
1.01 landed on you as well lmfao !

Did it or did not originate in China? A simple enough question even. And if you say it didn't then where?

Wait a minute while the fake tan sets, there you go, CCCCHHHII---NNAAAAHHH!!!!
1.01 landed on you as well lmfao !

Did it or did not originate in China? A simple enough question even. And if you say it didn't then where?

Wait a minute while the fake tan sets, there you go, CCCCHHHII---NNAAAAHHH!!!!

Oh dear..the mask slips...i've been waiting..!!
Oh dear..the mask slips...i've been waiting..!!

I'm waiting for you to regale me with how the cia/mossad (aren't they much the same thing in your eyes?) implanted it in pangolins and dropped them into Wuhan in CChhii-nnaahhh to bring down the glorious socialist republic and undermine their manufacturing base at the very least, obviously taking lessons learned from their actions in cuba against saint fidel.
I'm waiting for you to regale me with how the cia/mossad (aren't they much the same thing in your eyes?) implanted it in pangolins and dropped them into Wuhan in CChhii-nnaahhh to bring down the glorious socialist republic and undermine their manufacturing base at the very least, obviously taking lessons learned from their actions in cuba against saint fidel.

I must check to see if that's what they're putting in the Morning Star hahahahahahahahahahhahahah CChhhhiiii----nnaaahhhhh!!!!
Council here have told my partner to work from home from tomorrow,she's a new employee as well so not learnt the job yet,surely the lockdown is imminent..

Cuomo is New York is different gravy,can you imagine anyone in our government being so coherrent,also saying politically he could be finished he couldn't careless i've done the right thing pure class..

I've been temping at a council for nearly 21 months: out of 14 in the section, I am virtually the only one going in because partly I am not set up to work from home I think effectively and second someone has to go in ( so my boss is happy for me to go in 5 days a week as the only one going in, ignoring the other people on the floor in other departments , who virtually to a man are not going in, see another post about the mick take that is allowed to go on in normal circumstances) because invoices/credits need sending out via post, payments need sending out.recording as received, direct debits need sending out and to the banks by post, system needs up dating with people who want deferred payments/change of service etc etc etc....I have been bombarded today (at home as had hospital this afternoon) with 'can you do this tomorrow, can you do that' because they know I am due to go in tomorrow. Someone has to go in and do these things. Most of them are pretty menial but we are trying to help. If we send a direct debit mandate to pay, it means people don't have to go to the bank, or the offices or anywhere to pay. A lot of the clients we deal with are elderly. it's bad enough now with people 'working from home' who are not...if they shut the offices the whole system will collapse. Compared to the emergency services we are not that important but to the elderly/disabled client who only has a button to push for help, we are.
I've been temping at a council for nearly 21 months: out of 14 in the section, I am virtually the only one going in because partly I am not set up to work from home I think effectively and second someone has to go in ( so my boss is happy for me to go in 5 days a week as the only one going in, ignoring the other people on the floor in other departments , who virtually to a man are not going in, see another post about the mick take that is allowed to go on in normal circumstances) because invoices/credits need sending out via post, payments need sending out.recording as received, direct debits need sending out and to the banks by post, system needs up dating with people who want deferred payments/change of service etc etc etc....I have been bombarded today (at home as had hospital this afternoon) with 'can you do this tomorrow, can you do that' because they know I am due to go in tomorrow. Someone has to go in and do these things. Most of them are pretty menial but we are trying to help. If we send a direct debit mandate to pay, it means people don't have to go to the bank, or the offices or anywhere to pay. A lot of the clients we deal with are elderly. it's bad enough now with people 'working from home' who are not...if they shut the offices the whole system will collapse. Compared to the emergency services we are not that important but to the elderly/disabled client who only has a button to push for help, we are.

They aren't shutting them completely just advising most to go home bar the odd few people like yourself i presume 90% will be sent home,people in post room etc supose if there's only a hanful in huge premises then risk is minimal.
A close relative works as a doctor in a local hospital and they've just been on the phone and told me they've shut down the children's ward and if your kid needs urgent medical attention it's head to Great Ormond Street
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They aren't shutting them completely just advising most to go home bar the odd few people like yourself i presume 90% will be sent home,people in post room etc supose if there's only a hanful in huge premises then risk is minimal.

Already happened at the council I am at , this is week 2, and already falling apart.
Ironic isn't it?

The intellectual and cultural hub of Western Europe. The place we are all supposedly missing out on by not residing in - London - is where the disease will be spreading.

