
My daughter asked a policeman friend about the same problem with her neighbour - constant stream of visitors, family gathering in the garden. She was told that she should make a formal report to the police. The police arrived and were told by her neighbour that her sister and her four children were at the house because the sister's cooker had broken down. The police phoned my daughter saying basically there was nothing they could do!! but that she had done the right thing to report it.

Would it be obvious to your neighbours that you had informed the police?

Oh I don’t think I would go to the police. Just whether I should say anything to them. I have made it a habit of sticking my head above the parapet and regularly get shot! :lol: But I do rather feel they are taking the **** here. I wouldn’t mind if they were in need of help due to infirmities but they are perfectly healthy. But I absolutely don’t want to fall out with them. The odd thing is with the planning is that they went ape when the farm the other side of them put in a new concrete drive and then put in planning retrospectively. They refer to it as the M5! Yet unless you drive past, you can’t see it.
I saw similar in that part of the world :thumbsdown: blurgh !!! , by the time I got back I've never wanted a plate of chips as much in my life. I've seen them eat some horrible crap when in Africa but they weren't in that league.

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Don't know how put a link to a subscription site but the latest edition of today's Times really rips into HMG over the Virus, particularly blaming Boris. If someone else can post the link it is very informative.
Things must be really bad when the Tory press are critical. Incidentally, can anybody understand how Grant Shapps can become a Cabinet Minister, given his unsavoury background (see his Wikipedia entry for starters). I guess he must know where the political bodies are buried.
I have had problems with neighbours in the past and have found the police very understanding and helpful.

To my knowledge the offending neighbours have never sussed who contacted the police but the offending behaviour was never repeated.

I've spoken directly to some neighbours (over the last 39 years) to express concerns and all bar one have been understanding and co-operative in resolving the situation. The only one about which I felt bad was when there was loud music coming from a neighbour's garden, to the extent that we couldn't hear the telly in our own house.

I went outside and shouted over the fence for them to turn it down, explaining why. Two neighbours' properties border the corner of my garden and I thought it was the further-away one but the chap who answered was the closer and, while he was very apologetic, it made me feel rotten because he was playing songs that he and his one-month-dead wife were very fond of and he was reminiscing. I told him just to keep playing but he turned the sound right down.
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Don't know how put a link to a subscription site but the latest edition of today's Times really rips into HMG over the Virus, particularly blaming Boris. If someone else can post the link it is very informative.

Who knew?

Coronavirus: 38 days when Britain sleepwalked into disaster
Boris Johnson skipped five Cobra meetings on the virus, calls to order protective gear were ignored and scientists’ warnings fell on deaf ears. Failings in February may have cost thousands of lives

On the third Friday of January a silent and stealthy killer was creeping across the world. Passing from person to person and borne on ships and planes, the coronavirus was already leaving a trail of bodies.

The virus had spread from China to six countries and was almost certainly in many others. Sensing the coming danger, the British government briefly went into wartime mode that day, holding a meeting of Cobra, its national crisis committee.

But it took just an hour that January 24 lunchtime to brush aside the coronavirus threat. Matt Hancock, the health secretary, bounced out of Whitehall after chairing the meeting and breezily told reporters the risk to the UK public was “low”.

This was despite the publication that day of an alarming study by Chinese doctors in the medical journal, The Lancet. It assessed the lethal potential of the virus, for the first time suggesting it was comparable to the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, which killed up to 50 million people.

Unusually, Boris Johnson had been absent from Cobra. The committee — which includes ministers, intelligence chiefs and military generals — gathers at moments of great peril such as terrorist attacks, natural disasters and other threats to the nation and is normally chaired by the prime minister.

Johnson had found time that day, however, to join in a lunar new year dragon eyes ritual as part of Downing Street’s reception for the Chinese community, led by the country’s ambassador.

It was a big day for Johnson and there was a triumphal mood in Downing Street because the withdrawal treaty from the European Union was being signed in the late afternoon. It could have been the defining moment of his premiership — but that was before the world changed.

That afternoon his spokesman played down the looming threat from the east and reassured the nation that we were “well prepared for any new diseases”. The confident, almost nonchalant, attitude displayed that day in January would continue for more than a month.

Johnson went on to miss four further Cobra meetings on the virus. As Britain was hit by unprecedented flooding, he completed the EU withdrawal, reshuffled his cabinet and then went away to the grace-and-favour country retreat at Chevening where he spent most of the two weeks over half-term with his pregnant fiancée, Carrie Symonds.

Johnson with Symonds in a selfie posted on social media in February
It would not be until March 2 — another five weeks — that Johnson would attend a Cobra meeting about the coronavirus. But by then it was almost certainly too late. The virus had sneaked into our airports, our trains, our workplaces and our homes. Britain was on course for one of the worst infections of the most deadly virus to have hit the world in more than a century.

