two got the sections right. Moore appears to have realised that early, giving up the ghost on PL and saving him for the second half of the race.

Brilliant yet again from Dettori, though, but I'll be glad to see the back of his antics.

Really chuffed for Varian, though. One of my favourite trainers. I backed KOS in the Derby at huge odds and at Ascot so am pleased for him too.
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Didn't have access to ITV today. Was there any mention of Dettori atall, atall?

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Mixed emotions here. Wanted King of Steel to win because I love the horse but didn’t really want Dettori to win…

Ditto. Really glad for the horse but not him. He milked everything all day and I'd bet now he'll be back next year.

Art Power - absolutely fantastic, so, so brave, really dug in bless him. Picture in the prelims.

Brilliant for Sam James - looked as if he couldn't believe it.

Ryan Moore looked really, really peed off after Paddington - was looking down at near fore from before the line and seemed to think something not right. He gave Hollie a drop dead and F O look as they were turning to come back into the horse walk. Not sure if she has said something to him, she was smiling at him , he was not smiling back. Hollie gave Nashwa a pat.
Padington out of wash down area in double time...I'd swear he was lame. I watched him walk all the way out and through the pre parade, definitely not sound.

Ground spoilt the day really albeit only one non runner.

Very big crowd, think half had come specifically to say 'I was there' when Frankie said he was going.
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Missed every race today bar Champion Stakes due to work.
King Of Steel did the Classic generation proud as did Big Rock.
( I thought Rock Of Gibraltar would not be a decent sire, shows how little I know)
Sam James had his claim preserved for years at Kevin Prendergast's after winning a big Galway handicap .
Delighted to see him get his just rewards.
Thrilled for Art Power after he had a few unlucky starts.
Frankie showed once again what all the fuss was about; he is magic , magic, magic, asshole or no.
Ryan Moore looked really, really peed off after Paddington - was looking down at near fore from before the line and seemed to think something not right.
Padington out of wash down area in double time...I'd swear he was lame. I watched him walk all the way out and through the pre parade, definitely not sound.

Thanks for this G-G.
"Batty mares ", are they are known colloquially, make fabulous foster mothers.
They are quiet and docile and take to their new foals without much bother.
The Irish National Stud used to keep quite a few of them; their foals were sent to the Army Equitation school to be trained as showjumpers.
The were held in such regard that they used the top stallions, Lord Gayle at the time , to mate with them.
Commercially a Mr Cash, king of the travellers , provided a much needed service.
Aston Upthorpe Stud even got a foster mare from him once.
When having a stallion parade one day , however ,the guests spent their day looking at the foster mare and foal, not the stallions, such was the novelty.
Re the Champion Stakes:

... Looks like [My Prospero] overdid the pace with the winner coming from last.

Just saw the replay and the runner-up was second-last through the race.

Murphy lost his whip about a furlong and a half out. Might that have re-written the finish?

These two got the sections right. Moore appears to have realised that early, giving up the ghost on PL and saving him for the second half of the race.

The sections do indeed back up those impressions other than that they should show that the front two were actually just finishing the least slow:

Screenshot (51).png
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They’re a bugger these sectionals, desert. I’m used to shouting “come on, come on” in an effort to urge my horse to accelerate a bit and catch the leader. Now I find I should have been shouting “slow down, slow down” in an effort to urge the leader to tire even more quickly than it is. Seems that most of those “showed a fine turn of foot in the finish” type comments were (and still are) so much hogwash.
I am a bit fan off sectionals over the jumps. The likes of comparing the Supreme to the Champion Hurdle as an example. Or how fast was horse x from the 3rd last (when the race started in earnest) compared to horse y

As for the flat I think ins a complete waste of time as the difference between 2 horses in a 5f sprint or further can be because he was switched blocked for 1/2 stride

I think the latter is way too complicated to help you earn a future coin.
They’re a bugger these sectionals, desert. I’m used to shouting “come on, come on” in an effort to urge my horse to accelerate a bit and catch the leader. Now I find I should have been shouting “slow down, slow down” in an effort to urge the leader to tire even more quickly than it is. Seems that most of those “showed a fine turn of foot in the finish” type comments were (and still are) so much hogwash.


Well, they're a genuine help in explaining how a race unfolded.

Tanlic, I probably 'do' fewer than a dozen - usually only those worth £50k+ - 5f races in a season because so much can happen in such a short space of time that can impact on the outcome. I do think sectionals have their uses and I check them a lot but as often as not they pretty much confirm what my reading of the form is telling me.
"Batty mares ", are they are known colloquially, make fabulous foster mothers.
They are quiet and docile and take to their new foals without much bother.
The Irish National Stud used to keep quite a few of them; their foals were sent to the Army Equitation school to be trained as showjumpers.
The were held in such regard that they used the top stallions, Lord Gayle at the time , to mate with them.
Commercially a Mr Cash, king of the travellers , provided a much needed service.
Aston Upthorpe Stud even got a foster mare from him once.
When having a stallion parade one day , however ,the guests spent their day looking at the foster mare and foal, not the stallions, such was the novelty.

So, why are foster mares available at all times? Are they like cows and have to have a foal to produce milk and how do they keep the milk from drying up. I’m only asking because I only recently found out about bobby calves because I assumed that, if a cow was milked every day it would just carry on producing milk ad infinitum.

Well, they're a genuine help in explaining how a race unfolded…………..

Yes, I agree with that, especially if you redraw the info to give a cumulative time at the end of each furlong which seems to give a far better picture of the toings and froings in the race. Shame they don’t present it like that as well.
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Sectionals are like all forms of race reading, completely useless in isolation but when used right and with other elements can help to complete the big picture.
Yes, I agree with that, especially if you redraw the info to give a cumulative time at the end of each furlong which seems to give a far better picture of the toings and froings in the race. Shame they don’t present it like that as well.
Chaldean - speed horse
Shaquille - speed horse
Hukum - grinder
Just 3 - from many this season,where sectionals gave a false steer!
So, why are foster mares available at all times? Are they like cows and have to have a foal to produce milk and how do they keep the milk from drying up. I’m only asking because I only recently found out about bobby calves because I assumed that, if a cow was milked every day it would just carry on producing milk ad infinitum.

If mares have foaled they are lactating.
The foals from these mares are bottle reared and the mare raises the foster foal.
The foster mares have high quality milk , especially on a higher plain of nutrition when suckling a budding King Of Steel.
Their own foals get used to the bottle.
There was a couple of foster mares where I worked, and one was a big coloured cob. She had a foal by Singspiel one year ( and his fee was ridiculous at the time - yes I know no one obviously had to pay for it, I'm just saying ) called Paddy who was the most gorgeous, soft hulk of a foal ever. She fed him and a filly who lost her mare, and the pair of them, the foals, got on absolutely fine. I was told it was unusual to 'let' the mare have two but she could cope with them. I asked what happened to Paddy after I left and was told John Ferguson had taken him on for his kids.
Yes, I agree with that, especially if you redraw the info to give a cumulative time at the end of each furlong which seems to give a far better picture of the toings and froings in the race. Shame they don’t present it like that as well.
Yes, I agree with that, especially if you redraw the info to give a cumulative time at the end of each furlong which seems to give a far better picture of the toings and froings in the race. Shame they don’t present it like that as well.
The info's alteady there,on the ATR sectional times if you hover your cursor.
Will never compete with astute race-reading as a tool though,imho.