
I'd wager that 99.5% of people currently wearing masks or scarves wrapped round their faces are doing so because they believe it stops them getting infected and not as an altruistic gesture.
I'm sure you're right. But it shows that they're not thinking up daft excuses to not do so. Which, from what I can see on various forums I go on, is what people who are most at risk are doing.
At present I'm ambivalent about the help face masks will provide in reducing transmission or infection. I'd be less ambivalent if there was a public health campaign detailing how to wear them correctly, as the frequent footage of folk wearing them almost invariably shows them fiddling around with them or repeatedly covering and uncovering; both of which surely defeat the object and will quite possibly increase risk of transmission and/or infection, as any virus in the user's exhaled breath or in the ambient inhaled air is likely to become concentrated on the mask with the result that fiddling fingers will become heavily contaminated and hence deposit a hefty load of virus on whatever the user touches next; be that door handle, shopping trolley, or other shared surface

I also rather doubt that wrapping a scarf, handkerchief, j-cloth or other domestic rag over your face serves any purpose, other than psychological pseudo-safety ( a dangerous idea anyway), and if a mask is to be worn or eventually mandated to be so by the government then they must be ones designed for the purpose and used/disposed of in the strictly correct manner
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I thought that was common knowledge. It's the transmission from skin to the mucous membranes (nasal passages, mouth, eyes, lungs) that causes infection. Probably not a good idea to have a rummage around the nether regions with dirty hands either. Broken skin or a cut elsewhere on the body could be a route to infection, not sure.

Someone, probably one of the myriad epidemiologists who've been wheeled out, made the good point that we subs
conciously touch our faces a lot, which is why the hand washing advice is so important; and this is also one of the reasons why there's such a debate on the efficacy of face masks: little point wearing them if you're going to fiddle with them all the time

Apparently not hence people thinking wearing gloves to do everything will stop them catching it - most people I have discussed this with didn't know it. No idea about the gowns as don't see what they are adding to the level of protection unless the thought is that f someone coughs on the scrubs, and the wearer wipes their hand on it, and then rub their eyes then they could catch it but wearing face masks and being aware would surely not then stick their fingers in their eyes/nose/mouth. Why also not use washable gowns, plenty of capacity right now to wash these sorts of clothes instead of using disposable ones which apparently are hard to come by?

A friend's company who can make anything which uses latex have been flat out 24/7 but now cannot get raw material from their usual supplier in Malaysia, being told demand exceeding supply and others ordering more than them so they are down the list and cannot get any, so have had to close down meaning a UK source of gloves, never mind all the tubing they also make, gone.
Current IHME modelling. The UK figure is devastating in comparison to the rest of Europe.

3 days until projected peak in daily deaths
60,415 COVID -19 deaths projected by August 4, 2020

Ireland -
3 days since projected peak in daily deaths
401 COVID-19 deaths projected by August 4, 2020

UK -
8 days until projected peak in daily deaths
66,314 COVID-19 deaths projected by August 4, 2020

Italy -
13 days since projected peak in daily deaths
20,300 COVID-19 deaths projected by August 4, 2020

Germany -
10 days until projected peak in daily deaths
8,802 COVID-19 deaths projected by August 4, 2020

France -
4 days since projected peak in daily deaths
15,058 COVID-19 deaths projected by August 4, 2020

Spain -
8 days since projected peak in daily death
19,209 COVID-19 deaths projected by August 4, 2020

Sweden -
18 days until projected peak in daily deaths
4,182 COVID-19 deaths projected by August 4, 2020

20 days later and the Irish figures now read:

5 days since projected peak in daily deaths
1,404 COVID-19 deaths projected by August 4, 2020

The Irish government has got more or lees a free pass up until now but after 39 days of a lock down they are preparing the public for an extension on Friday.

Are we going to finally get some hard questions asked of Simon Harris who is about as qualified to run the health service as I am.
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I'm in the office 2 days a week at the moment and the journey involves 3 junctions westbound on the M4; London bound the first week, it was almost as if the traffic was being held and then there might be one lorry..... second week pretty much the same...last two weeks....more and more cars heading London bound. Nowhere near normal for the mornings but a very noticeable increase in volume of traffic.
He did give one million sterling to the 9/11 families which I am sure went a long way.
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Interestingly enough, I'm currently reading Bill Bryson's 'The Body', which contains a photograph with the caption - "London telephone operators perform a disinfectant mouthwash to fight the influenza epidemic c1920"
I see they have greatly extended the list of key symptoms from just temperature and cough. My brother developed a really bad sinusitis with a painful diaphragm ten days ago with no other “key symptoms “ according to 111. He has been in bed now for a week. Still no temperature but searing headache and sore throat. Incredibly tired but can’t sleep and doesn’t want to eat/drink. He said he has never felt so ill in his life We’d-Sat. He managed to book a test but had to drive himself last Tuesday from Shrewsbury to Worcester and back so as not to infect my sister in law and two sons (they have decamped to caravan and he’s stayed in house they are doing up albeit on a camp bed). Test results not back yet but he rang his GP who said 99% certain he has Covid. But as of today he has managed to eat something and got to walk round his room.
But it makes me think now they are admitting to more symptoms, how many other people have had it possibly mildly without knowing and thus spread it further. I had a weird severe muscle ache in early March which lasted about a week and I kept feeling like I was getting flu, but nothing developed. I put that down to my having proper flu this time last year. But as to my symptoms, I asked our local surgery several times if it could be CV and at the time, they said absolutely not as I had no cough or temperature but now I do wonder.
This is why we really need an accurate antibody test. If you check out Dr John Campbells daily utube blog a recent one showed all of the symptoms, and they do vary a lot eg tummy problems feature far more than has been publicised. Headaches seem to start before coughing and some people [I think] don't have a temperature. The problem, I would imagine, with the headache symptom is that people then take a pain killer which will reduce any fever but the fever is there to fight the virus.
A friend has a really bad cough about 4 weeks ago, lasted nearly two, said she had never felt so rough, had no energy, couldn't eat, took to her bed and that is so not like her. 111 said he wasn't C19 but she is convinced it was, or at least a form of it.
Yes it does sound like it is.