A bunch of hippies sharing four cans of strongbow on Hampstead Heath today no doubt.
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London is different. Whilst there are still some pockets of streets where the old style Londoners live, it is totally different to the city that stood up to the blitz. The sell-off of council properties meant that people could move to a house in the suburbs. Their former properties were gradually acquired by landlords , both small and large, and are rented out. Slum clearance and the 70’s ‘modern’ rebuilding meant blocks and blocks of flats. Huge estates built around monstrous tower blocks. Prices went up and older houses became several flats and were rented out.
People from all over the UK came to London, jobs were plentiful and better paid than elsewhere. The allure of London also attracted people from all over the world. An apparent Eldorado though much of the money stays with the rich.
Many people don’t know the people in block or even the house they live. The Cheery Chappie Cockney is a rare animal soon to be extinct. They all moved to Dagenham, Basildon, and the New towns. Many work on zero hours contracts whilst the young techie types earn good money but work all hours. Social networks are more likely to be work based rather than family oriented. The family networks of the various immigrant are either non existent or based on foreign cultures. Often they exclude outsiders.
The result is a great number of people who are either desperate to keep working to support their small family or lonely and seek connection with work colleagues who may live miles from them. Can you imagine 12 weeks isolation in such circumstances.
I don’t condone how London behaves but it is understandable. I feel sorry for them but not for the stupid f****** that don’t care.

I’m fortunate to have a solid supportive family and friends network that is supplemented by generous neighbours and live in a rural area that retains a strong community element. Some of my neighbours, especially the big man, won’t accept payment. The warm feeling alone doesn’t necessarily mean I’m not concerned but it helps massively. I dread to think what it would be like stuck on my own in London.
Today the USA reported (so far) 9398 new cases, taking them to 42964 total but are only reporting 111 deaths?
I thought CHI-NAHS figures were looking suspect but at least you saw the hospitals but these US figures absolutely stink as well,do me a favour obviously some huge manipulation of figures...remember the remarks about obesity etc and the poor health of americans i suppose this will go unquestioned as well..

Israel 1442 1 death :lol::lol::lol:

Never ever trust Trump.
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Did anyone else get a text this morning from the UK Government telling us to stay indoors?

I'm just wondering if I'm paranoid.

I went out shortly after 8am to go to the local Aldi. I haven't been stockpiling or panic buying, just trying to keep things normal, stopping off at the shop to take a wee blue basket and pick up what I needed for the next day or two, even though I haven't been able to get my usual 19p pack of spaghetti or pasta sauce or my 864-pack of bogroll.

But this morning I needed to make sure we had an extra loaf and milk following Bojo's pronouncement last night - STAY INDOORS - EVERYBODY - (unless you're just going out in pairs) - I MEAN IT - STAY INDOORS - (unless you need to get some messages in) - STAY INDOORS...

Shortly after I got home, i got the text.

Is big brother watching me?

Are CCTV cameras IDing reg plates and relaying the numbers to a computer that then sends out a message?
I work for Fedex and we have to stay open as we collect from cleaning companies and hospitals and on the way in this morning I'm passing Clive Hurt lorries, taxi drivers, roofing company vans with multiple people inside. It's a country full of retards.
Today the USA reported (so far) 9398 new cases, taking them to 42964 total but are only reporting 111 deaths?
I thought CHI-NAHS figures were looking suspect but at least you saw the hospitals but these US figures absolutely stink as well,do me a favour obviously some huge manipulation of figures...remember the remarks about obesity etc and the poor health of americans i suppose this will go unquestioned as well..

Israel 1442 1 death :lol::lol::lol:

Never ever trust Trump.

USA are doing far more testing than us. If we do 25k a day as Boris says we’ll have similar ratios.
I work for Fedex and we have to stay open as we collect from cleaning companies and hospitals and on the way in this morning I'm passing Clive Hurt lorries, taxi drivers, roofing company vans with multiple people inside. It's a country full of retards.

I live on a busy B road and thought it would be really quiet this morning like the school holidays. Not a bit of it and yes I’ve seen plenty of cars with more than one person inside. Are they really all key workers? On the plus side apparently there are police about checking so they might get a shock!

I normally go and look after someone’s horses twice a day but his daughter is home so I am not going up there. Instead been worming sheep at home and about to tackle the mowing when the grass dries. It’s times like these when I really do appreciate that I live in the country and at least have access to our fields and animals.
I work for Fedex and we have to stay open as we collect from cleaning companies and hospitals and on the way in this morning I'm passing Clive Hurt lorries, taxi drivers, roofing company vans with multiple people inside. It's a country full of retards.

It's the dangers of Boris allowing people to define whether work is 'essential' on a personal basis.

Basically if it pays, then it's essential to me, and that's the calculation people are making. My work is essential, but yours isn't because it's you that gets paid for that. Everyone other than me is non essential etc
London is different. I dread to think what it would be like stuck on my own in London.

Yes my mum feels the same. Mid 60's with chronic COPD, she is panicked enough where we both live now in the North of England.

I was born and raised in London. Left when I was 18 for a few reasons that there's no reason to go into.

I have no problem with London changing. Change is good. Like you though I despair at people going on their jollies.

I have some good friends down there who I speak to on a daily basis. Old football managers etc, from when I was a kid and a few others I grew close to while growing up.
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