Last week, a senior adviser to Downing Street broke ranks and blamed the weeks of complacency on a failure of leadership in cabinet. In particular, the prime minister was singled out.

“There’s no way you’re at war if your PM isn’t there,” the adviser said. “And what you learn about Boris was he didn’t chair any meetings. He liked his country breaks. He didn’t work weekends. It was like working for an old-fashioned chief executive in a local authority 20 years ago. There was a real sense that he didn’t do urgent crisis planning. It was exactly like people feared he would be.”

Inquiry ’inevitable’
One day there will inevitably be an inquiry into the lack of preparations during those “lost” five weeks from January 24. There will be questions about when politicians understood the severity of the threat, what the scientists told them and why so little was done to equip the National Health Service for the coming crisis. It will be the politicians who will face the most intense scrutiny.

Among the key points likely to be explored will be why it took so long to recognise an urgent need for a massive boost in supplies of personal protective equipment (PPE) for health workers; ventilators to treat acute respiratory symptoms; and tests to detect the infection.

Any inquiry may also ask whether the government’s failure to get to grips with the scale of the crisis in those early days had the knock-on effect of the national lockdown being introduced days or even weeks too late, causing many thousands more unnecessary deaths.

An investigation has talked to scientists, academics, doctors, emergency planners, public officials and politicians about the root of the crisis and whether the government should have known sooner and acted more swiftly to kick-start the Whitehall machine and put the NHS onto a war footing.

They told us that, contrary to the official line, Britain was in a poor state of readiness for a pandemic. Emergency stockpiles of PPE had severely dwindled and gone out of date after becoming a low priority in the years of austerity cuts. The training to prepare key workers for a pandemic had been put on hold for two years while contingency planning was diverted to deal with a possible no-deal Brexit.

This made it doubly important that the government hit the ground running in late January and early February. Scientists said the threat from the coming storm was clear. Indeed, one of the government’s key advisory committees was given a dire warning a month earlier than has previously been admitted about the prospect of having to deal with mass casualties.

It was a message repeated throughout February but the warnings appear to have fallen on deaf ears. The need, for example, to boost emergency supplies of protective masks and gowns for health workers was pressing, but little progress was made in obtaining the items from the manufacturers, mainly in China.

Instead, the government sent supplies the other way — shipping 279,000 items of its depleted stockpile of protective equipment to China during this period, following a request for help from the authorities there.

Impending danger
The prime minister had been sunning himself with his girlfriend in the millionaires’ Caribbean resort of Mustique when China first alerted the World Health Organisation (WHO) on December 31 that several cases of an unusual pneumonia had been recorded in Wuhan, a city of 11 million people in Hubei province.

In the days that followed China initially claimed the virus could not be transmitted from human to human, which should have been reassuring. But this did not ring true to Britain’s public health academics and epidemiologists who were texting each other, eager for more information, in early January.

Devi Sridhar, professor of global public health at Edinburgh University, had predicted in a talk two years earlier that a virus might jump species from an animal in China and spread quickly to become a human pandemic. So the news from Wuhan set her on high alert.

“In early January a lot of my global health colleagues and I were kind of discussing ‘What’s going on?’” she recalled. “China still hadn’t confirmed the virus was human-to-human. A lot of us were suspecting it was because it was a respiratory pathogen and you wouldn’t see the numbers of cases that we were seeing out of China if it was not human-to-human. So that was disturbing.”

By as early as January 16 the professor was on Twitter calling for swift action to prepare for the virus. “Been asked by journalists how serious #WuhanPneumonia outbreak is,” she wrote. “My answer: take it seriously because of cross-border spread (planes means bugs travel far & fast), likely human-to-human transmission and previous outbreaks have taught overresponding is better than delaying action.”

Events were now moving fast. Four hundred miles away in London, from its campus next to the Royal Albert Hall, a team at Imperial College’s School of Public Health led by Professor Neil Ferguson produced its first modelling assessment of the likely impact of the virus. On Friday, January 17, its report noted the “worrying” news that three cases of the virus had been discovered outside China — two in Thailand and one in Japan. While acknowledging many unknowns, researchers calculated that there could already be as many as 4,000 cases. The report warned: “The magnitude of these numbers suggests substantial human-to-human transmission cannot be ruled out. Heightened surveillance, prompt information-sharing and enhanced preparedness are recommended.”

By now the mystery bug had been identified as a type of coronavirus — a large family of viruses that can cause infections ranging from the common cold to severe acute respiratory syndrome (Sars). There had been two reported deaths from the virus and 41 patients had been taken ill.

The following Wednesday, January 22, the government convened its first meeting of its scientific advisory group for emergencies (Sage) to discuss the virus. Its membership is secret but it is usually chaired by the government’s chief scientific adviser, Sir Patrick Vallance, and chief medical adviser, Professor Chris Whitty. Downing Street advisers are also present.

