
I`d file that away under "Nonsense", DO.

My first thought was 'surely not' but lots of stuff has come to my attention from the same source and 90% of it is on the money. The recent Alex Salmond* acquittal is another event that was predicted even before the trial began as the word was that it was all a political fit-up by high-ranking SNP women.

I plan to talk to a different person later. We know of people very much in the front line on the battle against coronavirus. They will be able to tell us if they themselves were issued with the instruction (which I know they would ignore).

(*Alex Salmond may have been acquitted of the charges against him but someone I know personally used to work in the Scottish Office in Edinburgh. She was once told if she was going to a meeting at which AS was in attendance, she was strongly advised to wear trousers rather than a skirt as he had a reputation.)
So the missus' aunt has been diagnosed with coronavirus. There may be some indirect contact, so it's quarantine for a couple of weeks for me.

If someone wants to deliver some beer to the door......
So the missus' aunt has been diagnosed with coronavirus. There may be some indirect contact, so it's quarantine for a couple of weeks for me.

If someone wants to deliver some beer to the door......

Exactly the same mrs went to her mates last week,fuming i am as her mate phoned her and her son has raging temperature,anyone falling ill siddenly with temps you have to take it as a given count the days now..
So the missus' aunt has been diagnosed with coronavirus. There may be some indirect contact, so it's quarantine for a couple of weeks for me.

If someone wants to deliver some beer to the door......
All the best for you and the family Simmo. Stay safe.
I don't generally follow the non racing threads but would like to wish everyone on the forum well at this time.

I hope that no-one here is directly impacted and that everyone close to you is taking precautions and are in good health too

Best wishes guys and gals
I echo your post Granger. God bless you all and yours.

My iPad is permanently logged in to this site and it is definitely one of the sites I visit most frequently. I can’t abide much of the stuff on Twitter, Facebook ,etc. The racing closedown takes away not only my enjoyment of a sport I enjoy but also a sense of involvement that I get from racing.
In a lockdown this is a place to go and perhaps we can all adjust our focus for a while and develop the General side of the Forum..
He has done the right thing, DO.

No point bottling Corona up (excuse the pun).
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He has done the right thing, DO.

No point bottling Corona up (excuse the pun).

Classic dom,another excuse to do fa..although if true the BBC need checking for all the ass licking they have done especially kuenssberg,peston etc,etc..
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Oh for goodness sake, when are you going to stop slag, slag, slagging the Government? You just don’t stop!

I would have thought anyone most likely to get it, is the PM. The guy looks shattered. And now the Health Secretary has it too. I suppose that’s made up too?
Oh for goodness sake, when are you going to stop slag, slag, slagging the Government? You just don’t stop!

I would have thought anyone most likely to get it, is the PM. The guy looks shattered. And now the Health Secretary has it too. I suppose that’s made up too?

You are joking,he's never done a days work in his life off to the caribbean then sat in a masion for 10 days then called herd immunity on the whole population back tracked and caused unecessasry deaths,bar the fact he's a racist,mysogynist left his wife while she had cancer cheating on her numerous times had other that had abortions..The man is absoute scum of the earth,with no empathy with an obvious drink problewm..I will never forgive or forget what these lowlifes have done in 6 montths nor forgetting this puppett is mainly instigated by the putrid dominic cummings..Please don't tell me what i can say about johnson and this rancid government,i havn't even started yet till they are buried forever..
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There's nothing wrong with having a drinking problem...:ninja: :lol:

