Company Policies

  • Thread starter Thread starter Phil Waters
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Originally posted by Gareth Flynn@Jan 16 2007, 10:55 PM
It was removed on the F365 forum, and the poster (and others) were banned.

Like Betfair they have delusions of being some sort of blue chip internet enterprise.
Sorry Euro, but Ardross is 110% right on this one. Even reporting the allegation 3rd hand about someone else reporting it, constitutes libel. That other forums have posted it, means that who ever's responsible for their content is taking an unnecessary risk.

And without boring you to death Merlin, it wouldn't be a case of constructive dismissal.
I couldn`t give two shits about the libel laws Warbs, the internet is a resource for ordinary people to air their views on whatever subjects (within reason) they feel.
Originally posted by Euronymous@Jan 16 2007, 11:59 PM
I couldn`t give two shits about the libel laws Warbs, the internet is a resource for ordinary people to air their views on whatever subjects (within reason) they feel.

Note to self; don't ever ask Euronymous to appear as witness if you ever get in trouble Warbler. :) Passion and personal believe is laudable Euro, unfortunately, it doesn't play very well m'lurd
I`m in danger of being taken to court myself in the near future. I pay my council tax by cheque every month, but i decided to leave December`s payment and just pay them off in January and February instead. Now i`ve actually paid the full amount but my local council want another £79 in costs (they issued a summons just before Christmas - nice of them)

I`ve already torn some bint to shreds down the phone, if i go to court they won`t know what`s hit `em.
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Jan 16 2007, 10:32 PM
No, to be fair Warbs - on one exceptionally polite email to the right person it was all sorted out - very much impressed!
Always the preferred option Shadz, although I wouldn't necessarily be too impressed by it however. That your employer has decided to comply with EU legislation? I'd see it as a bloody minimum entitlement. Whether you're covered or not, bringing you up to same theoretical standards as a Romanian office worker, is hardly something that they should be overly congratulated on.

I'm waiting for someone to tell me now that Romania has negotiated an opt out from the H&S requirements of the office chair directive :P

As with a lot of these things, a bit of common sense goes along way if you can get a sensible person on the request end.

Now start working on your Doctor for a medical report detailing a codeine dependency, chronic lumbago, and a severe loss of QoL for anything that your back might have been needed for ;)
I'm wondering whether or not to start aiming my questions and queries at those in much higher positions than the management directly above myself. I am certainly not shy at speaking or asking questions and equally not shy at being corrected. I am reluctant to get into a fight with some idiotic manager on the basis that I "stepped on their toes".

I feel that every piece of information that concerns employees should be readily available to every single employee.

It simply isn't, in my work.
That's for you to decide Phil, but I'd advise you to sleep on it a bit. Remember you don't get paid for work place representation, and believe me, it can heavily eat into your time, cause a lot of stress, and doesn't stop when you clock off. Ultimately though, if you feel sufficiently moved to stand up for right in the face of wrong, it can be rewarding, but you frequently find yourself being shot at by all sides. Its clearly not without its responsibilities too, and you can end with peoples livelihoods and even sanity hanging on your ability to get them out of a situation. To a large extent if you're doing it properly, it will almost certainly bring you into conflict on a semi regular basis as well, and not just with management incidentally either :o

However, if you want to be the discreet knight in shining armour, you might consider having an off the record chat with your colleague and advise her that it might be prudent to start keeping a log of dates and times of any incident involving the Manager that she encounters in the next 18 months, that might be capable of being presented as discrimination, victimisation or bullying etc. It's been my sad experience that thwarted once, the manager (a bit like a circling shark) will come back and have another ago in the future. A personal diary (with a note of witnesses to any incidents - and ideally testimony) is normally admissable evidence in any future hearings, and should carry some weight.

I should have said starting with todays incident. Most medical disciplinaries are supposed to be conducted in the spirit of idetifying a problem and putting in place a supportive mechanism to bring about a correction. Failure to observe this starts preparing the ground for a wrongful dismissal claim, but hopefully it never gets that far, as you normally hammer in a grievance, and win it for them being out of procedure. It's important to know what policy or procedure is being invoked. A similar thing will happen if they choose to go down the medical referral route. It's worth remembering that any policy or procedure is only as strong or as weak as the manager administering it Phil, but I'd log todays incident, and register concerns about how the process wasn't followed.
Originally posted by Warbler@Jan 17 2007, 08:14 AM
Something tells me I might to enjoy monitoring this thread during the day :D
Cracking thread. Gutting that there has been no posting on it for 3 hours.

I think SL should sue her employer for injuries suffered. I am outraged for her.
Tell me Homer, this outrage that you say you feel for her? is it causing you secondary stress by proxy by any chance? If so what are your symptoms and what effect is it having on your own health and QoL? Perhaps you might like to suggest that VC Bet compensate you for the agony and distress your clearly experiencing knowing how they're treating Ms Leader :brows:
I was off three times in a twelve month period and was referred to Occupational Health under the local authority's 'absence management procedures'. (On one of the occasions, I was in hospital; on another, the boss sent me home as I was very obviously unwell to the point of completely losing my voice.) On return to work after any absence, an employee has to be interviewed by a line manager.

The doc at OH was very sympathetic and rather embarrassed and annoyed at the position the authority had put him in. He told me any time I feel unfit for work I should take time off and they can refer me to him all they want!
Originally posted by Shadow Leader@Jan 17 2007, 01:26 PM
Nope, they're being very helpful thanks!!
They have now hijacked her PC. Class action on behalf of the forum looms for nervous stress suffered as a result of this outrage.
I've noticed a growing trend in my work of managers telling lies.

God help the Virgin brand when we join officially.
As a valued ntl customer :lol: why haven't I received a flyer informing me of this astounding change of ownership, and all of the no doubt hundreds of heavily-discounted goodies I'll be able to get from Virgin in future?
You'll get a letter soon (if you pay by direct debit) to advise you of the "Virgin Media" name being on your bank statement.
I was always given to understand that Virgin had a very good reputation as an employer. If that is so, then I suspect the incumbent NTL management might be the ones feeling the pinch. Sounds like you might be in for an interesting few months Phil ;)
The manager in charge of our "community" has never spoken to an ntl customer on the phone. She does not know any of the 3 billing systems. Basically, she is useless "at the job" my advisors do. She lacks people skills and has no respect from any advisor. Some of the team leaders respect her but it is misplaced respect. They are more afraid of her.

I hate her guts and told her I did not like her. I also poured cold water on the subject by telling her I did not want to dislike her and things should be addressed in order to move forward.

We haven't spoken since November.
I work for Virgin and they do pay well (although the fact that i`m well paid is more a Railway thing than anything to do with Virgin) but hopeless middle manager`s abound like they do in any comapny.