There were new findings that day with Chinese scientists warning that the virus had an unusually high infectivity rate of up to 3.0, which meant each person with the virus would typically infect up to three more people.

One of those present was Imperial’s Ferguson, who was already working on his own estimate — putting infectivity at 2.6 and possibly as high as 3.5 — which he sent to ministers and officials in a report on the day of the Cobra meeting on January 24. The Spanish flu had an estimated infectivity rate of between 2.0 and 3.0, so Ferguson’s finding was shocking.

The professor’s other bombshell in the same report was that there needed to be a 60% cut in the transmission rate — which meant stopping contact between people. In layman’s terms it meant a lockdown, a move that would paralyse an economy already facing a battering from Brexit. At the time such a suggestion was unthinkable in the government and belonged to the world of post-apocalypse movies.

The growing alarm among scientists appears not to have been heard or heeded by policy-makers. After the January 25 Cobra meeting, the chorus of reassurance was not just from Hancock and the prime minister’s spokesman: Whitty was confident too.

In early February Hancock proudly told the Commons the UK was one of the first countries to develop a new test for the virus
In early February Hancock proudly told the Commons the UK was one of the first countries to develop a new test for the virus
“Cobra met today to discuss the situation in Wuhan, China,” said Whitty. “We have global experts monitoring the situation around the clock and have a strong track record of managing new forms of infectious disease . . . there are no confirmed cases in the UK to date.”

However, by then there had been 1,000 cases worldwide and 41 deaths, mostly in Wuhan. A Lancet report that day presented a study of 41 coronavirus patients admitted to hospital in Wuhan which found that more than half had severe breathing problems, a third required intensive care and six had died.

And there was now little doubt that the UK would be hit by the virus. And there was now little doubt that the UK would be hit by the virus. A study by Southampton University has shown that 190,000 people flew into the UK from Wuhan and other high-risk Chinese cities between January and March. The researchers estimated that up to 1,900 of these passengers would have been infected with the coronavirus — almost guaranteeing the UK would become a centre of the subsequent pandemic.

Sure enough, five days later on Wednesday, January 29, the first coronavirus cases on British soil were found when two Chinese nationals from the same family fell ill at a hotel in York. The next day, the government raised the threat level from low to moderate.

The pandemic plan
On January 31 — or Brexit day as it had become known — there was a rousing 11pm speech by the prime minister promising that the withdrawal from the European Union would be the dawn of a new era unleashing the British people who would “grow in confidence” month by month.

By this time, there was good reason for the government’s top scientific advisers to feel creeping unease about the virus. The WHO had declared the coronavirus a global emergency just the day before and scientists at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine had confirmed to Whitty in a private meeting of the Nervtag advisory committee on respiratory illness that the virus’s infectivity could be as bad as Ferguson’s worst estimate several days earlier.

The official scientific advisers were willing to concede in public that there might be several cases of the coronavirus in the UK. But they had faith that the country’s plans for a pandemic would prove robust.

This was probably a big mistake. An adviser to Downing Street — speaking off the record — says their confidence in “the plan” was misplaced. While a possible pandemic had been listed as the No 1 threat to the nation for many years, the source says that in reality it had long since stopped being treated as such.

Several emergency planners and scientists said that the plans to protect the UK in a pandemic had once been a top priority and had been well-funded for a decade following the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001. But then austerity cuts struck. “We were the envy of the world,” the source said, “but pandemic planning became a casualty of the austerity years when there were more pressing needs.”

The last rehearsal for a pandemic was a 2016 exercise codenamed Cygnus which predicted the health service would collapse and highlighted a long list of shortcomings — including, presciently, a lack of PPE and intensive care ventilators.

But an equally lengthy list of recommendations to address the deficiencies was never implemented. The source said preparations for a no-deal Brexit “sucked all the blood out of pandemic planning” in the following years.

In the year leading up to the coronavirus outbreak key government committee meetings on pandemic planning were repeatedly “bumped” off the diary to make way for discussions about more pressing issues such as the beds crisis in the NHS. Training for NHS staff with protective equipment and respirators was also neglected, the source alleges.

Members of the government advisory group on pandemics are said to have felt powerless. “They would joke between themselves, ‘Haha let’s hope we don’t get a pandemic,’ because there wasn’t a single area of practice that was being nurtured in order for us to meet basic requirements for pandemic, never mind do it well,” said the source.

“If you were with senior NHS managers at all during the last two years, you were aware that their biggest fear, their sweatiest nightmare, was a pandemic because they weren’t prepared for it.”

It meant that the government had much catching up to do when it was becoming clear that this “nightmare” was becoming a distinct possibility in February. But the source says there was little urgency. “Almost every plan we had was not activated in February. Almost every government department has failed to properly implement their own pandemic plans,” the source said.

