
Herd immunity in all but name then if you like. They can change such laws as it wouldn't be contrary to those set by their eu overlords

If it were EU law, it would apply across the whole community and no one could lock down. It's Swedish law.

The consensus is that they probably could change the law, but it would be immediately challenged in the courts and take longer to clear than the period it would need to be activated under
The shot of toilet duck might be the one that's grabbing the headlines, but I'm not so sure that his other batshit crazy idea isn't more deserving, the internal application of UV?

What in the name of God does he envisage? Some sort of mini dildo with a UV strobe circulating around our intestines shooting down the coronavirus?

I want to believe that the genesis of this idea doesn't resolve to him having spent hours of his life on a sunbed, but I can't

This is a man who has previously suggested building a moat on the southern border and filling it with snakes and alligators, trying to stop a hurricane by using a nuclear bomb, and raking up leaves across California's forests. For all this, I find it strangely comforting though to know that even our own useless political cohort aren't has insane and detached as America's
I heard that people in either Iran or Iraq had died from drinking bleach because they'd heard that it was a cure. Can't believe that the president of America would endorse it, though. Mind you, I think there could be a use for uv light; when I clean all of my shopping with a bleach solution I often wish I could zap it under some sort of uv light machine. I can cope with the social distancing stuff, being a bit of a miserable loner anyway, but I am sick of quarantining/disinfecting everything that comes to the house.
The middle-eastern epidemiologist who spoke to Dr John Campbell by video link in one of his youtube pieces mentioned people drinking bleach. Scary stuff.
The middle-eastern epidemiologist who spoke to Dr John Campbell by video link in one of his youtube pieces mentioned people drinking bleach. Scary stuff.

I wasn't sure if she was referring to Iran or Iraq in the video. Interesting that she thought plasma was the way forward. And agreed about VitD in BAEM people. I've arranged for VitD [and zinc] to be delivered to my family [obviously having to be quarantined on arrival]. My daughters anaesthetist friend has been taking VitD supplements since the outbreak.
Not in any way underestimating the threat to our old and vulnerable. However, given France & Spain are now close to martial law and we seem to be about a week behind them in decision making, the question has to to be asked if this is the biggest overreaction in history that threatens everything?
Think it was we ll opined a few months back that the virus might not survive heat around 25c.
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The middle-eastern epidemiologist who spoke to Dr John Campbell by video link in one of his youtube pieces mentioned people drinking bleach. Scary stuff.

I wasn't sure if she was referring to Iran or Iraq in the video. Interesting that she thought plasma was the way forward. And agreed about VitD in BAEM people. I've arranged for VitD [and zinc] to be delivered to my family [obviously having to be quarantined on arrival]. My daughters anaesthetist friend has been taking VitD supplements since the outbreak.
Analysis of the Irish website, where notices of almost all deaths in the country are placed, shows deaths so far this year in Ireland are around 500 more than expected. Official data indicate 365 virus deaths.

These anomalies can occur for innocent and valid reasons, we’ll just have to wait longer for the true situation to emerge.

The Irish authorities have today made an upward adjustment to the Covid mortality figures. An additional 185 deaths where the deceased is thought to have had the virus, but it was not confirmed, have been added to the total. This was done in order to comply with international guidelines on compiling the data. The new total stands at 1,014.

Meanwhile the Guardian and other papers still refer to Italy as having the second highest number of casualties while forgetting that the UK figure is probably higher by now.
It's now been disclosed that Cummings is on the SAGE committee; I had no idea he was a scientist....[no wonder it's a secret society...].
just looking at the American stats

So far 912,010 cases confirmed by test. Total deaths 51,453 (New Jersey overtook Germany today incidentally)

Anyway, that suggests that 5.6% of cases tested end in death (not as high as a lot of places yet). There's a lot cases which aren't presenting of course and not being tested, so the fatality rate is likely much lower, but these are the ones who've probably developed symptoms sufficiently be tested and counted

Active cases currently at 768,291

5.6% of 768,291 = 43,024

Currently 88% of American's that go on ventilators die. Significantly higher than most places (50%), but then possibly a product of obesity

Current number of cases listed as 'serious/ critical' = 14,932

88% of 14,932 = 13,140

13,140 + 43,024 = 56,164

Add that to their current death total = 107,617

And that is a really crude trend extrapolation projection

I want to buy Trump's quote of 60,000 please
I heard that people in either Iran or Iraq had died from drinking bleach because they'd heard that it was a cure. Can't believe that the president of America would endorse it, though. Mind you, I think there could be a use for uv light; when I clean all of my shopping with a bleach solution I often wish I could zap it under some sort of uv light machine. I can cope with the social distancing stuff, being a bit of a miserable loner anyway, but I am sick of quarantining/disinfecting everything that comes to the house.