Obviously there was a list as long as your arm i can add if needed bar the drinking,sackings etc think you'd have to be a staunch tory not to think the mans not a complete imbecile totally out of his depth..let's have a happy clap for the NHS while not providing them with PPE,what an absolute bunch of verminous lowlifes they are..Great photo opportunity while knowing he had the virus,,if its true of course whatever,just shows their mentality..Will leave it to the tories to think this is great stuff..i'm sure the BBC will..
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I certainly hoped Boris would not be selected to lead the Tories into the last election and remain apprehensive about his stance on many things. It may well be that HMG followed the wrong path in the early days of this Crisis (hindsight will enable us to judge) but in many ways they have reacted pretty well, certainly above my expectations.
The country was not in any way prepared for this and the NHS has been neglected by successive governments to a point where it cannot fulfill some of it’s basic functions let alone cope with a crisis. Lessons to be learned and remedies applied.
As to dealing with Crisis some tough and unpleasant measures are required and have been implemented and some impressive actions to safeguard jobs and provide financial support where necessary put in place. The Chancellor and his staff have ,to my mind, initiated some ambitious and sensible programmes and are being unfairly criticised for the time they are taking. A massive task, given the scale and depleted staff resources. Good luck and Godspeed to them!
Staff resources and the sheer level of demand are going to cause delays in providing funding through Universal credit but what other solution is there?
On the bright side the general response of the public has shown that there is still a preponderance of decent people in the country and that huge numbers of people are putting themselves at risk to help others.
Lessons to be learned ?,they've been saying that for ten years all they do is what they think will sway public opinion,the measures they have introduced they had no choice not unless they wanted riots and looting,they were just following all other EU countries actions,labour were suggesting these actions to government..Also it wasn't hindsight,i don't know anyone that thought going the herd immunity route was the way to go,unless of course if you are a tory voter/supporter arrogant enough to think you know better than all other countries,so either arrogance or complete incompotence and relying on luck and never been done before with no vaccine.The huge u-turn phew 1000s of lives saved,just sweep that under the csrpet err no i don't think so!!
Lack of PPE for all NHS staff has cost lives and will cost more as well,then the government have the cheek to ask others to help them out who knew?Add in the retired nurses and doctors called back because of underfunding that we've only be warned about for a decade 40,000 short of staff,chuck on top the brexit disaster,ignoring the offer of ventilators from the EU more brexit arrogance then blame it on an emailing letter. once we know we are in the sh1t more lies.There are many many more and i'm pretty sure the list of errors will grow over the coming 5 years..they are doing a great job well thats what the BBC and laura keep telling everyone i don'rt watch the BBC propaganda for the tories but i'm sure large parts of the country will believe them ''we're all in it together :lol: ..idealogues that will do and say anything to keep power..

Lowest number of NHS beds per 1000 in Europe..but lets keep letting them off the hook not just that but thank them for the pleasure..

If I was Dominic Cummings, I would tell the PM to pretend he had caught the virus, then prompt the media response 'we are all in it together!', 'get well soon you're doing a great job'.

I'm sure he will get better soon after following his own 'fantastic advice' & thanks to the NHS..:lol::lol::ninja:

The other scenario is that he has it,but said he was shaking hands with patients who had the disease in hospital so whichever one you take the man is a complete fcuking idiot regardless...thus endangering others..take your pick.Complete fcking idiots all of them no social distancing i'm sure the plebs will overlook it all..
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The one thing that surprised me about BJ's announcement today was, as far as I could see, he talked about his persistent cough yet he spoke for five minutes about his symptoms and never coughed once.

I do hope he doesn't have it (despite the report of the positive test) as I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

My wife has been coughing on and off for a year and the NHS are doing nothing for her other than telling her to keep taking her inhaler. My daughter has been coughing on and off for about six weeks and the NHS have done nothing for her. "It's a virus. You'll get over it."
The one thing that surprised me about BJ's announcement today was, as far as I could see, he talked about his persistent cough yet he spoke for five minutes about his symptoms and never coughed once.

I do hope he doesn't have it (despite the report of the positive test) as I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

My wife has been coughing on and off for a year and the NHS are doing nothing for her other than telling her to keep taking her inhaler. My daughter has been coughing on and off for about six weeks and the NHS have done nothing for her. "It's a virus. You'll get over it."

Never trust the tories
You are joking,he's never done a days work in his life off to the caribbean then sat in a masion for 10 days then called herd immunity on the whole population back tracked and caused unecessasry deaths,bar the fact he's a racist,mysogynist left his wife while she had cancer cheating on her numerous times had other that had abortions..The man is absoute scum of the earth,with no empathy with an obvious drink problewm..I will never forgive or forget what these lowlifes have done in 6 montths nor forgetting this puppett is mainly instigated by the putrid dominic cummings..Please don't tell me what i can say about johnson and this rancid government,i havn't even started yet till they are buried forever..
And we'll all live happily ever after in a Corbyniste Utopia?
Give it a rest, would you?