One deviation from the plan, for example, was a failure to give an early warning to firms that there might be a lockdown so they could start contingency planning. “There was a duty to get them to start thinking about their cashflow and their business continuity arrangements,” the source said.

A central part of any pandemic plan is to identify anyone who becomes ill, vigorously pursue all their recent contacts and put them into quarantine. That involves testing and the UK initially seemed to be ahead of the game. In early February Hancock proudly told the Commons the UK was one of the first countries to develop a new test for the coronavirus. “Testing worldwide is being done on equipment designed in Oxford,” he said.

So when Steve Walsh, a 53-year-old businessman from Hove, East Sussex, was identified as the source of the second UK outbreak on February 6 all his contacts were followed up with tests. Walsh’s case was a warning of the rampant infectivity of the virus as he is believed to have passed it to five people in the UK after returning from a conference in Singapore as well as six overseas.

But Public Health England failed to take advantage of our early breakthroughs with tests and lost early opportunities to step up production to the levels that would later be needed.

This was in part because the government was planning for the virus using its blueprint for fighting the flu. Once a flu pandemic has found its way into the population and there is no vaccine, then the virus is allowed to take its course until “herd immunity” is acquired. Such a plan does not require mass testing.

A senior politician told this newspaper: “I had conversations with Chris Whitty at the end of January and they were absolutely focused on herd immunity. The reason is that with flu, herd immunity is the right response if you haven’t got a vaccine.

“All of our planning was for pandemic flu. There has basically been a divide between scientists in Asia who saw this as a horrible, deadly disease on the lines of Sars, which requires immediate lockdown, and those in the West, particularly in the US and UK, who saw this as flu.”

The prime minister’s special adviser Dominic Cummings is said to have had initial enthusiasm for the herd immunity concept, which may have played a part in the government’s early approach to managing the virus. The Department of Health firmly denies that “herd immunity” was ever its aim and rejects suggestions that Whitty supported it. Cummings also denies backing the concept.

The failure to obtain large amounts of testing equipment was another big error of judgment, according to the Downing Street source. It would later be one of the big scandals of the coronavirus crisis that the considerable capacity of Britain’s private laboratories to mass-produce tests was not harnessed during those crucial weeks of February.

“We should have communicated with every commercial testing laboratory that might volunteer to become part of the government’s testing regime but that didn’t happen,” said the source.

The lack of action was confirmed by Doris-Ann Williams, chief executive of the British In Vitro Diagnostics Association, which represents 110 companies that make up most of the UK’s testing sector. Amazingly, she says her organisation did not receive a meaningful approach from the government asking for help until April 1 — the night before Hancock bowed to pressure and announced a belated and ambitious target of 100,000 tests a day by the end of this month.

There was also a failure to replenish supplies of gowns and masks for health and care workers in the early weeks of February — despite NHS England declaring the virus its first “level four critical incident” at the end of January.

It was a key part of the pandemic plan — the NHS’s Operating Framework for Managing the Response to Pandemic Influenza dated December 2017 — that the NHS would be able to draw on “just in case” stockpiles of PPE.

But many of the “just in case” stockpiles had dwindled, and equipment was out of date. As not enough money was being spent on replenishing stockpiles, this shortfall was supposed to be filled by activating “just in time” contracts which had been arranged with equipment suppliers in recent years to deal with an emergency. The first order for equipment under the “just in time” protocol was made on January 30.

However, the source said that attempts to call in these “just in time” contracts immediately ran into difficulties in February because they were mostly with Chinese manufacturers who were facing unprecedented demand from the country’s own health service and elsewhere.

This was another nail in the coffin for the pandemic plan. “It was a massive spider’s web of failing, every domino has fallen,” said the source.

The NHS could have contacted UK-based suppliers. The British Healthcare Trades Association (BHTA) was ready to help supply PPE in February — and throughout March — but it was only on April 1 that its offer of help was accepted. Dr Simon Festing, the organisation’s chief executive, said: “Orders undoubtedly went overseas instead of to the NHS because of the missed opportunities in the procurement process.”

Downing Street admitted on February 24 — just five days before NHS chiefs warned a lack of PPE left the health service facing a “nightmare” — that the UK government had supplied 1,800 pairs of goggles and 43,000 disposable gloves, 194,000 sanitising wipes, 37,500 medical gowns and 2,500 face masks to China.

A senior department of health insider described the sense of drift witnessed during those crucial weeks in February: “We missed the boat on testing and PPE . . . I remember being called into some of the meetings about this in February and thinking, ‘Well it’s a good thing this isn’t the big one.’

“I had watched Wuhan but I assumed we must have not been worried because we did nothing. We just watched. A pandemic was always at the top of our national risk register — always — but when it came we just slowly watched. We could have been Germany but instead we were doomed by our incompetence, our hubris and our austerity.”