Brother has now developed temperature today and started to cough. Went to walk-in clinic as advised (poor guy is having to drive himself despite feeling dreadful) and they have said he has it so no point testing. He’s been given antibiotics to fight off initial sinusitis.
they have said he has it so no point testing.

I can't help thinking this attitude isn't helping but I can see the argument about the pointlessness of testing such a case. There has to be the chance your brother has another illness but telling him to isolate for a week or until he is symptom-free (or worse enough to end up in hospital, God forbid) is a get-out route to save testing for another case.

As I said before, I was told to assume I had it then a week later was told I probably hadn't had it but wouldn't know one way or the other because "we're not testing". My wife had isolated a week or so before as she had a temperature and mild cold symptoms and not long before that my daughter, a teacher in a big school but living in the west end of Glasgow where every second neighbour is Chinese or of Chinese extract (lovely people, I should add), had been going into work despite feeling as though she was fighting off a heavy cold and cough. This was mid-February but her illness overlapped the mid-term holiday and she felt the weekend off had helped her a bit. So there has to be a chance that Covid-19 has indeed paid us a visit or two. But we've no way of knowing so we can't spend any time with my wife's 93yo mother and she's on her own in sheltered accommodation, suffering from mobility problems and dementia, and trying to get her head round why she's not being visited. We do drop in once or twice a week to clean up a wee bit and bring her perishables.

As an aside, I will say thank God for Wiltshire Farm Foods. They've been brilliant with her, as has the local newsagent Bashir who can't do enough for the old folks in the complex.
Right things are a bit clearer now. Think my brother was a bit confused the last few days. He had a test last Tuesday which they have “lost” My sister in law has been chasing it but so far nothing. So that’s why they didn’t retest as he was on the system as having been done. Doctor he saw said with some people if you have a weakness (which in my brothers is his sinuses), it can attack them at the same time. This was also confirmed by our neighbours daughter who is a doctor on a Covid ward (currently over 300 in Taunton hospital with CV but they haven’t had many deaths).
Anyway my brothers temperature is down and he’s brighter today. We managed a video chat today and although he looks awful, at least he’s able to talk for a bit. Still gets quite breathless but he seems to be over the worst. He was eating cake so that’s definitely a good sign!
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Right things are a bit clearer now. Think my brother was a bit confused the last few days. He had a test last Tuesday which they have “lost” My sister in law has been chasing it but so far nothing. So that’s why they didn’t retest as he was on the system as having been done. Doctor he saw said with some people if you have a weakness (which in my brothers is his sinuses), it can attack them at the same time. This was also confirmed by our neighbours daughter who is a doctor on a Covid ward (currently over 300 in Taunton hospital with CV but they haven’t had many deaths).
Anyway my brothers temperature is down and he’s brighter today. We managed a video chat today and although he looks awful, at least he’s able to talk for a bit. Still gets quite breathless but he seems to be over the worst. He was eating cake so that’s definitely a good sign!

What concerns me is that he was obviously very ill and, as you say, confused, and yet was made to drive quite a distance to be tested. If it's dangerous to drink and drive I'm equally sure it's dangerous to drive with covid 19. Surely people need to have access to testing facilities close to where they live.
First time today since mid April that the adjusted figure going onto the 7 day moving average was higher (new infections) than the figure falling off.

Not a good sign, but could be a blip. We'll see if it repeats tomorrow, but I do wonder if its relate to Johnson telling us we were past the peak last week
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What concerns me is that he was obviously very ill and, as you say, confused, and yet was made to drive quite a distance to be tested. If it's dangerous to drink and drive I'm equally sure it's dangerous to drive with covid 19. Surely people need to have access to testing facilities close to where they live.
It was initial trip which was the long one when he wasn’t too bad. Second visit was to local drive in clinic so just up road from where he lives. But yes we were worried. My sister in law and their two sons are isolating from him in caravan. Eldest son has asthma and younger was v premature baby and on oxygen for a year so both potentially have lung issues. (Don’t get me wrong they’re two strong healthy lads in their twenties) but that is what they were advised to do.
First time today since mid April that the adjusted figure going onto the 7 day moving average was higher (new infections) than the figure falling off.

Not a good sign, but could be a blip. We'll see if it repeats tomorrow, but I do wonder if its relate to Johnson telling us we were past the peak last week

There was certainly a lot more traffic round our way last week which, thankfully has dropped off this week. Lots more planes this week though. Live close to an airport and it's strange that both me and the dog stop and look up to the sky when we see one given that they used to fly over all the time.