Cheltenham Bumper

Maybe but would Nicholls really prefer Ruby for the bumper over the novice races? I get the impression Nicholls isn't that bothered aboyt the bumper, whereas it's usually a target of Mullins.
Id be inclined to think that Willie might put Patrick up on his best too..I cant see him having a long career riding, and it may be a case of making hay while the sun shines for him?? Anyone any opinion on that one?!
Maybe Ruby chose to? It's not beyond the realms of possibility that Al Ferof could actually be a decent bumper horse. Walsh rode him last time and he won well then.
I think most punters and bookmakers just make the assumption the Irish win this without actually delving to any great depth. The Irish bumper crop this year has looked substandard - all the support for Drumbaloo who has not beaten some very mediocre performers very far only emphasises this.

Visually there hasn't been a more impressive bumper winner this season than Cue Card. He bolted up and the second and fourth have won since and the third was already a winner. Being by Oscar out of a useful staying chaser he can only improve and better ground should also help. More experience would obviously have been ideal but he remains the value to register a rare home win.
I would imagine Mullins will put Patrick up on their first string.

I'm reluctant to make a definitive judgement on this race given that I haven't paid as much attention to the Irish bumper scene as I used to, but I reckon Tournedo Shay is a better bumper performer than the Lambe horse. Has gotten a fair few very poor rides from Rog Quinlan imo (not least at Navan where he lost hime the race).
I think most punters and bookmakers just make the assumption the Irish win this without actually delving to any great depth. The Irish bumper crop this year has looked substandard - all the support for Drumbaloo who has not beaten some very mediocre performers very far only emphasises this.

Visually there hasn't been a more impressive bumper winner this season than Cue Card. He bolted up and the second and fourth have won since and the third was already a winner. Being by Oscar out of a useful staying chaser he can only improve and better ground should also help. More experience would obviously have been ideal but he remains the value to register a rare home win.
Cracking post. Username ditto.
I saw the horse work at O'Gradys and backed him when he won the last day i knew he was a serious horse and that he would win but Magnier couldn't control the horse
Shot from the hip will be one of my biggest bets at Cheltenham.

I can't remember the last time I was so impressed with a bumper win prior to Cheltenham. Looks superb, and his flat pedigree shouldn't leave him short of pace if the ground rides fast.
I have received a couple of calls about this horse today, usually stay away from the bumper but, a couple of guys that i trust have had it large on this horse

I think most punters and bookmakers just make the assumption the Irish win this without actually delving to any great depth. The Irish bumper crop this year has looked substandard - all the support for Drumbaloo who has not beaten some very mediocre performers very far only emphasises this.

Visually there hasn't been a more impressive bumper winner this season than Cue Card. He bolted up and the second and fourth have won since and the third was already a winner. Being by Oscar out of a useful staying chaser he can only improve and better ground should also help. More experience would obviously have been ideal but he remains the value to register a rare home win.
Well my money went down, but at least i got the 7's this morning. Shot from the hip just didn't settle however i cant see it would have beaten the winner.
I think most punters and bookmakers just make the assumption the Irish win this without actually delving to any great depth. The Irish bumper crop this year has looked substandard - all the support for Drumbaloo who has not beaten some very mediocre performers very far only emphasises this.

Visually there hasn't been a more impressive bumper winner this season than Cue Card. He bolted up and the second and fourth have won since and the third was already a winner. Being by Oscar out of a useful staying chaser he can only improve and better ground should also help. More experience would obviously have been ideal but he remains the value to register a rare home win.

That is brilliant, well done.