In the Far East the threat was being treated more seriously in the early weeks of February. Martin Hibberd, a professor of emerging infectious diseases at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, was in a unique position to compare the UK’s response with Singapore, where he had advised in the past.

“Singapore realised, as soon as Wuhan reported it, that cases were going to turn up in Singapore. And so they prepared for that. I looked at the UK and I can see a different strategy and approach.

“The interesting thing for me is, I’ve worked with Singapore in 2003 and 2009 and basically they copied the UK pandemic preparedness plan. But the difference is they actually implemented it.”

Working holiday
Towards the end of the second week of February, the prime minister was demob happy. After sacking five cabinet ministers and saying everyone “should be confident and calm” about Britain’s response to the virus, Johnson vacated Downing Street after the half-term recess began on February 13.

He headed to the country for a “working” holiday at Chevening with Symonds and would be out of the public eye for 12 days. His aides were thankful for the rest, as they had been working flat out since the summer as the Brexit power struggle had played out.

The Sunday newspapers that weekend would not have made comfortable reading. The Sunday Times reported on a briefing from a risk specialist which said that Public Health England would be overrun during a pandemic as it could test only 1,000 people a day.

Johnson may well have been distracted by matters in his personal life during his stay in the countryside. Aides were told to keep their briefing papers short and cut the number of memos in his red box if they wanted them to be read.

His family needed to be prepared for the announcement that Symonds, who turned 32 in March, was pregnant and that they had been secretly engaged for some time. Relations with his children had been fraught since his separation from his estranged wife Marina Wheeler and the rift deepened when she had been diagnosed with cancer last year.

The divorce also had to be finalised. Midway through the break it was announced in the High Court that the couple had reached a settlement, leaving Wheeler free to apply for divorce.

There were murmurings of frustration from some ministers and their aides at the time that Johnson was not taking more of a lead. But Johnson’s aides are understood to have felt relaxed: he was getting updates and they claim the scientists were saying everything was under control.

400,000 deaths
By the time Johnson departed for the countryside, however, there was mounting unease among scientists about the exceptional nature of the threat. Sir Jeremy Farrar, an infectious disease specialist who is a key government adviser, made this clear in a recent BBC interview.

“I think from the early days in February, if not in late January, it was obvious this infection was going to be very serious and it was going to affect more than just the region of Asia ,” he said. “I think it was very clear that this was going to be an unprecedented event.”

By February 21, the virus had already infected 76,000 people, had caused 2,300 deaths in China and was taking a foothold in Europe with Italy recording 51 cases and two deaths the following day. Nonetheless Nervtag, one of the key government advisory committees, decided to keep the threat level at “moderate”.

Its members may well regret that decision with hindsight and it was certainly not unanimous. John Edmunds, one of the country’s top infectious disease modellers from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, was participating in the meeting by video link but his technology failed him at the crucial moment.

Edmunds wanted the threat level to be increased to high but could not make his view known as the link was glitchy. He sent an email later making his view clear.

“JE believes that the risk to the UK population [in the PHE risk assessment] should be high, as there is evidence of ongoing transmission in Korea, Japan and Singapore, as well as in China,” the meeting’s minutes state. But the decision had already been taken.

Peter Openshaw, professor of experimental medicine at Imperial College, was in America at the time of the meeting but would also have recommended increasing the threat to high. Three days earlier he had given an address to a seminar in which he estimated that 60% of the world’s population would probably become infected if no action was taken and 400,000 people would die in the UK.

By February 26, there were 13 known cases in the UK. That day — almost four weeks before a full lockdown would be announced — ministers were warned through another advisory committee that the country was facing a catastrophic loss of life unless drastic action was taken. Having been thwarted from sounding the alarm, Edmunds and his team presented their latest “worst scenario” predictions to the scientific pandemic influenza group on modelling (SPI-M) which directly advises the country’s scientific decision-makers on Sage.

It warned that 27 million people could be infected and 220,000 intensive care beds would be needed if no action were taken to reduce infection rates. The predicted death toll was 380,000. Edmunds’s colleague Nick Davies, who led the research, says the report emphasised the urgent need for a lockdown almost four weeks before it was imposed.

The team modelled the effects of a 12-week lockdown involving school and work closures, shielding the elderly, social distancing and self-isolation. It estimated this would delay the impact of the pandemic but there still might be 280,000 deaths over the year.

Johnson returns
The previous night Johnson had returned to London for the Conservatives’ big fundraising ball, the Winter Party, at which one donor pledged £60,000 for the privilege of playing a game of tennis with him.

By this time the prime minister had missed five Cobra meetings on the preparations to combat the looming pandemic, which he left to be chaired by Hancock. Johnson was an easy target for the opposition when he returned to the Commons the following day with the Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn, labelling him a “part-time” prime minister for his failure to lead on the virus crisis or visit the areas of the UK badly hit by floods.