I think you may be going a bit OTT with the shopping, Moe, and it makes me a little sad to see anyone disinfecting shopping and such like. I never go to that extreme and no problems, thus far at least :), but I guess you think it's needed for whatever reason and at least it's using some time up, so good luck to you.
A Catholic clergyman has died after being injected with disinfectant.

Donald Trump is being charged with bleach of the priest.
I think you may be going a bit OTT with the shopping, Moe, and it makes me a little sad to see anyone disinfecting shopping and such like. I never go to that extreme and no problems, thus far at least :), but I guess you think it's needed for whatever reason and at least it's using some time up, so good luck to you.

The virus lives on plastic much longer than it does on paper and cardboard. They're also asking people to not touch things in supermarkets [if possible] unless they're going to buy them. Until we know a lot more about this virus it's better to be safe than sorry!
I think you may be going a bit OTT with the shopping, Moe, and it makes me a little sad to see anyone disinfecting shopping and such like. I never go to that extreme and no problems, thus far at least :), but I guess you think it's needed for whatever reason and at least it's using some time up, so good luck to you.

The virus lives on plastic much longer than it does on paper and cardboard. They're also asking people to not touch things in supermarkets [if possible] unless they're going to buy them. Until we know a lot more about this virus it's better to be safe than sorry!
Dr Brian McCloskeym Director of Global Health, Public Health England, said you cannot catch it through your cannot be transmitted through skin or from skin to you can touch what you like as long as you remember not to put fingers in mouth/eyes/up your nose, which why would you do that anyway walking roung a supermarket/shop?
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Anyone who thinks “Lockdown” is going to be eased and possibly finished imminently must ask themselves the following:
1) How many countries have successfully come out of lockdown from Covid19?
Northern Japan are the latest to try and have now been hit by a second wave. The world waits on Italy and Spain.
2) Are the WHO correct in stating there is no proof of immunity if you recover?
If it’s true this renders any antibody test useless.
3) Does Herd Immunity work?
See point 2 and ask Sweden in a month
4) Masks: good idea?
Why not? Mandatory wearing of masks “could” prevent spread and allow work to at least happen, with any necessary restrictions.
5) The Economy: Beware the second wave, or refer to point 4

Probably 100 more at least.

We have case studies in Italy and Spain, France etc , even Sweden to follow: crazy that the USA isn’t one to look to on this!
Dr Brian McCloskeym Director of Global Health, Public Health England, said you cannot catch it through your cannot be transmitted through skin or from skin to you can touch what you like as long as you remember not to put fingers in mouth/eyes/up your nose, which why would you do that anyway walking roung a supermarket/shop?

Then, why all the clamour for gowns and gloves?
Seems to me (as a complete layman), that much of the original thinking is based on the flu virus, and nobody really knows how this new strain multiplies?
Dr Brian McCloskeym Director of Global Health, Public Health England, said you cannot catch it through your cannot be transmitted through skin or from skin to you can touch what you like as long as you remember not to put fingers in mouth/eyes/up your nose, which why would you do that anyway walking roung a supermarket/shop?

I thought that was common knowledge. It's the transmission from skin to the mucous membranes (nasal passages, mouth, eyes, lungs) that causes infection. Probably not a good idea to have a rummage around the nether regions with dirty hands either. Broken skin or a cut elsewhere on the body could be a route to infection, not sure.

Someone, probably one of the myriad epidemiologists who've been wheeled out, made the good point that we subconciously touch our faces a lot, which is why the hand washing advice is so important; and this is also one of the reasons why there's such a debate on the efficacy of face masks: little point wearing them if you're going to fiddle with them all the time
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But the whole point of wearing a mask is to stop you from infecting someone else. It isn't going to stop you from catching it; we're doing it to potentially save others. As for touching our faces I'm surprised at how often I touch my face; rub my nose cause it's itching etc. But if I'm wearing my glasses I have to make a conscious effort to take them off so I can rub my eyes. I'm sure the same applies to wearing a mask.It seems to be the norm in other countries; not sure why, over here people keep thinking up all sorts of reasons not to wear them. If I can, potentially save someones life by wearing a mask then I'll do so. I reckon the young will embrace mask wearing, and they're not at high risk. If they're happy to do so for me than I'm more than happy to do so for others. It's just annoying that, if it isn't made mandatory, the one person in a supermarket who decides wearing a mask is inconvenient could well be the person that infects everyone else.