By Friday, February 28, the virus had taken root in the UK with reported cases rising to 19 and the stock markets were plunging. It was finally time for Johnson to act. He summoned a TV reporter into Downing Street to say he was on top of the coronavirus crisis.

“The issue of coronavirus is something that is now the government’s top priority,” he said. “I have just had a meeting with the chief medical officer and secretary of state for health talking about the preparations that we need to make.”

It was finally announced that he would be attending a meeting of Cobra — after a weekend at Chequers with Symonds where the couple would publicly release news of the engagement and their baby.

On the Sunday, there was a meeting between Sage committee members and officials from the Department of Health and NHS which was a game changer, according to a Whitehall source. The meeting was shown fresh modelling based on figures from Italy suggesting that 8% of infected people might need hospital treatment in a worst-case scenario. The previous estimate had been 4%-5%.

“The risk to the NHS had effectively doubled in an instant. It set alarm bells ringing across government,” said the Whitehall source. “I think that meeting focused minds. You realise it’s time to pull the trigger on the starting gun.”

Many NHS workers have been left without proper protection
Many NHS workers have been left without proper protection
At the Cobra meeting the next day with Johnson in the chair a full “battle plan” was finally signed off to contain, delay and mitigate the spread of the virus. This was on March 2 — five weeks after the first Cobra meeting on the virus.

The new push would have some positive benefits such as the creation of new Nightingale hospitals, which greatly increased the number of intensive care beds. But there was a further delay that month of nine days in introducing the lockdown as Johnson and his senior advisers debated what measures were required. Later the government would be left rudderless again after Johnson himself contracted the virus.

As the number of infections grew daily, some things were impossible to retrieve. There was a worldwide shortage of PPE and the prime minister would have to personally ring manufacturers of ventilators and testing kits in a desperate effort to boost supplies.

The result was that the NHS and care home workers would be left without proper protection and insufficient numbers of tests to find out whether they had been infected. To date 50 doctors, nurses and NHS workers have died. More than 100,000 people have been confirmed as infected in Britain and 15,000 have died.

A Downing Street spokesman said: “Our response has ensured that the NHS has been given all the support it needs to ensure everyone requiring treatment has received it, as well as providing protection to businesses and reassurance to workers. The prime minister has been at the helm of the response to this, providing leadership during this hugely challenging period for the whole nation.
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The knives seem to be out for Johnson and Hancock in the Tory Sunday press. If only we had had some way of knowing that our Prime Minister was a lazy, incompetent charlatan.
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The knives seem to be out for Johnson and Hancock in the Tory Sunday press. If only we had had some way of knowing that our Prime Minister was a lazy, incompetent charlatan.

In my first contribution to this on page 1, I used the word "amateur" and that's what this government is. My choice of word wasn't an accident.

Johnson comes from that Eton/ Oxford tradition of pioneering amateurs who are ill-equipped and under-prepared but think they can achieve all sorts of heroic things with the right spirit and the ‘let’s give it jolly bash’ approach. If you gave Johnson five options, and explained that one of them is untested and controversial, and that Britain is the only country considering it, he'd be much more inclined to select it precisely because of this, than an average person would be

Johnson (like Cameron before him) isn't some sort of futuristic visionary. He's actually a throwback to the distant past. The only thing that separates the two is that Johnson is more of a romantic dreamer, more inclined to run with a stupid idea, whether it be building airports in river estuaries, a bridge to Northern Ireland, or investing in an upgraded 19th century technology like his trainset

The government's response to this has been wholly lamentable at just about every turn. If you want evidence as to when they first began to take it seriously, then just consider that on March 11th Rishi Sunak delivered a budget that made provision for £30Bn investment programme, of which £5Bn was set aside for Covid-19. Just six days later (that's all) he was announcing plans for £330Bn Covid-19 response. Somewhere between these two dates, the penny dropped with the government

At the moment the UK is on course to come out of this as amongst the very worst countries in Europe, if not, the actual worst. Out-performed by the likes of Greece and Portugal. To those of you who say that people always complain and say its never good enough, then frankly I say "damn right, it isn't". If you're prepared to accept 'worst' as the standard that we should aspire to, then fair enough. I don't believe we should though. So much of this was foreseeable, not the architecture of the specific virus, but the mitigation and counter-measures. Hell, it was only on Thursday in the middle of April that they announced the creation of a vaccine taskforce. FFS, even I could see this needed doing six weeks ago and drew the parallel with the Manhattan Project. Even then the taskforce is composed of executives. The first time they meet, the only thing they're going to do is agree to create sub-groups of scientists. The people who solve this wear white coats not blue suits. Get the scientists together, forget the accountants, the corporate legal department and press officer

The British have a fine tradition of pioneering amateurism. At its best, it can be endearingly eccentric, at its worst is looks more like foolhardy stupidity

To lampoon the sort of culture of amateurism try and imagine a skit of half a dozen 19th century Oxford students sitting around discussing what they're going to do that summer

"I've got a plan to go and discover the source of the Nile" - said Johnson

"Oh what a top idea old boy. Who's going with you?"

"Well I thought of Fothergill. He's an Egyptologist. He can read those hieroglyphics"

"Oh yes,good choice, he'll be able to interpret a menu for us"

"And obviously we need Snodgrass"

"The stroke seat in the blue boat? Damn fine chap to have on a river, I'd say. Another top shelf shout"

"Then I thought of Cartwright"

"You mean Fartwright, are you sure he's the right person to have in a tent though old bean?"

"Well Cartwright said he could bring his gamekeeper along. He's got a 12 bore. Might come in useful"

"My jove yes, wouldn't want any belligerent pheasants getting in the way would we"

“Then I thought we’d need a sort of medical chap. Someone like Turner, not sure what he’s studying exactly, but he’s got a skeleton in the dorm and put laxative in the soup, so I think he knows what he’s doing”

“Oh I’m sure he’s studying to be a doctor of some sort”

“That clinches it, a doctor is a doctor isn’t it”

“Well he could be a doctor of divinity I suppose, perhaps we ought to check?”

“Nonsense why did he have a skeleton? No he’s got to be a medical student”

“yes, I’m sure you’re right. Turner can do things with medicine then”

"So finally I thought of Haversham. He's a good all-rounder. Comes from a fine family of military officers"

"Yes, and a damn good scrum half. Best passer from the base of a ruck that Balliol has ever had. Good egg is Haversham"

Needless to say, after several bouts of dengue fever, malaria, and a few Nile crocodiles later, these sorts of amateur endeavours nearly always end in gallant failure.

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I seem to be getting into the same debates time and time again on various different media around this, most things I've mentioned before, but this is what I believe to be true:

  • We don't yet know enough about the virus - 'we' = the world
  • There are better alternatives to the current lockdown measures
  • The long term outlook for lockdown measures is not pretty
  • The stats show that most countries are following very similar trajectories
  • It's not possible to judge the overall result of individual countries until way further down the line
  • There are positive and negatives to the UK Government approach
  • The UK Government should be commended on the clear measurable positives so far - NHS capacity expansions, saving people's livelihoods (admittedly, after causing an economic crash with the lockdown)
  • The NHS so far has coped brilliantly and is seemingly nowhere near overall capacity, unlike many other health services around the world

I will add due to your lamentable, knowledge-lacking comments above, that by all accounts we are ahead of most countries on the vaccine front. As with most things regarding this, only time will tell though.
I seem to be getting into the same debates time and time again on various different media around this, most things I've mentioned before, but this is what I believe to be true:

  • We don't yet know enough about the virus - 'we' = the world
  • There are better alternatives to the current lockdown measures
  • The long term outlook for lockdown measures is not pretty
  • The stats show that most countries are following very similar trajectories
  • It's not possible to judge the overall result of individual countries until way further down the line
  • There are positive and negatives to the UK Government approach
  • The UK Government should be commended on the clear measurable positives so far - NHS capacity expansions, saving people's livelihoods (admittedly, after causing an economic crash with the lockdown)
  • The NHS so far has coped brilliantly and is seemingly nowhere near overall capacity, unlike many other health services around the world

I will add due to your lamentable, knowledge-lacking comments above, that by all accounts we are ahead of most countries on the vaccine front. As with most things regarding this, only time will tell though.

I did miss your response to this posting. Ireland had 39 deaths today (including care home deaths - which will be the focus of the Irish scandal here in the coming weeks). That 1000 a day deaths in the UK is being viewed as in some way par for the course is remarkable.
There were three measures that already show a strong correlation with managemnet

1: Early lockdown (unless you're really into killing 2% - 3% of your population)
2: Early dynamic testing
3: The use of facemasks amongst the civilian population (even improvised ones can block a sneeze/ cough)

The UK government failed on alll three of these, whereas a country like South Korea (8 new cases today) implemented all of them

The only thing the UK government can take any credit for is the Nightingale hospitals. That's the only thing they've done well (the army)

To suggest that the UK is on similar trajectories to most other countries is just disingenuous. They aren't

Discounting micro states (San Marino and Andorra) the UK currently has the fifth highest death rate in the world, and given that both Belgium and France are reporting nursing home deaths in their figures, there's every reason to believe its at least the fourth highest. The only countries still left above them (Spain and Italy) are about 2-3 weeks ahead of the UK

If that's your definition of "similar trajectory" Ali, or success, I honestly don't know what you'd call failure

Germany has a 25% bigger population than the UK, has detected 24,320 more cases (in line with population) but critically they've conducted three times the number of tests. What's really damning though is that the UK has four times the number of deaths. Germany, Austria, Portugal, Greece, Norway, Denmark and Poland have all shown what was possible, you might even throw Canada in there too
Thanks Ali, very informative and constructive contribution. Could you stand those points up for us so that I can advocate the correctly in other places? Ta.

I seem to be getting into the same debates time and time again on various different media around this, most things I've mentioned before, but this is what I believe to be true:

  • We don't yet know enough about the virus - 'we' = the world
  • There are better alternatives to the current lockdown measures
  • The long term outlook for lockdown measures is not pretty
  • The stats show that most countries are following very similar trajectories
  • It's not possible to judge the overall result of individual countries until way further down the line
  • There are positive and negatives to the UK Government approach
  • The UK Government should be commended on the clear measurable positives so far - NHS capacity expansions, saving people's livelihoods (admittedly, after causing an economic crash with the lockdown)
  • The NHS so far has coped brilliantly and is seemingly nowhere near overall capacity, unlike many other health services around the world

I will add due to your lamentable, knowledge-lacking comments above, that by all accounts we are ahead of most countries on the vaccine front. As with most things regarding this, only time will tell though.
I seem to be getting into the same debates time and time again on various different media around this, most things I've mentioned before, but this is what I believe to be true:

  • We don't yet know enough about the virus - 'we' = the world
  • There are better alternatives to the current lockdown measures
  • The long term outlook for lockdown measures is not pretty
  • The stats show that most countries are following very similar trajectories
  • It's not possible to judge the overall result of individual countries until way further down the line
  • There are positive and negatives to the UK Government approach
  • The UK Government should be commended on the clear measurable positives so far - NHS capacity expansions, saving people's livelihoods (admittedly, after causing an economic crash with the lockdown)
  • The NHS so far has coped brilliantly and is seemingly nowhere near overall capacity, unlike many other health services around the world

I will add due to your lamentable, knowledge-lacking comments above, that by all accounts we are ahead of most countries on the vaccine front. As with most things regarding this, only time will tell though.
Could almost come out of the textbook of , err, the much lamented namesake "Chemical Ali."
The big tell for me comes between March 11th and March 17th. I've mentioned it before but its worth underlining since these are hard dates with visibly observable actions

On March 11th the Chancellor delivered his budget. It's recorded in Hansard, and the Treasury's red book. During that budget he only made £5Bn available to fight the coronavirus. OK, that only tells half the story. The real information comes from the fact that the red book contains all his spending plans, his borrowing plans, and his economic growth forecasts. The only possible conclusion that you can come to from reading this, is that the government were in first gear at the time and nothing more

Then on March 17th of course he announces a radical departure from his budget, effectively rendering it obsolete at a stroke. We've got a fairly narrow window then to establish when the full gravity of the situation hit the government. It was somewhere in this period, and probably towards the tail of it (somewhere about the 15th/ 16th)

This then begs the question of whether the government really was following

This is an unprecedented global pandemic and we have taken the right steps at the right time to combat it, guided at all times by the best scientific advice."​

If they were, then we're being asked to believe that the scientific advisors have dropped the ball. The government's denial of the Times story seems to be throwing them under the bus. Is it really the case that the 'experts' only began to alter their advice in mid March, highly unlikely. Indeed, there was a former CSO on Sky yesterday who pretty much let the cat out of the bag. Clearly this guy knows the likes of Neil Fergusson and Patrick Vallance, but spoke to Fergusson's opinions. He was adamant that Fergusson was of the view in early February that this was a clear and present threat and needed priority action. What he also lamented was that when he held the position he was able secure an agreement from first Tony Blair and later Gordon Brown that he was able to speak to the public in order to establish credibility. This altered slightly under the coalition, who were more controlling of the messaging, but still he felt it was workable

He did concede that privately the CSO and CMO were able to speak truth to power without fear or favour, but that publicly they were being prevented from doing so to us, by the Johnson government. Instead they'd been reduced to the role of government shills, reinforcing views and narratives that they barely hold themselves. They might not have realised it yet, but they're slowly being scapegoated.

There was a report a few weeks ago that explained that Boris Johnson in particular, was more persuaded by the evidence given by the behavioural scientists over the epidemiologists and this is why he resisted an early action. If we decode his actions during this period against this report, then they do correlate.

That I'm afraid is a judgement call. History already suggests he got it wrong.

I should say perhaps in the interests of balance, that I am sympathetic to the limitations of 'experts' in a multi-disciplinary arena ("single issue crusaders" - as they're often called). Some professions are notorious for it, unable as they are to see things outside of their own silo, this is why we often need an all-rounder to pull it together, but that all-rounder needs to be good
It's not clear. They're denying the phrase, but either way, they're under pressure to do more. The problem as I understand it, is that locking the country down is probably illegal under Swedish law

Herd immunity in all but name then if you like. They can change such laws as it wouldn't be contrary to those set by their eu overlords
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